Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by IBTT »

If that could be controlled it would be wonderful...however I don't believe it is something that our president or anyone in the OHSAA is too interested in stopping anytime soon...these schools like Hartley that are in the big city can pull from the whole area...there's nothing that can be done...as long as that is the way it is...it will be tough to get out of the region...

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by IBTT »

As far as winning 8/9 games a season and not making a playoff game...that's your ad's fault...must have been playing very weak competition...or talking about early eighties when only a couple of teams went...I remember the team from ironton in the early eighties that I feel could have been the best team Ironton ever had..but missed the playoffs by a half a point...because a team dropped them from their schedule late in the year and Ironton only had nine games...before they devided it by the # of games you played...

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by Rvbballdude »

It was 70's early 80's so i know what it's like to have no post season after a great season.
Single A was so tough because there were prob 500 single A schools and 8 made the playoffs in the entire state, let the kids have a post season. It's not giving Jimmy a trophy for playing i think you should have to have a winning record though!

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by NewEra »

Is Zane Trace in with a win? This is what I am seeing.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by maniac66 »

As the format is it rewards a team for not only a great season but by having to work for it with a strength of schedule.
If a team goes 7-3 8-2 or even 9-1 then they need to look at what they are doing wrong.
I know some teams have down years that may be on your schedule but you look at the overall scheme of it.
To allow more more teams into the post-season would be good for no one.
Would a team rather go 6-4 with a weak schedule and not make the playoffs.
Or go 6-4 with a wek schedule and get bet 60 something to nothing ?
Now that being said you make see a good team get left out today do to a weak schedule but it is the best playoff format I think avaliable.
You can be like KY and go 2-8 and make playoffs because of their so called district format.
But with it set at 8 teams per region I believe that should be good enough.
Sometimes more is not better to make the playoffs is every schools goal no doubt.
But ever goal should be earned and not give.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

NewEra wrote:Is Zane Trace in with a win? This is what I am seeing.
In my opinion It really depends on whether Martins Ferry beats Bellaire or Unioto beats Paint Valley or not. If Martins Ferry wins they will move up to the 7 seed and bump Harrison Central down to 8th, if Martins Ferry loses they are out. If Unioto beats Paint Valley and Martins Ferry loses to Bellaire then Unioto will move to the 8 seed bumping Zane Trace.

Zane Trace needs both Martins Ferry and Unioto to get beat to keep the 8 seed by my calculations.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

IBTT wrote:As far as winning 8/9 games a season and not making a playoff game...that's your ad's fault...must have been playing very weak competition...or talking about early eighties when only a couple of teams went...I remember the team from ironton in the early eighties that I feel could have been the best team Ironton ever had..but missed the playoffs by a half a point...because a team dropped them from their schedule late in the year and Ironton only had nine games...before they devided it by the # of games you played...
It was Irontons 78 Team that was probably the best Team Ironton ever had that didn't make the Playoffs, They ended up playing just 9 games because Logan High school Teachers went on strike giving the Tigers only 9 games and narrowly missing the playoffs. They were in AA at the time and only four teams made it to the playoffs.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by FalconPride »

I would agree that Div IV Reg 15 is a weak region in regards to other regions within division IV. However, the same statement can be made with all regions in all divisions since the OHSAA changed the playoff format from 4 teams to 8 teams many years ago. With today's playoffs approximately 25% of all school make the playoffs and this by its very nature weakens each region. With that being said, I think that every high school football player would rather make the playoffs in a weak region instead of turning in their equipment after week 10!

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by IBTT »

ohbuckeye2 wrote:
IBTT wrote:As far as winning 8/9 games a season and not making a playoff game...that's your ad's fault...must have been playing very weak competition...or talking about early eighties when only a couple of teams went...I remember the team from ironton in the early eighties that I feel could have been the best team Ironton ever had..but missed the playoffs by a half a point...because a team dropped them from their schedule late in the year and Ironton only had nine games...before they devided it by the # of games you played...
It was Irontons 78 Team that was probably the best Team Ironton ever had that didn't make the Playoffs, They ended up playing just 9 games because Logan High school Teachers went on strike giving the Tigers only 9 games and narrowly missing the playoffs. They were in AA at the time and only four teams made it to the playoffs.
Actually, I believe I think it was the '83 season...

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by Railroadn »

FalconPride wrote:I would agree that Div IV Reg 15 is a weak region in regards to other regions within division IV. However, the same statement can be made with all regions in all divisions since the OHSAA changed the playoff format from 4 teams to 8 teams many years ago. With today's playoffs approximately 25% of all school make the playoffs and this by its very nature weakens each region. With that being said, I think that every high school football player would rather make the playoffs in a weak region instead of turning in their equipment after week 10!
Yes this is true. And had they not expanded to 8 teams in 99, irontons 6-3 #8 seed 99 tigers would have never gotten the chance to play in the state championship game. You make a good point falconpride.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by bman »

No problem with eight getting in. It rewards the programs who do play daunting schedules and go 7-3. I'd keep it there, however.

As mentioned earlier, taking some of the traditionally strong programs out of the region to others or down a division has hurt.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by IBTT »

7 divisions has to be for the $$$$ unless they were to set aside one division for private schools only...then it would level the field somewhat...

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by maniac66 »

If I heard right on the radio friday night there was suppose to be a meeting and maybe a vote on what to do with the private high school programs never got the full issue of it or what they was going to actually discuss.
Anyone know anything of this

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by theburgtheword »

Zane Trace would be the #8 seed with a record of 4-6 if the following happens:
1. ZT beats Southeastern. (Should happen)
2. Hamilton Township beats Bloom-Carroll (Should happen)
3. 'Bellaire beats Martins Ferry (Should happen)
4. Paint Valley beats Unioto. ?????

Zane Trace getting in at 4-6 is not impossible. The three wins that they do have are against teams with winning records including McClain who could make the playoffs in Region 12.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

IBTT wrote:
ohbuckeye2 wrote:
IBTT wrote:As far as winning 8/9 games a season and not making a playoff game...that's your ad's fault...must have been playing very weak competition...or talking about early eighties when only a couple of teams went...I remember the team from ironton in the early eighties that I feel could have been the best team Ironton ever had..but missed the playoffs by a half a point...because a team dropped them from their schedule late in the year and Ironton only had nine games...before they devided it by the # of games you played...
It was Irontons 78 Team that was probably the best Team Ironton ever had that didn't make the Playoffs, They ended up playing just 9 games because Logan High school Teachers went on strike giving the Tigers only 9 games and narrowly missing the playoffs. They were in AA at the time and only four teams made it to the playoffs.
Actually, I believe I think it was the '83 season...
I graduated in 82, was a Freshmen during the 78 season and that's when Logans Teachers went on strike causing the 78 team to miss the Playoffs. The 78 Team was probably better than the 79 Team that won the State Championship IMO.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by IBTT »

That team was very good too...it was I believe linsley academic out of wva who dropped ironton in '83...that was a great group also...

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by maniac66 »

It may have been man WV they was a power house back then in AA that dropped Ironton

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by Crab's Brother »

Does anyone want the last two spots in this region? Looks like at least 3 six win teams in this one.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by Railroadn »

last 2 spots are definitely up for grabs.

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Re: Division IV Region 15: Worst it has ever been?

Post by Railroadn »

[quote="teamwork"]Zane Trace would be the #8 seed with a record of 4-6 if the following happens:
1. ZT beats Southeastern. (Should happen)
2. Hamilton Township beats Bloom-Carroll (Should happen)
3. 'Bellaire beats Martins Ferry (Should happen)
4. Paint Valley beats Unioto. ?????

Zane Trace getting in at 4-6 is not impossible. The three wins that they do have are against teams with winning records including McClain who could make the playoffs in Region 12.[/quote

Don't think I've ever seen a 4-6 team make it before. Just for that reason alone I find myself rooting for them.

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