New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

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Riding the Bench
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New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

Post by BigSlowWhiteGuy »

I need some help identifying some past game Dates. I had an old box of 16mm films recently converted. I can only give you a few details from what I watched below. many of these reels were barely labeled so I am at a quandry. I tried the hunt and peck method using the Library but to no avail right now. If there is a game of interest to you and you help me ID it I could send you a DVD copy of the film. I would have to verify it using the library but any halp is appreciated.

1'st Game. I'll be posting more as I review these.
Final Score shown on the film was
Northwest 26 New Boston 6
It looked like it was played at Northwest.
The Northwest offensive backfield players wore #'s 73, 74 and 75.
Every player on both teams wore a single bar face mask.
This film looks early 60ish but could have even been late 50's but I wouldn't rule out the 70's either.

Thanks and I'll get back later with another.

Black Panther
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Re: New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

Post by Black Panther »

Finding out when New Boston discontinued football might help too...

Jason Vorhees
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Re: New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

Post by Jason Vorhees »

New Boston disbanded football either in 1977 or 1978.

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Re: New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

Post by CharlieHustle »

New Boston football first disbanded in 1977 (77-78 school year)...the next year they reformed a JV team, then the next season after that they fielded a Varsity team once again. The last season of NB football was 1980 (80-81 school year). The school then formed a soccer team in 1983 (83-84 school year).

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Re: New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

Post by CharlieHustle »

I can try to find yearbooks from those dates to check the year. How did you retrieve these videos? I'd love to have a copy!

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