Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs TONIGHT

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Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs TONIGHT


Tonights the big game GO CAVS!!!! Lebron and the Heat come to Cleveland. Right now the heats on a three game losing streak and Cleveland has a 1 game win streak.. How will the Heat fans react if Cleveland wins this game?

Cleveland Cavaliers (6-8)
2.5 GB in Central Division
Season Stats | Roster


Name --------Min Reb Asst Pts
D. Gibson ----27.9 3.4 3.8 14.0
J. Graham----18.8 2.5 0.4 7.1
M. Harris------8.8 1.3 1.0 3.5
A. Parker------28.1 2.9 2.6 7.9
R. Sessions----24.6 3.1 4.4 10.7
J. Williams----13.8 1.7 0.8 4.0
M. Williams----26.7 2.4 4.3 14.8


Name Min Reb Asst Pts
J. Hickson 25.2 5.8 0.8 12.6
R. Hollins 15.2 2.7 0.4 6.6
A. Jamison 25.1 6.2 1.5 11.5
J. Moon 23.4 4.1 1.4 6.0
L. Powe 12.0 2.4 0.0 4.6
S. Samuels 7.0 0.0 0.0 7.0
A. Varejao 32.4 9.3 1.8 8.8

Miami Heat (8-7)
2.5 GB in Southeast Division
Season Stats | Roster


Name Min Reb Asst Pts
C. Arroyo 21.1 1.9 2.0 6.9
M. Chalmers 7.3 0.4 1.3 1.1
E. House 21.9 1.7 1.5 7.5
J. Stackhouse 7.1 1.0 0.4 1.7
D. Wade 35.4 5.7 3.7 21.1

Name Min Reb Asst Pts
J. Anthony 15.0 2.9 0.4 1.8
C. Bosh 33.7 7.1 1.8 17.6
U. Haslem 26.5 8.2 0.5 8.0
J. Howard 10.2 1.7 0.3 1.0
L. James 37.6 5.3 8.3 23.6
J. Jones 25.1 2.2 0.7 7.7

Name Min Reb Asst Pts
Z. Ilgauskas 18.9 5.3 0.4 6.9
J. Magloire 6.8 2.0 0.0 1.5

Rebels on 3
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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Rebels on 3 »

Miami wins by 15 or more. Lebron will have 25 or more points.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Charge »

They are already beefing up security for this game. LeBron gets held to 10 and Cleveland wins.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2


Calm down buddy its just a game. LOL!!!!!

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by biggdowgg »

C,MON MAN,,Dont take it out on all the team,I feel your pain,I have been a Browns fan all my life, and still am, always will be.

and since you are so mad, can I have all your Cleveland Browns stuff? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by dazed&confused »

I have only been to one Brown's game since they returned and that was because my son wanted to go and see the Steelers (yes, he is :mad: ). But we caught the Fun Bus about fifteen minutes from where we live. No driving, no parking and the whole deal cost about $90 apiece. That is the only way I'd go if I went again (but NEVER when they are playing the Steelers- The Browns were behind 31-0 at the half and I was left to sit among a bunch of drunken towel wavers :lol: ).

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by bdubya »

Maybe LeBron could get Art Modell to come with him Thursday for security purposes.

The Heat should be thankful that basketball is an indoor game. Snowballs with batteries and dog bones in them hurt in the cold.

And, as anyone familiar with Cleveland would know, plastic beer bottles at the Q would be recommended for certain reasons.

Hope Z is welcomed back at least.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Charge »

LeBron is trying to get the coach fired now, they have been showing LeBron bumping into his coach all morning on ESPN. What a punk move, if there was anything to the Heat organization they would fine him and suspend him for this. I use to like LeBron but he as became a punk who thinks he is above everyone.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Raiderball »

gahs4ever there's a word that describes the jerk to a "T!"
I've been saying that for a couple years now.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by biggdowgg »

heard the Cleveland area dollar stores had a big sale on D size batteries, buy I get 2 free? :122246

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Yossarian »

gahs4ever wrote:James will learn the real meaning of HATRED in this one; not because he left but the way he left and the way he wont let it go.

He will get everything he so richly deserves. If I was at the game I would no doubt get arrested and it would be well worth it, and Im not even a Cavs fan and have never been arrested in my life.
With the history of morons leaving Cleveland in the past I am sure you are correct. Can you imagine "The Dod Pound" times ten? He will hear it very clearly that is for sure. The fans in Cleveland have waited for this moment for years. Part of the venum will be directed at him but it will really be pent up anger for the former owner of the Browns. I do not watch the NBA but I would almost watch that.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by gymrat88 »

I am just hoping that the fans at this game keep their class and dignity and represent Cleveland and Ohio in a positive way. Somehow though, I am highly doubting it.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by farmer »

gymrat88 wrote:I am just hoping that the fans at this game keep their class and dignity and represent Cleveland and Ohio in a positive way. Somehow though, I am highly doubting it.
Another joke comment. Lebron did what he did not to Cleveland or Ohio but if Cleveland and Ohioans want do something it would not be seen in a positive light. You can't have it both ways. If a person does something that should reflect on them and them alone. There were many people in Detriot when Ron Artest went into the stands. Some did things they shouldn't and others didn't do anything wrong.

The NBA is said to want to crack down on anyone who may wear a shirt or sign that is that does not put LeBron in a good light. The fans have the right to free speech as long as it is not obscene. So enjoy the game so you can become a Quitness to all that LeBron is.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by Charge »

Heard Charles Barkley told LeBron not to stand to close to him at the game. :lol:

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by dazed&confused »

I hope the Cleveland fans don't act like total idiots. We need to be able to attract free agents for my Browns and they ain't coming to a city of idiots. Yeah, Lebron is a jerk. I'm a Celtics fan but if he is such a drag (never will lead a team to the championship like a Jordan or Kobe), aren't the Cavs really better off without him?

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by gymrat88 »

A joke comment huh? You Cleveland die-harders and LeBron haters crack me up. LeBron left Cleveland to go play with two all stars. He announced where he was going on national television. Cry me a river. Personally, I hope that LeBron goes for around 40 tonight, and the Heat win by as much as they want. There would be nothing more satisfying in my mind than to shut up Dan Gilbert and the fans tonight who will most undoubtedly act like morons for the most part.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs TONIGHT

Post by arrowman »

As a life long Cleveland sports fan, I have become accustomed to casual rude comments about all the teams and the city. I have learned that most of the comments come from people that have not experienced Cleveland the way I have. I do believe that everyone is entitled to share an opinion, and it is not a prerequisite to have a basis for it.
That being said, I challenge those who dislike Cleveland to ignore topics related to the city. Focus your attention on a more positive topic or town.
As for tonight I will be happy when ESPN and other media hubs return the attention back towards the current players and teams on Friday.
All for One and One for all.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs TONIGHT

Post by gymrat88 »

Biased? I am objective. Delusional? I couldn't go to work if I was (maybe I should try that? Lol)

arrowman I enjoyed reading your post. If more Cleveland fans shared your attitude then maybe the media would lay off. Unfortunately, there are a few fans that have no respect for lebron like gahs and would do anything just to spite him.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs TONIGHT

Post by farmer »

If LeBron is entitled to his opinion I am entitled to mine. There is no law that says I need to respect LeBron because he has done somethings that I do not like. His nickname maybe the King but he is not a King to me. I am allowed to have a viewpoint without the threat of beheading or being put in prison. Just because I do not bow down to the King. So I support the Cavs tonight.

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Re: Miami Heat At Cleveland Cavs Thurs DEC 2

Post by el savior »

gymrat88 wrote:A joke comment huh? You Cleveland die-harders and LeBron haters crack me up. LeBron left Cleveland to go play with two all stars. He announced where he was going on national television. Cry me a river. Personally, I hope that LeBron goes for around 40 tonight, and the Heat win by as much as they want. There would be nothing more satisfying in my mind than to shut up Dan Gilbert and the fans tonight who will most undoubtedly act like morons for the most part.
I'm with you, I hope he drops 40. I can't stand all the Cavs fans anymore. I hope he rips them apart.

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