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Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:50 am
by Charge
Being a Miami Dolphins fan and seeing all the media hype and the NFL saying they are going to put a stop to bullying I had to laugh this week. Martin of the Dolphins was bullied by Ingonite and was made to buy something for 10,000.00 The media and league was all over this. Well I seen a worse case of bullying this week. I watch Lynch who is clearly an introvert forced to speak to the media by the NFL or pay 100,000.00 for failing to do so. The media piled on how he was hurting his team and how appalled they were that he only spoke for six minutes. You tell me who is the bigger bully? COME ON MAN!

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:22 am
by Grinder
Players aren't the only ones the NFL are bullying. Just ask the people from Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Green Bay. The NFL makes about 9 billion dollars of tax free money off their fans. The fans of these cities were told to either sell out their games or they would be blacked out. Naturally some big businesses rushed to the rescue. Why not call their bluff? Do you really think they are going to give up advertisement money? Until we the fans stand up to the NFL and boycott a few games and quit buying their products for a while we can expect to spend a weeks pay check to go to a game and get treated the way we do. Would you let a store that you spent a ton of money at treat you this way?

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:01 pm
by BBallin fool
BS Its a man games walk away if you can't take it !!!

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:14 pm
by Tigercannon71
I read like 35 of the 48 pages of text between the two and it seemed to me it was just two teammates busting in each other. No bullying just avg teammate stuff.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:22 am
by morgeen
tigercannon71 wrote:I read like 35 of the 48 pages of text between the two and it seemed to me it was just two teammates busting in each other. No bullying just avg teammate stuff.
youre right Cannon - people should read all those texts before they judge this case. it made me really think about this differently. media loved to show it how they wanted to see it

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:01 pm
by halfacent
What is busting on each other to some, is bullying to others.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:28 pm
by Tigercannon71
When both are doing it, its called busting each others chops.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 3:09 pm
by morgeen
publicola wrote:What is busting on each other to some, is bullying to others.
I thought the same thing til I read the hundreds of texts those guys had. It's a tough situation to judge from the outside.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:08 pm
by Tigercannon71
buckhunter740 wrote:
tigercannon71 wrote:I read like 35 of the 48 pages of text between the two and it seemed to me it was just two teammates busting in each other. No bullying just avg teammate stuff.
youre right Cannon - people should read all those texts before they judge this case. it made me really think about this differently. media loved to show it how they wanted to see it

The way the media portrayed it Incognito was just a mean bully, but from reading those texts it seemed like him and Martin were 2 buddies that really got along well together. The last texts really made me feel bad for him where he was texting Martin and asking for help cause he was about to lose his job and hes like hey buddy need some help here and Martin didn't reply.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:02 pm
by halfacent
I did not read the whole text. I stand corrected.

Re: Bullying in the NFL

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:10 pm
by Charge
NFL and ESPN rules state it is very wrong and appalling for a 350lb man to make fun of another 350lb man verbally but it is ok for a grown man to knock out his girlfriend with a punch.