Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

SCOL says no to Jackson


"Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!" - Ghostbusters :mrgreen: :!:

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by cghs82 »

http://www.timesjournal.com/sports/arti ... l?mode=jqm

Jackson was rejected by the SCOL (no vote) back on Thursday due to travel (100 miles from Jackson to Clinton-Massie) and numbers (SCOL doesn't like 9 teams), however, if they can convince 3 more teams (likely eastern teams) to join with them to the SCOL, they would be accepted immediately. Logan could be 1 and I'd like to see Circleville and Logan Elm join as well, though I doubt they'd leave the MSL when travel is short and opponent size is actually larger than the SCOL. There's also rumors of East Clinton of potentially leaving the SCOL so maybe Unioto could be added to the SCOL Expansion Wishlist, but would they be willing to leave the SVC.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by Xtoxxviii »

From the article-
"Chillicothe Unioto has become the Athens of the Southern Valley Conference because of its size that continues to grow. The SVC would like to rid itself of Unioto and replace them with Waverly."

I would like to know the official SVC entity that wants to rid the league of Unioto.
If there truly is one.

The SVCSPORTSZONE addressed this last fall in a PODCAST.
And several SVC superintendents, athletic directors and coaches called in and voiced their opinion on the state of the league and on the matter of league expansion or realignment. And all was very content with the current league and members.
If anything the talk is more about the smaller schools and their ability to field the required varsity sports to hold good standing in the league.
It does bring up an interesting thought:
If a league membership in the SVC would come available
how many schools would apply for it?
Vinton County?

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by cghs82 »

Xtoxxviii wrote:From the article-
"Chillicothe Unioto has become the Athens of the Southern Valley Conference because of its size that continues to grow. The SVC would like to rid itself of Unioto and replace them with Waverly."

I would like to know the official SVC entity that wants to rid the league of Unioto.
If there truly is one.

The SVCSPORTSZONE addressed this last fall in a PODCAST.
And several SVC superintendents, athletic directors and coaches called in and voiced their opinion on the state of the league and on the matter of league expansion or realignment. And all was very content with the current league and members.
If anything the talk is more about the smaller schools and their ability to field the required varsity sports to hold good standing in the league.
It does bring up an interesting thought:
If a league membership in the SVC would come available
how many schools would apply for it?
Vinton County?
I agree Unioto is becoming the Athens of the SVC and they would be a decent fit in the SCOL. As for the SVC, McClain is slightly bigger than Unioto so I doubt they get in and Jackson wouldn't get in. Vinton County I believe would get considered since they're a county school and Wellston would be another considered along with Eastern and Western. Waverly would be the grand prize no doubt.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by noreply66 »

Vinton Cty would be good fit.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by jimbobhampton »

Jackson is going to end up playing as an independent. Nothing against Jackson, but why would any local league want to grant them membership. Basically every town/school district in Southeast Ohio has shrunk except for Jackson. It is unfortunate but Jackson now = Big Fish/Little Pond.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by cghs82 »

jimbobhampton wrote:Jackson is going to end up playing as an independent. Nothing against Jackson, but why would any local league want to grant them membership. Basically every town/school district in Southeast Ohio has shrunk except for Jackson. It is unfortunate but Jackson now = Big Fish/Little Pond.
Jackson wouldn't be the big fish, little pond in the SCOL. Chillicothe and Wilmington share that privilege. Now Jackson to the OVC or SOC, they would be the big fish, little pond no doubt.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by jimbobhampton »

GoBucks1047 wrote:
jimbobhampton wrote:Jackson is going to end up playing as an independent. Nothing against Jackson, but why would any local league want to grant them membership. Basically every town/school district in Southeast Ohio has shrunk except for Jackson. It is unfortunate but Jackson now = Big Fish/Little Pond.
Jackson wouldn't be the big fish, little pond in the SCOL. Chillicothe and Wilmington share that privilege. Now Jackson to the OVC or SOC, they would be the big fish, little pond no doubt.
Sure, Jackson would fit in the SCOL when considering the size of the schools. However, the extended travel is why Jackson will never be admitted into the SCOL.

Jackson to Wilmington = 86 miles
Jackson to East Clinton = 77 miles
Jackson to Clinton Massie = 100 miles
Jackson to Court House = 63 miles
Jackson to Miami Trace = 73 miles
Jackson to Hillsboro = 66 miles
Jackson to London = 85 miles
Jackson to McClain = 62 miles
Jackson to Chillicothe = 36 miles

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by cghs82 »

jimbobhampton wrote:
GoBucks1047 wrote:
jimbobhampton wrote:Jackson is going to end up playing as an independent. Nothing against Jackson, but why would any local league want to grant them membership. Basically every town/school district in Southeast Ohio has shrunk except for Jackson. It is unfortunate but Jackson now = Big Fish/Little Pond.
Jackson wouldn't be the big fish, little pond in the SCOL. Chillicothe and Wilmington share that privilege. Now Jackson to the OVC or SOC, they would be the big fish, little pond no doubt.
Sure, Jackson would fit in the SCOL when considering the size of the schools. However, the extended travel is why Jackson will never be admitted into the SCOL.

Jackson to Wilmington = 86 miles
Jackson to East Clinton = 77 miles
Jackson to Clinton Massie = 100 miles
Jackson to Court House = 63 miles
Jackson to Miami Trace = 73 miles
Jackson to Hillsboro = 66 miles
Jackson to McClain = 62 miles
Jackson to Chillicothe = 36 miles
Yes, travel would be a nightmare as the SCOL stands right now, but Jackson was rejected just as 1 school. They can get in if they can get 3 more to join with them, because the SCOL wants to go up to 12 teams, but is content with staying at 8 teams for now and I thought that was the right move for the SCOL, but at least they're still giving Jackson a chance of acceptance. I think Logan could be 1 of the 3 if the next 2 are schools that connect Logan to Chilicothe and Logan to Washington C.H.. Also London left the SCOL a few years ago for the MSL.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by jimbobhampton »

I just can't see 3 other schools taking the leap to join with Jackson. As you have stated, the MSL schools are likely to stay put. I didn't think London was still in the SCOL but I just went with the list on OHSAA.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

It would be nice if this article was factual about the TVC at least. They slam VC, and also make it look like we are all regretting Athens coming in. The guy writing the story must have based the article on some of the anti TVC posts on here. :mrgreen:

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by The Exile »

As stated above, I can't imagine LE or Circleville leaving the MSL-Buckeye to join the SCOL. They seem to be very loyal to the other member schools in the MSL, and have long-standing rivalries with many league schools, especially Teays Valley and Amanda-Clearcreek. Also, the MSL-Buckeye is an ideal travel situation for the schools involved. The longest trip in the league is probably Hamilton Twp. to Fairfield Union, which can't be more than 35 miles. Most league trips are under 20 miles for most schools.

In some earlier discussions on this subject, the MSL has occasionally been mentioned as a remote possibility for a new home for Jackson. From Jackson's perspective, the MSL-Buckeye (the other two divisions of the MSL would make no sense) would be a better alternative even than the SCOL. Just mapquesting the distance between the High Schools, it looks like this:
Jackson to Logan Elm: 49 miles
Jackson to Circleville: 50 miles
Jackson to Amanda-Clearcreek: 57 miles
Jackson to Teays Valley: 60 miles
Jackson to Fairfield Union: 61 miles
Jackson to Hamilton Twp.: 69 miles
Jackson to Bloom Carroll: 71 miles
Jackson to Liberty Union: 75 miles
And most of the travel would be on decent roads (23 especially).

Size-wise and competition-wise, it would be a pretty good fit for both parties. Speaking as a fan of the schools in the MSL, Jackson would be a great addition for these reasons.

The problem is that from the MSL-Buckeye member's perspectives, adding Jackson wouldn't make much sense. As I mentioned, the travel is ideal currently, and adding an outlier an hour or more away would be problematic. That said, there is a decent chance that the MSL will lose a member soon if Mount Vernon leaves the OCC (which seems fairly likely). The OCC would probably poach a large school from a nearby smaller school conference to fill their spot, with Teays Valley and Hamilton Twp. being reasonable targets. If that happened, the MSL-B would certainly fill the vacancy, but there are many closer targets than Jackson [maybe a school from the MSL-Ohio, or one of the northern SVC schools if they could be gotten (Westfall or Zane Trace, who already play half of the league members in virtually every sport anyway), or even Logan]. I would think adding Jackson would be a last resort move if none of the alternatives panned out, and I couldn't imagine it lasting very long if it did happen.

I don't envy Jackson's position, and I hope something pans out for you soon.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by Jeep-ster »

What if Jackson applied to the SOC-2 in football only?

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by 4thgoal »

Jeep-ster wrote:What if Jackson applied to the SOC-2 in football only?
Why would the SOC vote to accept them for the sport in which they are most competitive? If I was voting them in, I would want the opportunity to kick their tail in basketball and some of the sports they are not as good at... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Seriously though, the SOC does not have any members for any single sport and I am not sure the charter allows that. It could, but I do not recall any schools who have been a member for a single sport.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by noreply66 »

Minford and Wheelersburg can compete with Jackson. If it was around 4 to 6 years ago Jackson might not have had a problem getting into the TVC ot the SOC. Their program was down some until just resent. People might be looking at their program going back to the 7th grade and see it is looking good and might not want anything to do with them at this time.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by 4thgoal »

The SOC constitution doesn't allow schools to charge for parking....

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by Jason Vorhees »

That's the beauty of the SOC1 and SOC2. You don't have to pay for parking, most games are jammed packed and the rivalries are intense year in and year out. Both football divisions are wonderful to watch, whether up or down seasons for any school. The people of each individual school district makes this conference what it is in football. What's even more unique, maybe outside of West, Green and Oak Hill (two have bigger stadiums, the other lack of a crowd, albeit the people wonderful at Green) is the intimacy of the each matchup. It's honestly the ideal conference because of the kids and the rivalries and the individuals in the crowd who once played that wish to keep that tradition going. On any given Friday night in the SOC1 and SOC2 the battles are life and death for bragging rights until the next year. I firmly believe the people of this conference don't want their traditions or orthodoxies taken away or added upon. You may see a team move from division to division but, very rarely do teams get in. The last team outside of Valley to get into the SOC2 is probably Waverly. That's had to have been 2-3 decades ago, if I am not mistaken.

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Re: Jackson applies for membership to OVC, SOC, SCOL

Post by Poo Bear »

Jackson has applied and the reponse from the soc league representative was a very classy response . I don't think the soc will hold any grudges or make things personal like some other conferences. They will be professional when making this consideration. I agree the soc is a classy conference with great rivalries that's why jackson would like to a part of that. Jackson is also a very classy program with good tradition. Even though they are bigger than the soc2 schools , bigger doesn't = better. The soc2 would compete with jackson most seasons. Jackson Burg games are intense and played before a packed house. So would a jackson west, jackson valley, jackon Minford....ECT.

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