Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:40 am
transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:27 am
1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:18 am

But you are being a jerk about it! Why does it matter to you who we play?? Both teams we were scheduled to play the last two weeks canceled on us…do you get that?? We would have gladly played Chillicothe last week and Washington Court House this week! We probably would have won both easily but who knows?? We can look for and play whoever we can get prepared for…do you get that? Again what would make you and others on here making these same dumb comments happy?? Should we call out Jake Paul and Tom Brady and the Bucs?? Would that be good?

Also so much respect for Portsmouth for jumping in and playing is this week so all these young men can do what they love! Good luck to both teams!
It doesn't matter to me at all who you play. I have a problem with some posters dragging other teams through the mud because they are avoiding Waverly like they are some annual powerhouse. Heck, there was even a thread started about it. I get you need to prepare for a team, I played sports, I get it. But when comments are made about Tuesday being a cut off to find a game, then you find one on Wednesday that works in your favor you play? Had it been a team Waverly wasn't "familiar" with and had film on, would they have played? Who else called Waverly to play? Did Waverly turn anyone away due to lack of time to prepare? Just curious. Again, I'm thrilled all teams get to play too, I don't want to see kids miss games.

It obviously does matter who we play to some on here! I’ve read a ton of these comments and who ever said anything about Waverly being an “annual powerhouse”?? I wish we were! we are just another high school team just in an upswing right now. We’ve had our ups and downs. Why would anyone on here critique what someone said about a Tuesday cut off?? Do you realize that this forum is a bunch of fans and parents no coaches? We don’t even really know what or why any of these coaches do what they do. So cut the BS and just say why you have a problem with Waverly and who they play? Who should or shouldn’t we play in this situation and when or why? Keep in mind we had a schedule with the bus gassed up and ready to go and we had two teams cancel on us to put us in this situation! It’s funny when people get on here and say crazy stuff then end the thread with “ oh just curious, or not trying to be a jerk”.

That’s it I’m calling the Tampa bay buccaneers to see if they want to play so everyone on here will be happy.
lol, ok maybe no one said Waverly was an "annual powerhouse" i added that in there for fun, but you yourself said teams were cancelling against Waverly to avoid a loss. So I was just simply wondering if Waverly was doing the same thing they accused Chillicothe and Court House of doing by turning teams away they didn't have time to prepare for. That's all. I do realize what this forum is. I do not have a problem with Waverly or who they play. You still didn't answer my question, did Waverly turn any teams willing to play down before they scheduled with Portsmouth?

But you are right, it doesn't matter. I'm over it, not gonna sit on a keyboard and argue with someone all day. I'm moving on. Glad everyone is playing. Good luck to all teams moving forward. Have a good day.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by 1506 »

transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:51 am
1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:40 am
transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:27 am

It doesn't matter to me at all who you play. I have a problem with some posters dragging other teams through the mud because they are avoiding Waverly like they are some annual powerhouse. Heck, there was even a thread started about it. I get you need to prepare for a team, I played sports, I get it. But when comments are made about Tuesday being a cut off to find a game, then you find one on Wednesday that works in your favor you play? Had it been a team Waverly wasn't "familiar" with and had film on, would they have played? Who else called Waverly to play? Did Waverly turn anyone away due to lack of time to prepare? Just curious. Again, I'm thrilled all teams get to play too, I don't want to see kids miss games.

It obviously does matter who we play to some on here! I’ve read a ton of these comments and who ever said anything about Waverly being an “annual powerhouse”?? I wish we were! we are just another high school team just in an upswing right now. We’ve had our ups and downs. Why would anyone on here critique what someone said about a Tuesday cut off?? Do you realize that this forum is a bunch of fans and parents no coaches? We don’t even really know what or why any of these coaches do what they do. So cut the BS and just say why you have a problem with Waverly and who they play? Who should or shouldn’t we play in this situation and when or why? Keep in mind we had a schedule with the bus gassed up and ready to go and we had two teams cancel on us to put us in this situation! It’s funny when people get on here and say crazy stuff then end the thread with “ oh just curious, or not trying to be a jerk”.

That’s it I’m calling the Tampa bay buccaneers to see if they want to play so everyone on here will be happy.
lol, ok maybe no one said Waverly was an "annual powerhouse" i added that in there for fun, but you yourself said teams were cancelling against Waverly to avoid a loss. So I was just simply wondering if Waverly was doing the same thing they accused Chillicothe and Court House of doing by turning teams away they didn't have time to prepare for. That's all. I do realize what this forum is. I do not have a problem with Waverly or who they play. You still didn't answer my question, did Waverly turn any teams willing to play down before they scheduled with Portsmouth?

But you are right, it doesn't matter. I'm over it, not gonna sit on a keyboard and argue with someone all day. I'm moving on. Glad everyone is playing. Good luck to all teams moving forward. Have a good day.
Not on the coaching staff, have no idea who we could have played. We got cancelled on late Thursday last week, we then this week get canceled on Monday, accused of being to dangerous to play even though none of our players or coaches have covid and then find out our opponents have covid and are on quarantine starting the Saturday before they canceled. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything about other teams trying to avoid an L because I don’t know that to be facts. Just a frustrated senior parent wanting to see their kids get to play their senior season……

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

Me either, not involved in anyway with any local high school teams. Man, I get it, you are frustrated, I would be too, especially the late cancellation. That sucks. Then the other one too, it sucks, I get it. I just want the kids to play too. It's all good.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by smurray »

BuckeyeBlood wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:00 am Someone tell smurray not to forget to mention Waverly has played 1 less game. Highly classified info
If stats are going to be shared like that for comparison purposes it needs to be put in the correct context - that’s all I was doing. Two posts were made so I had to do it twice.
Last edited by smurray on Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Week 5: Portsmouth (4-0) @ Waverly (3-0)

Post by BigGuy10 »

Portsmouth is having a solid season thus far with lots of athletes and weapons. However, I look for Waverly to come out hungry from the bye week and come ready to play. This game does have the potential for a shootout but I like 49-20 in Waverly's favor. Close game at half with the Tigers taking over the 2nd half.
Last edited by BigGuy10 on Thu Sep 16, 2021 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

Yes, back to the game, sorry I got out of hand. Portsmouth is having a solid year and their defense has improved, but this will probably be the best offense Portsmouth has faced so far? Also, possibly the best defensive team, maybe? I'm really not sure. Might not be a shootout exactly, but some points will be scored. Both teams seem to be more likely to throw the ball, but Waverly can run the ball as well. I'll take the Tigers in this one.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by Shoedaddy »

transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 am
1506 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:44 pm
transplant wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:23 pm

Wasn’t my words. Just going by what your fan base was saying when court house cancelled. Sounded like your team was willing to sit two weeks in a row instead of play someone on short notice. Not cool for the kids. I’m thrilled they found a game for the kids. But def glad waverly had film on Portsmouth already.
Our fan base is watching our seniors possibly lose 2 games of their final year due to other teams canceling, yea we are going to be upset….yes we are going to complain….and it makes no sense to find a team on say a Thursday and play them Friday. Coaches prepare their kids for these games. They need a couple of days to get ready and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So no one else called Waverly and tried to play before Portsmouth came available? Who did Waverly call to schedule a game? No, nothing wrong with needing/wanting a few days to prepare at all. But if everyone is so concerned with the seniors losing possibly 2 games, id think id try to play whoever whenever. Just my opinion. Not trying to be a jerk about it.
I heard through a coaches wife that the only possibility they had was 2 1/2 hours away and the district didn't want to risk being on the buses that long.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

I understand. Glad everyone found a game. Good luck to all teams.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by biggdowgg »

smurray wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 8:22 am
BuckeyeBlood wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:00 am Someone tell smurray not to forget to mention Waverly has played 1 less game. Highly classified info
If stats are going to be shared like that for comparison purposes it needs to be put in the correct context - that’s all I was doing. Two posts were made so I had to do it twice.

Roe has sit out a couple quarters when we had large leads how about waverly qb ?

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by Beergogglebluez »

This will be the best offense Portsmouth will see all year. Irontons offense has struggled all year. I think this is a bad matchup for the Trojans. They put 42 on the varsity during the scrimmage with starting lineman out. But the Trojans defense has really improved but have not faced a offense like this. Like Portsmouth, waverly has numerous weapons on offense. I’m going waverly 35 Portsmouth 21. I hope it’s the other way but think also waverly has had a week off to rest kids who might of been hurt who could of used some time off.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by LetsBeReal »

transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:51 am
1506 wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:40 am
transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:27 am

It doesn't matter to me at all who you play. I have a problem with some posters dragging other teams through the mud because they are avoiding Waverly like they are some annual powerhouse. Heck, there was even a thread started about it. I get you need to prepare for a team, I played sports, I get it. But when comments are made about Tuesday being a cut off to find a game, then you find one on Wednesday that works in your favor you play? Had it been a team Waverly wasn't "familiar" with and had film on, would they have played? Who else called Waverly to play? Did Waverly turn anyone away due to lack of time to prepare? Just curious. Again, I'm thrilled all teams get to play too, I don't want to see kids miss games.

It obviously does matter who we play to some on here! I’ve read a ton of these comments and who ever said anything about Waverly being an “annual powerhouse”?? I wish we were! we are just another high school team just in an upswing right now. We’ve had our ups and downs. Why would anyone on here critique what someone said about a Tuesday cut off?? Do you realize that this forum is a bunch of fans and parents no coaches? We don’t even really know what or why any of these coaches do what they do. So cut the BS and just say why you have a problem with Waverly and who they play? Who should or shouldn’t we play in this situation and when or why? Keep in mind we had a schedule with the bus gassed up and ready to go and we had two teams cancel on us to put us in this situation! It’s funny when people get on here and say crazy stuff then end the thread with “ oh just curious, or not trying to be a jerk”.

That’s it I’m calling the Tampa bay buccaneers to see if they want to play so everyone on here will be happy.
lol, ok maybe no one said Waverly was an "annual powerhouse" i added that in there for fun, but you yourself said teams were cancelling against Waverly to avoid a loss. So I was just simply wondering if Waverly was doing the same thing they accused Chillicothe and Court House of doing by turning teams away they didn't have time to prepare for. That's all. I do realize what this forum is. I do not have a problem with Waverly or who they play. You still didn't answer my question, did Waverly turn any teams willing to play down before they scheduled with Portsmouth?

But you are right, it doesn't matter. I'm over it, not gonna sit on a keyboard and argue with someone all day. I'm moving on. Glad everyone is playing. Good luck to all teams moving forward. Have a good day.
How did WCH and Chillicothe not have time to prepare for a game against Waverly that was scheduled prior to the season starting? That is in now way a comparison to having to find a game during the week after being canceled on.

Not trying to beat a dead horse here but it’s not the fact that they canceled that anyone has a problem with. It’s the manner of how they did it.

It was dirty business. If it would of happened to a school with a larger following(burg,ironton,Jackson,etc) they would of broke the SEOP Servers.

It brought Waverly fans out of the woodwork. Usually there are only a few posters each year that post sparingly. It took me almost 15 years of simply reading the forum just to start posting.

I will apologize if any of us are coming across as arrogant. We are just very frustrated. When these shenanigans happen to your own school it hits different.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by PTrojan59 »

Personally I think this game comes down to line play on both sides of the ball. Portsmouth offensive line isn’t great, it’s improved but not great. Defensive line is solid, have been getting pressure on QB’s, stuffing the run and staying home, it’s definitely a much improved unit, maybe the most on the team. That said, they haven’t played anyone with a line like Waverly yet. I’m not sure that pressure will be there on the QB, if it’s not this game may get out of hand if he has all day to stand back there and find their excellent WR’s down the field. Both have athletes all over the field, but not sure the Trojans have the line play of Waverly. Hopefully they prove me wrong. At Waverly, on short notice (yes I know they scrimmaged, look how that went) I’ll say Waverly pulls out the win. Time to buckle up those chin straps and get dirty up front boys, could be a statement win. Go Trojans!

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

I get you are frustrated, but you aren't the only school to have teams cancel on you. Chillicothe's late notice sucked. Then Court Houses reason/whatever you want to call it was weird, but at least they cancelled earlier than others have. I think everyone is frustrated right now. But its ok, I've moved on. Everyone that can play is playing, the kids get to play, all good.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by LetsBeReal »

transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:19 am I get you are frustrated, but you aren't the only school to have teams cancel on you. Chillicothe's late notice sucked. Then Court Houses reason/whatever you want to call it was weird, but at least they cancelled earlier than others have. I think everyone is frustrated right now. But its ok, I've moved on. Everyone that can play is playing, the kids get to play, all good.
Yeah the late notice and then they seek another game. Both teams doing so. That’s where the problems lies.

But I’m retrospect playing Portsmouth is much better than playing WCH . Will be a much better game with much better competition.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

right, i agree with you, not good business. yeah, for Waverly, i think it worked out better.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by trojandave »

There could be as many as 10 TD's scored in this game. The first half of the scrimmage earlier produced 9 TD's (42-21). GO TROJANS!!

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by LetsBeReal »

trojandave wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:06 pm There could be as many as 10 TD's scored in this game. The first half of the scrimmage earlier produced 9 TD's (42-21). GO TROJANS!!
I think the only losers in this game is whoever will clean up the confetti when each team scores. Don’t envy them.

Would be really cool if everyone brought at least one popper to the game.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by greygoose »

portsmouth_98 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:33 pm
greygoose wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:35 pm Well I've been hearing all about how good and improved this Trojan defense is. Guess we find out Friday, Waverly by 3 scores.
That's a pretty reasonable assumption given the physical disparity of the two teams fronts, and the big experience difference. As far as Portsmouth's defense, they aren't world beaters but they are decent against the run and force a lot of turnovers. The reason we are excited is because we haven't consistently stopped people the last 15 years. We gave up over 35 a game last year and from 05-16 topped 30 points 7 times including a terrible 2012 where we gave up over 40ppg.
Nah I'm not taking any excuses laid out before the game at this time. I've said they might be improved in other threads but haven't played anyone with a quality offense. I gave credit for improvement both offensively and defensively only to try to be told i had some axe to grind basically as an outside observer. For me Friday night is put up or shut up for the Trojan defense, hope for a injury free well played game. If Waverly keeps roe in the pocket this will not be close.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by greygoose »

transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 am
1506 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:44 pm
transplant wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:23 pm

Wasn’t my words. Just going by what your fan base was saying when court house cancelled. Sounded like your team was willing to sit two weeks in a row instead of play someone on short notice. Not cool for the kids. I’m thrilled they found a game for the kids. But def glad waverly had film on Portsmouth already.
Our fan base is watching our seniors possibly lose 2 games of their final year due to other teams canceling, yea we are going to be upset….yes we are going to complain….and it makes no sense to find a team on say a Thursday and play them Friday. Coaches prepare their kids for these games. They need a couple of days to get ready and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So no one else called Waverly and tried to play before Portsmouth came available? Who did Waverly call to schedule a game? No, nothing wrong with needing/wanting a few days to prepare at all. But if everyone is so concerned with the seniors losing possibly 2 games, id think id try to play whoever whenever. Just my opinion. Not trying to be a jerk about it.
I get what your saying, because honestly the whole we didn't have time to prepare doesn't work now does it? Because the other team didn't have any time to prepare either and sometimes you just have to say we're better than you strap it up. Not sure about this week but Waverly had an opponent last week but it was late Thursday night when they called.

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Re: Waverly at Portsmouth it can happen now!!!

Post by transplant »

greygoose wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:35 pm
transplant wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:37 am
1506 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:44 pm

Our fan base is watching our seniors possibly lose 2 games of their final year due to other teams canceling, yea we are going to be upset….yes we are going to complain….and it makes no sense to find a team on say a Thursday and play them Friday. Coaches prepare their kids for these games. They need a couple of days to get ready and there’s nothing wrong with that.
So no one else called Waverly and tried to play before Portsmouth came available? Who did Waverly call to schedule a game? No, nothing wrong with needing/wanting a few days to prepare at all. But if everyone is so concerned with the seniors losing possibly 2 games, id think id try to play whoever whenever. Just my opinion. Not trying to be a jerk about it.
I get what your saying, because honestly the whole we didn't have time to prepare doesn't work now does it? Because the other team didn't have any time to prepare either and sometimes you just have to say we're better than you strap it up. Not sure about this week but Waverly had an opponent last week but it was late Thursday night when they called.
Glad someone does. Exactly, as a player of sports, I'd rather lace them up and play with little prep time as oppose to sitting at home or going to another teams game. Oh well, everyone has a game. It's all good.

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