Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Rebels on 3
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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by Rebels on 3 »

The Heat are on a run.

the toro loco
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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by the toro loco »

Michael Jordan is the BEST NBA player EVER!!! Its sad that the nba has to have super teams, all teams should be equal, that way everyone has a chance and it would depend on how those players performed day in day out if they would win/or lose. Jordan had bird, magic Ewing, Thomas, and plenty other great players to play against, lebron and dwade have kobe, and sometimes Pierce.......not the way jordan had it,,,,,,, :?: :?: :!: :!:

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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by noreply66 »

I would take Magic over Jordan anyday--Magic could play anywhere on the court and his team would win and he did and they did.
Jordon and the Bulls wouldn't

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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by KingJames »

The Heat have LeBron, D Wade, and Bosh, the Knicks are about to have an all star team when Chris Paul and Carmelo go there. The Magic have Pierce, Allen and Garnett, the Lakers are loaded. Its ridiculous that people say that the Heat are the only team with alot of superstars. Oh by the way, I bet if you had a chance to go play with D Wade and Bosh I doubt you would say no

Rebels on 3
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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by Rebels on 3 »

As soon as MIA wins a ring everyone will forget what happened anyways.

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Re: Miami Heat 8-6 thoughts

Post by JChipwood »

IDK noreply, a couple years ago they interviewed Bird and Magic and they were talking about playing against each other and old times and then Bird said, "then came Michael and things weren't fair anymore" and he looked at Magic and both just shook their heads. Magic said he asked Mike during the olympics why he switched hands on the layup in the NBA championship because it was unecessary b/c Mike was better than him 8 days of the week. I agree Magic could play the pf and center spot but MJ was a better 1,2,and 3 than Magic so it kinda evens out a little in that aspect.

Anyway, all-star lineups have always existed in the NBA so this is not a new trend or anything. I think we got used to selfish athletes who would rather lose and make lots of money than sacrifice a little and win. Shame on us as fans. The game changed in the nineties and it had alot to do with players being selfish rather than wanting to win games. The Heat have a solid 2 man all-star team and one big that is a descent scoring power forward. I would take the Lakers or Celts line-up everyday over theirs and MANY teams have better overall depth in talent and a higher number of good players but 1 DWade + 1 LBJ bridge the gap and even the playing field more than any other duo playing right now and make up for the Heat's lack of depth and talent.

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