Who should the SEOAL pursue to replace Athens?

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Who should the SEOAL pursue to replace Athens?

Post by Army »

1. Any realistic suggestions, that a school might say yeah....maybe the SEOAL would be a nice league to join? :-D

2. Will the SEOAL Schools work together in actually trying to get a team for the North Division to replace Athens? :-D

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Post by GAHS7462 »

Good question?????????????????????????????

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Are there any schools in the Southeastern District,that arent already in a league?

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Post by buckfan84 »

I think the SEOAL will have a hard time finding other schools to join because there just are not any large schools in SE Ohio. Perhaps if rather than North South they did Large/Small it would be easier to find someone. However, it would probably make the geography too big if they did this.

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Post by 91blue14 »

address the matters to people who have some type of control of the situations. these historians on these boards cant truthfuly answer a question that will never be adressed to them directly. you think the president of the board or members will say hey lets go look at the website seops and base our decision off the know it alls ;-)

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Post by bballfan1 »

1. How about adding Waverly or Rock Hill to the South and bump Chillicothe to the North. Just a thought.
2. I do not think the SEOAL will work hard to find a replacement. Most of the schools are trying to find a way to get out :cry:

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Post by loganlocos »

The SEOAL doesn't need a replacement. IF anything, they need one more team to leave to get back to an even 7 teams.

Just my opinion.

But there aren't any good choices to add, but staying at 9 isn't viable long term either. It will be interesting to watch.

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Post by someoverkill »

What about Parkersburg or Parkersburg South?

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Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I agree with LoganLocos. I think the SEOAL will be at its best if one more team leaves. That will give the SEOAL 8 schools and you can drop the divisions. I think every school in the SEOAL should play every other school in all sports and that way you have one true champion in all sports. Divisions should only be used if there are divisional champions, which the SEOAL does not have. As it stands now, the South teams would only have 4 league games if divisional champions were awarded and the North teams would only have 3 league games in this scenerio. So for that reason, divisional champions wouldn't work in the SEOAL.

When the SEOAL expanded, they added three schools that were independants and one school who needed to leave the OCC because they were smaller than the other OCC schools. In doing this, the league expanded to include 25% land mass of the state. It took that much just to get to 10 teams (now 9 teams) in the first place.

Considering that there are no independent teams left in southeastern Ohio (other than South Gallia who is way too small for the SEOAL), I just don't see anyone who would want to join the league. Why would a team already in a league - a LOCAL LEAGUE no less, want to leave that situation for the travel involved in the SEOAL, especially when it sounds like some schools might be seeing a decrease in revenue because of the travel hardships imposed on the less fortunate citizens of our region.

If I was a parent, I would not want my children competing in sports in a league like the SEOAL for the simple reasons of travel. Most working parents do not have the time (much less the money) to travel to all of these cities in the league. Even when games are on the weekend, who wants to spend that much of your day off traveling just to go to a sporting event??? I love watching games as much as the next guy, but I would NOT want to do all of that traveling, when I could watch a game against a school just a couple miles down the road. If I had kids, I would want them in a school that played schools down the road, not in the far reaching corners of every nook and crany of southeastern Ohio.

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Post by bman618 »

It'd be better to go down to eight for the SEOAL, but I feel this league is doomed to be reduced to six eventually, and maybe this is a good thing, because it is just too big of a land mass. Transportation costs are only going to continue to rise and that is a big concern.

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Post by fighting_falcon »

I have had a kid in the SEOAL and have more that I hope get the chance to play in the league. I know the level of competition is better than any in southern Ohio when you look at all sports as a whole. I would rather give up a meal or two eating out and spend the money to watch my kids play against the best they can while in high school. The TVC just does not give you that chance, even if it is just down the road.

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Post by boogerred »

Great post there falcon.

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Post by Army »

fighting_falcon wrote:NYBuckeye96
I have had a kid in the SEOAL and have more that I hope get the chance to play in the league. I know the level of competition is better than any in southern Ohio when you look at all sports as a whole. I would rather give up a meal or two eating out and spend the money to watch my kids play against the best they can while in high school. The TVC just does not give you that chance, even if it is just down the road.

I Second That :!: :-D

No disrespect NYBuckeye96......but your Buckeyes will get a taste of SEOAL Football when they go up against the Ironton Fighting Tigers in week nine. :shock:

Especially, after Ironton had been playing against Teams within there SEOAL League before they come up to Buchtel to play in week 9 for the non-league game. :-D

Good Luck......because Dave Boston will have to almost be perfect on his game plan preparation for Ironton. Especially after they have played Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Gallipolis, Jackson and Logan in the SEOAL.


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Post by Paladin »

The SEOAL, thru history, has always been the best & toughest league in SEO. It is not relevant to play "one" of its members in season. It is the challenge to play ALL in a season.

All SEO programs stand-out in comparasion when looked at this way. And the breath & depth of programs for all sports can not be challenged. You sometimes get a school with "a" sport that rises to SEOAL calibre but doesn't always stay there.

Since the SEOAL is the biggest & the best, there will NOT be others seeking to come in. I agree an 8 team league is best and there will be more leaving.

The funny part will be "why" they are leaving . Most will know what the real reasons are for leaving..............................................................

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by hilltopkid »

LoganLocos wrote:The SEOAL doesn't need a replacement. IF anything, they need one more team to leave to get back to an even 7 teams.

an EVEN 7 teams?I know I ain't the smartest cat around, but I thought 7 was an odd #. Maybe I've been teaching my 1st graders wrong all along. :shock:
Gee Locos, I thought you were one of the scholars from Hocking County. :-D Well, then again, look who your dad is. :-D just teasin.

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Post by qualified101 »

i third that falcon.

ny96: as a parent myself, your post doesnt make any sense. travel costa are what they are. am i going to let $10 in gas keep me from watching my child. NO WAY!

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Post by NYBuckeye96 »

My post makes total sense to me. Schools are there to educate children. Sports are secondary. And while sports contribute to the overall growth and development of young adults, it is not the number one priority of schools.

Local leagues make the most sense. That could be the SOC, TVC, or even the OCC in Central Ohio. All are local leagues with minimal travel. If I had kids, especially if I had 2-3 kids in a school system playing sports, I'd have them at a school that was in a local league.

Not sure why some chose to attack NY or the TVC based on my comment, because I meant ALL local travel leagues including the OCC, which is by far superior to the SEOAL. So don't attack the TVC when it's not the focal point of my statement. I would not be traveling, or want my children traveling all over all the time to play games. And I can't be the only one who thinks this way, as at least one SEOAL school has seen a decrease in attendance since joining the league.

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Post by someoverkill »

Cambridge, Meadowbrook, Dover, Watkins Memorial?

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Post by Paladin »

Cambridge would be a top half team in the SEOAL.Too much travel for them. ECOL team. Going nowhere.

Meadowbrook would be a basement team in SEOAL. Another ECOL team going nowhere.

Dover is top shelf but even farther away in the ECOL.

Watkins is OCC and would be up & down in the SEOAL .

None would be interested.

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Post by someoverkill »


Would there be too much travel for Watkins? They would go to Warren, Marietta, Logan and Zanesville. Is the travel too far? What is Watkins' advantage to being in the OCC? Who is in their divisionin the OCC? How about either of the Pickerington schools?

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