Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by 1987chieftains »

i with ya know all

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by wrestler87 »

know all wrote:i seen boy s who didnt even want to play last night,no heart at all -none.going to be a long year, we are spoiled in logan and yes i will say it not the greatest coaching either.we dont have the talent to run the spread we need to go back to running the -i form-thats what we have the talent for.
Just think, during that stretch of consecutive incompletions to one of our receivers and good athletes in the 1st half what might have happened if he were behind Graham and we just handed the ball to him? Surely would have been better than zero yards at least once IMO.
Why do we dive on a ball bound for the end zone on like the 5 yard line when there aren't any other players (line-drive kick) for 15 yards? Could have been on the 20.
Judging from the stats from the last 2 weeks it seems Logan isn't being pushed around, they are giving up field position. Poor decision making often is the largest contributing factor. Call it inexperience, call it coaching. I for one would have gone for a couple of power yards to get Logan's punter out of the end zone (safety!) before I even thought of passing or running from the spread formation. I didn't expect to be any better, or any worse than 1-2 right now. Last night still burns.
Saw one receiver in particular give up on a deep pass which was almost caught by Reynoldsburg. Wouldn't have even been there to make the tackle. Hope the heart comes back for the rest of the season. Play with Chieftain Pride!
Also, I didn't do the math, but if Logan were trying to build a playoff caliber team, the first 3 games should give some indication of what works and what doesn't against that type of team. Completion percentage including drops should be weighed against our ability to rush. Which one IS actually better? Again, maybe the spread isn't what this team is built for. Just maybe there should be an I-formation package further developed for teams who aren't giving our QB time to make his decisions/progressions? Just my observation.

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by loganlocos »

caglewis wrote:Awww - Logan lost again!!! How about if I call your team the "chieftoons" - just a joke?? You know like all you Logan posters call Ironton's team the "tiggers"? The Ironton Fighting Tigers are 3 -0!!
The Joke is on you. One decade and counting since Ironton won a championship of any kind. The Notre Dame of Ohio high school football. Too bad there is no Brian Kelly coming to save the Tigers.

I've never called Ironton anything but "Ironton" or "Tigers." Good Luck on Friday, but you won't need it - "It's just Ashland" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by loganlocos »

Let's not forget....

2005 - Gahanna 48, Logan 0
2006 - Lancaster 38, Logan 0
2007 - Lancaster 31, Logan 7

Remember, Amyx started 0-5 and finished 2-8 his first season after Logan had lost only 3 SEOAL games in 5 previous seasons.

Lets not act like the current coach and his staff can't get the job done after 3 weeks on the job. Lets have a little patience.

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by C-Bolt »

I-TOWN hasn;t set the world on fire yet,even their own fans are complaining about playing down to the competition so, it don;t sound that good in tigerland either,,looks like yet another early exit in the playoffs but I know I know at least yall got there right,,well if ya play a halfway decent team for once I might even come watch ya come week 11 we'll see...Seems like Logan is regressing instead of progressing,Wolfe was so confident acting leading up to the game saying how well the chiefs matched up with Reynoldsburg and how they didn't bring in fresh people to make it even better for Logan,he did mention they had some speed which should have sent up a red flag but maybe he didn;'t want to lose the players confidence who knows,but as long as Graham can come back I believe Logan will be in more of a comfort zone competition wise now and should be competitive,now we'll see how good of coach Wolfe is, can he keep them together and make them play hard,this Friday we should find out. stay tuned

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan


Reynoldsburg is not very good against competition up here in C-bus but they do have a lot of what you can't teach, speed.

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by loganlocos »

FANOSPORTS wrote:Reynoldsburg is not very good against competition up here in C-bus but they do have a lot of what you can't teach, speed.
No doubt. And that was the difference. The final score indicates that Logan played one of the absolute worst game I've ever seen them play. Lancaster and Pick North will both handle Reynoldsburg, yet Logan stayed in the game with both of those teams.

Mistakes made the margin. Reynoldsburg was the better team, but not 40 points better.

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Re: Week 3 Reynoldsburg @ Logan

Post by moonshine »

One of the most uninspirering performances I have ever wittness! This group of seniors better decide if they want to play ball! Undisciplined and way too many mental mistakes.
There is no way Reynoldsburg is 40 point better. Now lets forget this game and get ready for Jackson!

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