Northwest switching from SOC 2 to SOC 1?

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Re: Northwest switching from SOC 2 to SOC 1?

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

RollTribe09 wrote:Valley did not bump down to SOC 1 in baseball. They got bumped down to D IV due to enrollment by the state.
Ok, I apologize for that part of my statement. I had thought someone told me that but I must have misinterpreted them.

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Re: Northwest switching from SOC 2 to SOC 1?

Post by sider »

Mixed emotions about this one. I agree with Iron Falcon's statement in that you shouldn't be able to drop down a division to make yourself feel good, and someone has to be on the bottom on the division in every sport. On the other hand look at this way, Northwest has the most spread out enrollment and is probably the most disadvantaged monetarily. The last time they beat their respective league opponents were Burg in 72 (I think), West in 95, Minford in 05, Valley in 91 (I think), Waverly in 2010 (which is recent). They have had successful coaches that have not had much success. Tipton and Hall never had winning seasons and I remember in Hall's second year they only had 25 kids on the team. The last winning season they had was in 97 and the last non losing was 00. They need something to invigorate the program. Being independent would of been nice, but in this day and age you almost have to join a league to play a full schedule. However, I think the plan should be to bump Northwest back to Soc 2 eventually.

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Re: Northwest switching from SOC 2 to SOC 1?

Post by 4thgoal »

After looking at the website, I was a little shocked to see that Northwest has more wins against Wheelersburg than Valley or Minford. I didn't look through to see when those wins took place, but here is Burg's record vs. the current SOCII schools.
West 33-20-3
Waverly 34-17
Northwest 44-8
Minford 50-6
Valley 33-3

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