Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

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L.R. Faires
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Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

Post by L.R. Faires »

There is a little Tomcat ,Brian Rowan, up in Childrens Hospital in Columbus. He is have a pretty ruff time. He will need to go thru some proceedures and medications to get well. The reason I titled this the way I did, was while
Brian is up there, one of the nurses on his floor is Buckeye, Brandon Maiden. What a comforting feeling for Brian and his parents to see this young man helping with their son. Sometimes we forget that there is a whole lot more to this rivalry than just in the sports arena. When you are dealing with the situation the Rowans are going thru, imagine having a Tomcat of Buckeye there not only to take care of you, but comfort you as well. Thank You Buckeyes (the Maiden Family, Tim and Paula) for raising this fella the right way. I am so sure Carl and Shelly are thankful Brandon is part of the medical team taking care of their son, as well as the Buckeyes are proud he is part of their team. Pray for Brian, TOMCAT AND BUCKEYE PRIDE!

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Re: Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

Post by Dundas »

Prayers from VC...

Orange and Brown
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Re: Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

Post by Orange and Brown »

My Prayers are with the young man and his family!!!!

Rebels on 3
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Re: Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

Post by Rebels on 3 »

Prayers from South Gallia.

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Re: Trimble vs Nelsonville York and maybe some prayers

Post by boilermaker »

Prayers from Wellston

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