Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs


oldmo31 wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:32 pm Why not save me the trouble and post name,grade,address,of NC and you can put it all to rest. I am sure they all just live down the street.
I do not live in Newark. It's all good you showed you colors now go enjoy basketball season. Until the team you root for gets spanked by a private school and then you may come back on here and cry more tears.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by oldmo31 »

There’s plenty in basketball.The last time the girls played basketball with NC, they were doing all the crying.Two years in a row. I believe the big girl they had played for Sheridan the year before. I imagine it does get tiresome with all the associations with recruiting.NC was definitely better than Eastern,better athletes.When you get to pick and choose,they should be.We will just have to do with the 25 to 30 kids that come out to play.As all the public small schools in Southeast Ohio do.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by BigBoneJerome »

NC needs to be playing D1 schools.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs


Funny during the two back to back 307 seasons, public schools were not crying about Newark Catholic.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by efarns »

LICKING COUNTY FAN wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:16 pm Funny during the two back to back 307 seasons, public schools were not crying about Newark Catholic.
It's funny how all your rationalizations for how Newark Catholic is so great never apply to those 3-7 seasons.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by formerfcfan »

efarns wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:17 am
LICKING COUNTY FAN wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:16 pm Funny during the two back to back 307 seasons, public schools were not crying about Newark Catholic.
It's funny how all your rationalizations for how Newark Catholic is so great never apply to those 3-7 seasons.
Look at their schedules.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs


About the same as it is this year.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by efarns »

I don't even know why you would bother denying this. NC hasn't done anything wrong. Evidence shows that being a small school in a large population area can be advantageous if you let it be. Your denial is pointless.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by dilligaf »

They do have advantage of players thats for sure but all the small schools around here could do the same with open enrollment.Just like this year Trimble cold have used a few players around here and might have won it all.Its the players choice we could make a all start team also but everyone wants to play for there school i mean if it bothers everyone then maybe some people need to make the move and play at small schools here in our area.I think only way we win a state title in Athens County is if some of the players come over to Trimble from ny and athens or trimble and athens to ny.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by efarns »

dilligaf wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:39 pm They do have advantage of players thats for sure but all the small schools around here could do the same with open enrollment.Just like this year Trimble cold have used a few players around here and might have won it all.Its the players choice we could make a all start team also but everyone wants to play for there school i mean if it bothers everyone then maybe some people need to make the move and play at small schools here in our area.I think only way we win a state title in Athens County is if some of the players come over to Trimble from ny and athens or trimble and athens to ny.
That can be helpful to a point, but Licking County is still a much deeper talent pool.

Licking County has 173,000 people

Washington + Morgan + Meigs + Noble + Monroe+Athens County has a population of 184,000 people. We'd have to draw from every single county that borders our county to really make it an even playing field. Again, I don't say that any of these small schools in more populated areas are doing anything underhanded. I just don't care for people from those places
1. Looking down on our programs like our kids or coaches are just inferior.
2. Living in denial about the advantages they have.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by nc green wave »

The problem with your theory is that you are insinuating that Newark Catholic can actually get each and every one of those kids that live in Licking County.

Fact is that NC has no chance at 99% of those kids due to their affiliation/dedication to another school, religious beliefs, cost of tuition, etc.

If NC was out there selecting specific kids while denying specific kids then your argument would have merit.

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by efarns »

nc green wave wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:08 pm The problem with your theory is that you are insinuating that Newark Catholic can actually get each and every one of those kids that live in Licking County.

Fact is that NC has no chance at 99% of those kids due to their affiliation/dedication to another school, religious beliefs, cost of tuition, etc.

If NC was out there selecting specific kids while denying specific kids then your argument would have merit.
In insinuated nothing of the kind. Can you validate your 99% assertion?

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by formerfcfan »

Fact is that NC has no chance at 99% of those kids due to their affiliation/dedication to another school, religious beliefs, cost of tuition, etc.
I’ll validate this with what I’ve seen at my school, and what I know about what the other small Catholics are facing.

There are three factors that come into play: two that are market forces and the third being what the school is doing. The market forces are simple: education is a commodity in the purest sense, with private education being one that carries extra freight (tuition, transportation difficulties). There are families that can afford the tuition but choose not to enroll their kids into the parochial system for a wide variety of reasons (religious reasons, ardent support for their local system of education, a belief that their local private school isn’t the best fit for their child for any variety of reasons, etc.) There are some, although I suspect it to be a dwindling number, families that want Catholic education for their children but can’t make the dollars and cents work for their financial well-being short-term and long-term (this is especially exacerbated when you have two children within one or two years of each other, as it’s effectively double the tuition.) On the part of the schools: the schools have absolutely no imperative whatsoever to turn profits— they aren’t corporations with shareholder interests. They do, however, have an absolute imperative to stay fiscally solvent and sustain the direction and image of the school to the interests of their stakeholders, far and wide. If they don’t, then the school faces doom (closure.) It’s not in any schools’ interests to turn away tuition-paying families, especially not if the students willing to enroll aren’t the next greatest football player— the demands to cut the deficit of tuition brought in against the cost-to-educate per pupil is just far too great. That goes for Newark Catholic, Fisher Catholic and Zanesville Rosecrans.

There is no logical argument, much less any argument that can be supported with facts, to suggest these schools are interested in staving off enrollment for the interest of participating in a particular size-based athletics classification. There is truth to the idea that the schools in particular take an approach in its branding and advertising that entails the promotion of all parts parcel to the student life of the school (faith, academic rigor, discipline, activities and athletics), but that’s neither illegal, “seedy” nor unethical. Especially in an era where recent generations are producing fewer offspring, there is a general decline in Catholicism (much less fervent religiosity.) I’m also not led to believe there aren’t actors in public education who also engage in much of the same branding (sans the faith aspect, for obvious reasons.)

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by nc green wave »

efarns wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:16 am
nc green wave wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:08 pm The problem with your theory is that you are insinuating that Newark Catholic can actually get each and every one of those kids that live in Licking County.

Fact is that NC has no chance at 99% of those kids due to their affiliation/dedication to another school, religious beliefs, cost of tuition, etc.

If NC was out there selecting specific kids while denying specific kids then your argument would have merit.
In insinuated nothing of the kind. Can you validate your 99% assertion?
I just went on the OHSAA site and calculated the enrollment of all schools in Licking County. I know that this only lists 3 grades and not all 4 but it's all I have access to.

There are 6,517 students at the publics and Granville Christian. NC has 157.

That comes out to 97.6% so I was off when I said 99% but close

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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by efarns »

nc green wave wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 2:40 pm
efarns wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:16 am
nc green wave wrote: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:08 pm The problem with your theory is that you are insinuating that Newark Catholic can actually get each and every one of those kids that live in Licking County.

Fact is that NC has no chance at 99% of those kids due to their affiliation/dedication to another school, religious beliefs, cost of tuition, etc.

If NC was out there selecting specific kids while denying specific kids then your argument would have merit.
In insinuated nothing of the kind. Can you validate your 99% assertion?
I just went on the OHSAA site and calculated the enrollment of all schools in Licking County. I know that this only lists 3 grades and not all 4 but it's all I have access to.

There are 6,517 students at the publics and Granville Christian. NC has 157.

That comes out to 97.6% so I was off when I said 99% but close
So you're already off by 140%

But, I'm bored, so I'll be happy to explore your laughably bad estimate even further. You said "no chance at." Because of religious affiliation? What percentage of the county identifies as Catholic? Only 1%? Ohio's adult Catholic population is 18%, so let's go with that.

Also, you want to tell me that all of the kids who aren't Catholic wouldn't go there because your school is? That, also, is false.

nc green wave
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Re: Newark catholic 35 Eastern Meigs 7 2019 Playoffs

Post by nc green wave »

What do you mean by saying I am off by 140%........I'm off by 1.4%.

I have no idea what percentage of Licking County is Catholic, nor does it matter. There are kids at NC who are not Catholic but most there are Catholic. What I'm saying is that some kids/families will not go to NC because of Catholocism and others for other reasons. Nowhere did I say that all non Catholics won't go there.

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