LBJ in south beach

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by Rhiannon »

He had the right to go to another team. I understand that, but to act like it was such a tough decision is bogus. One minute he doesn't know what he is going to do and then it came to him that morning and then I knew if I could get a chance to play with these guys I couldn't pass that up. He made his mind up long before the season was over that he was leaving Cleveland. He wasn't playing well in the playoffs against Boston and now looking back it did look like he didn't care if they won so it would make it easier for his departure. You people can hate Cleveland fans and whine and complain about us but we do support our teams win or lose and yes it seems we are supporting mainly the losing seasons but we don't turn our backs on the teams. I personally hope Miami does well but I hope they never win a championship.

Lebron doesn't think anyone should wear #23 in honor of Michael Jordan. Now he thinks he is good enough to wear #6? Isn't that the number of Bill Russell who won 11 titles with Boston? Also wasn't that Dr. J's number when he played for the Sixers? Why does he think he is good enough for that number? How many titles has he won? Maybe when "The 3 Kings" get 11 titles he can be worthy enough to wear #6.

Hosscat, are you thinking of switching jobs to Coke? :lol:

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by Charge »

How I miss the days of Jerry West, The Big O, John Havlicek, Wilt and Kareem when it was actually about playing basketball, playing it the right way, you even had to dribble the ball back then.

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by Just_A_Fan »

this whole thing is funny.

Someone else said that he couldn't win a championship on his me one player that did win a RING by himself.

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by noreply66 »

he can have #6 as long as it isn't with a green shirt

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by 1974Viking »

Look at the bright side. Lebron's Mom can date his former team mate now. :lol: :lol: That is more than likely whu she wanted him out of Cleveland. :shock:

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

LeBron flew south, so his mom can ride West.

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

There is a great myth swirling that the Cavs had a team around LeBron that could win a title.


Can't fully blame the Cavs though, because the pieces they built with had LeBron's approval.

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by MM125 »

seofan_via_dublin wrote:LeBron flew south, so his mom can ride West.

I wanna know if West got herpes before or after he slept with Gloria

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I bet you don't want to do any true investigation though!

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by dazed&confused »

OK, let's recap. The Cavs were a one-man team. Can't dispute what your eyes told you. Brown was a serviceable coach but not the trumpet that was needed. Cavs fans put all their eggs in one basket. Sorry, he's a brand, not a team. He is moving to South Beach because by teaming up with Wade and Bosh, he thinks he can win titles and burnish the brand. Well, the brand has been diluted because even if he wins there, it will be WBL title (Wade, Bosh, LeBron). Seriously, if the fans want to swallow player idolatry as a sports model, this is what will happen to you. Miami is an entertainment company now, much like Pixar and Universal films. Buy into that model and you will be left wanting. I gave up my fan naivety back in 1995 when Modell/Mayor White/NFL conspired to move MY Cleveland Browns to Baltimore. Root for a TEAM at your own risk....THERE ARE NO LIFEGUARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: LBJ in south beach

Post by Longfellow Deeds »

Man this has been an interesting topic after reading all of these comments, LOL. I know it's old news, but I will still make a statement. The NBA is the only thing that I do not have a favorite team toward rooting for. I do not follow one team all year like I do in other leagues such as Ohio State, Bengals, Reds, etc. I have always cheered for certain player's and different team's on any game night that I have tuned in for and in the playoffs. I always have been and always will be a LBJ fan. I thought his decision to leave Cleveland was totally wrong. I couldn't have said it any better myself. He will no longer be the king, chosen one, savior, etc. He will be a sidekick on Wade's court in Wade's kingdom. I thought all of the comments and points made by Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller were very true and accurate. There was no reason to leave at age 25. The cavs had the best record in the league the past 2 seasons. They did choke in the eastern conference finals 2 years ago to the magic and last year lost to a loaded celtics team that also made it to the NBA finals. What some people didn't realize is that they beat the lakers both times during the regular season last year, who would go on to win the NBA championship. It's not like he was on a bad team. I thought all of the pieces were in place, or if not now, would have soon been for the future of the cavs to win championships for years to come. If the next 5 years went by and his contract would be up again in Cleveland, then at age 30 without a championship I could agree that it's time to go somewhere else. There's no question in my mind that the Heat will win an NBA championship with Lebron's presence. I can never put him on the same level as Jordan, Kobe, or Bird who did it all with their original team in their own house. Lebron will get a ring or rings in the future, but I will always look at him now as a sidekick, a robin, a number 2. I think the hardest part about the whole thing is that he left his home town, to which he guaranteed to bring a championship too. I agree with everything that Dan Gilbert wrote in his letter. Except for when he said the cavs would win a championship before Lebron does. I would be shocked if that were to happen. I thought it was a good statement when he said "this is not something we would want our children to become." I will cheer for the cavs because they are an Ohio team. I will cheer for the Magic because I like Dwight Howard. I will always like Jordan, Kobe, Bird because of what they did for their team. Reggie Miller will always be one of my all time favorites, even though he didn't win the big one, but for the loyalty and determination that he gave to Indianapolis. If I was in Lebron's shoes, I would not have went on national television and turned my back on my team and home town the way he did. As I stated earlier I will always like Lebron and hope he does get a ring, but i would have rather seen him do it in Cleveland as the leader not the follower in Miami. This will be an interesting season in the NBA. But, for now it's time to cheer on the Buckeyes and Bengals and hope that the Reds can keep the lead in the central for another 3 weeks.

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