lol, ok maybe no one said Waverly was an "annual powerhouse" i added that in there for fun, but you yourself said teams were cancelling against Waverly to avoid a loss. So I was just simply wondering if Waverly was doing the same thing they accused Chillicothe and Court House of doing by turning teams away they didn't have time to prepare for. That's all. I do realize what this forum is. I do not have a problem with Waverly or who they play. You still didn't answer my question, did Waverly turn any teams willing to play down before they scheduled with Portsmouth?1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:40 amtransplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:27 amIt doesn't matter to me at all who you play. I have a problem with some posters dragging other teams through the mud because they are avoiding Waverly like they are some annual powerhouse. Heck, there was even a thread started about it. I get you need to prepare for a team, I played sports, I get it. But when comments are made about Tuesday being a cut off to find a game, then you find one on Wednesday that works in your favor you play? Had it been a team Waverly wasn't "familiar" with and had film on, would they have played? Who else called Waverly to play? Did Waverly turn anyone away due to lack of time to prepare? Just curious. Again, I'm thrilled all teams get to play too, I don't want to see kids miss games.1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:18 am
But you are being a jerk about it! Why does it matter to you who we play?? Both teams we were scheduled to play the last two weeks canceled on us…do you get that?? We would have gladly played Chillicothe last week and Washington Court House this week! We probably would have won both easily but who knows?? We can look for and play whoever we can get prepared for…do you get that? Again what would make you and others on here making these same dumb comments happy?? Should we call out Jake Paul and Tom Brady and the Bucs?? Would that be good?
Also so much respect for Portsmouth for jumping in and playing is this week so all these young men can do what they love! Good luck to both teams!
It obviously does matter who we play to some on here! I’ve read a ton of these comments and who ever said anything about Waverly being an “annual powerhouse”?? I wish we were! we are just another high school team just in an upswing right now. We’ve had our ups and downs. Why would anyone on here critique what someone said about a Tuesday cut off?? Do you realize that this forum is a bunch of fans and parents no coaches? We don’t even really know what or why any of these coaches do what they do. So cut the BS and just say why you have a problem with Waverly and who they play? Who should or shouldn’t we play in this situation and when or why? Keep in mind we had a schedule with the bus gassed up and ready to go and we had two teams cancel on us to put us in this situation! It’s funny when people get on here and say crazy stuff then end the thread with “ oh just curious, or not trying to be a jerk”.
That’s it I’m calling the Tampa bay buccaneers to see if they want to play so everyone on here will be happy.
But you are right, it doesn't matter. I'm over it, not gonna sit on a keyboard and argue with someone all day. I'm moving on. Glad everyone is playing. Good luck to all teams moving forward. Have a good day.