Would like to see us use this and the Northwest game to get more balanced in our play calling. We can probably win out primarily running the ball, but if we want to advance in the playoffs we have to be more diverse, and I don't mean just throwing. Would love to see some Jet action out of the double wing stuff. Some reverses, screens, whatever, to spice it up and put the defense on their heels. I guess similar to what Ohio State did on offense from one week to another. They went from barely scoring 7 points at home to moving the ball at will against Nebraska on the road because they used their speed and become more diverse. I know it's high school and college, but getting the defense on their heels more will open the run game up that much more. We can't be afraid to take chances.
Also I miss the pistole formation that was so good to us in 2008. It opened the field up for us and I think it's a mistake not to use it in some form. From what I've seen, we haven't ran it since. Maybe a little Wild Sider (wildcat) with Auger.