Middle School 7 on 7

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Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:47 pm

Middle School 7 on 7

Post by PointerSports »

South Point Middle School will be hosting a 7 on 7 football showdown on July 12th at 6:00 pm. Cost per team is $50 and two parent volunteers to help manage games. Teams are guaranteed three games. Interested teams should email David Ashworth, AD, at [email protected] or call 740.377.4343 ext. 3016 and leave a message. We are only accepting three nonscheduled teams.

Freshman Team
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Joined: Sat May 23, 2009 8:10 pm
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Re: Middle School 7 on 7

Post by Ny92 »

I always thouht there should be more 7 on 7s at the middle school level. Not much of it in southeast ohio that I know of .Its a great way to work on the fundamentals of passing with less pressure. My son now goes to school in columbus and his 8th grade team are doing them.

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