Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by RiverRatRay »

BigMcCauley55 wrote:no basketball

I wouldn't be so sure.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

RiverRatRay wrote:
BigMcCauley55 wrote:no basketball

I wouldn't be so sure.

well i am he said it himself "i want to concentrate on football in college"

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by RiverRatRay »

Don't be too surprised if you see him on the court.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

I will be because it wont happen

that just dosent happen these days if he is going to be as good as he is said to be osu wont let him taking a chance of tearing his acl or mcl or blowing out his knee in basketball and he wants the NFL money not the NBA money

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

But he remained resolute in his desire to be a quarterback and develop into an NFL-caliber talent.
“It’s my ticket,” he said of football.

and the worst thing he said

Pryor gushed about the Buckeyes but also expressed his regret at not being able to suit up for Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez, who now finds himself without a quarterback to run his spread offense next season.

“I shouldn’t even feel bad right now but I feel bad because I said no to Michigan,” Pryor said. “I had so much of a bond with Coach Rodriguez. They had their hopes on me and i let them down

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Boo-Duh »

BigMcCauley55 wrote:
“I shouldn’t even feel bad right now but I feel bad because I said no to Michigan,” Pryor said. “I had so much of a bond with Coach Rodriguez. They had their hopes on me and i let them down

That's alright Pryor, Coach Rod let the whole state of WV down!!! LOL!!! Can you say payback!!! :aaaaa56 :aaaaa56 :aaaaa4

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by noreply66 »

Didn't Ohio State move up to about #5 on rival's list?

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Peake »

Funny that his head coach and Batch wanted him to attend Michigan but he choose not to listen. I wish him the best I really do, just not come the third week of November. Also, for all of the people that think QB's can't succeed at Michigan under RR, a handful of NFL scouts told PRyor go to Michigan.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by bucknut 23 »

Pryor will be at Ohio State for three years. The only way he would go pro after his sophomore year would be if he red-shirted his freshman year. Don't think that is going to happen.

Looks like it's going to be OSU over Michigan for three more years in a row and 9 of the last 10 !!!!!!

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by tabibeeto »

Finally I can get back on this sight my company had banned athletic sites for like 6 months.I just want to Say GOOOOOOOD CHOICE! That boy knows where to come to Win.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Orestes »

peake wrote:Funny that his head coach and Batch wanted him to attend Michigan but he choose not to listen. I wish him the best I really do, just not come the third week of November. Also, for all of the people that think QB's can't succeed at Michigan under RR, a handful of NFL scouts told PRyor go to Michigan.

This is from the "insider" who said all along that Pryor=====Buckeye and that SOMETIMES YOU THINK AND SOMETIMES YOU KNOW. He wagered thousands on his inside info with Pryor (being donated to charity) and had Pryor to OSU since October. He never...absolutely never waivered in his Pryor====Buckeye posts, and he put his credidibility on the line entirely with his Pryor info. He was dead on with everything about Pryor, and this is what he said yesterday after the whole thing was over.

This is a story told from the recollections of those closest to this story----and will give you an idea of why "sometimes you think, and sometimes you know".....

the Players:

Terrelle Pryor--knew early on that he wanted to join the guys at Ohio State. Felt like OSU was "home" and the place that he could "best develop as a well rounded quarterback"

Mike Adams--quietly toiled behind the scenes to bring Terrelle into the fold. Didn't get near the hype of other kids, but truly "led the way" on this recruitment.

Mike Brewster--what more need be said?? Mike "Did Work" on this one, and never let up until the final minute, and the LOI was across the wire.

Devier Posey--another guy who worked behind the scenes to make this happen. Devier and Terrelle have that "QB/WR bond" working already.

Charlie Batch--a good "friend" to Ohio State in this process. Had Pryor's best interests at heart at all times. Saw OSU as "the best choice" pretty early on.

Coach Reitz--not a friend of OSU's in this sweepstakes. Got his feelings hurt when he felt that the OSU staff wasn't "paying enough attention to him". Was the unnamed source(according to many) saying unflattering things about OSU/Tressel.

Coach Roy Hall---another "hero" in this process. Coach Hall was a huge asset to OSU in the recruitment, and someone that Terrelle looked to for guidance throughout this entire ordeal.

Ted Sarniak---"Uncle Teddy"(as Terrelle refers to him) as been like a surrogate father to Terrelle for a LONG time--LONG before he was an accomplished athlete. The biggest mistake Michigan and Penn State EVER did was attacking this guy's character and trying to splash mud on him. Bad Strategy.

The story of Pryor's commitment begins with Pryor's initial infatuation with Ohio State. He always was just a fan of the team---loved to be the Buckeyes when playing video games---and just always saw himself as an Ohio State player.

When he went to the Summer football camp(the ONLY camp he attended) he was shown around the new facilities(in various stages of completion) and had the opportunity to meet the other players. Meeting guys like Stoney, Adams, Brewster, Posey etc just really made him feel like "these guys could be my family".

When Andrew Sweat(who has been a friend of Terrelle's since the 8th grade) commited to Ohio State he took it as a further sign that "OSU was the place for him" and that it "was meant to be"....

By the time the Fall had rolled around Pryor was already indicating to other recruits that "if they wanted to play with him, that most likely it would be at Ohio State"----this made an impact on guys like Flash Thomas and Willie Mobley who were impressed by the leadership that Pryor was already displaying.....

Throughout the Fall the recruiting process really started to wear on Terrelle, and he considered ending the process early on a number of occassions. It seemed to him pointless to drag it out, as he already knew he wanted to be a Buckeye. But he trudged on at the advice of Coach Reitz who encouraged him "to keep his options open"......

By November, Terrelle had the opportunity to take his official visit to Ohio State. ALL of the other recruits were there---and the facilities were 100% finished and on display. To say he was "blown away" would be an understatement. This was the first weekend that he came right out and told OSU of his intentions to be their quarterback.....

Appropriately so, Pryor's focus stayed on his team winning the state championship in football(which they did) and AGAIN Pryor considered ending the drama and commiting. Again, Coach Reitz and Family(who at this time were being "wined and dined" by the PSU coaching staff--big time) encouraged him to "keep an open mind" so he relented......

January rolled in---and Coach Reitz told him that "now would be a good time to visit AA"--so Pryor and Batch headed up to AA. The visit(according to those who were there) was "ok" and Pryor did send the now famous "man this place is cold and dirty" text. According to many, Pryor was never as enamored with RR as many had believed---he liked him, but did not hold him in the same esteem as Coach Tressel. After this visit OSU was informed in "no uncertain terms, that Pryor was going to be their quarterback".....

By now basketball season was in full swing, and signing day was upon us. Pryor was already to sign with OSU and informed his parents of his decision. This turned into a standoff with is father(who needed to sign the LOI) who asked him "to please just visit PSU"---this turned into an all out argument(most of the night) and ended with Pryor agreeing to delay his decision.

Pryor intended to visit PSU(to placate his dad) the weekend that his father suffered a heart attack---so this became another "sign" that this "just wasn't meant to be"---and at this point it became obvious to Terrelle that holding off his decision until he was "out of Happy Valley, after the bball finals" was a good decision.....

The basketball championship in hand--Pryor then informed his parents and advisors that his "mind was made up--and he felt it was time to end it"....

and that is when the world found out what we had long known....Pryor===Buckeye

SO--what does this all mean...???

well it means that "Oregon and Michigan" were NEVER going to land this kid.....so whoever said that was just guessing and dead wrong....

it means that "he wasn't 45% going to head somewhere else"--that was just some nonsense Beaver speak....

it means that Pryor REALLY wanted to be a Buckeye--and had for a LONG time---and there were really no other players in this sweepstakes---despite what ESPN/Herbstreit/Spielman/Hooley or anyone else was saying.....

it means that the other recruits did an AMAZING job bringing this home--kudos to them.....

and it means we have the best coach in America---and Pryor knows that to---Tressel is THE MAN.....

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Brutus8907 »

Tartanblue wrote:It's great the we got him for football but what are the chances we could have him for basketball also?

i dont want him to play basketball. like mccauley already said that basically doubles his chances of a career ending injury and i dunno about the rest of you guys but when i think tOSU i think FOOTBALL, so i'd rather see the football team thrive even if it's possibly at the expense of the basketball team.

i think the earlier quote orestes provided sums it up. he really made the right choice if he wants to further develop his arm as opposed to his legs.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

well i see no point in argue this because you cant change his mind

just be at peace with it

and part of his descion was family

oregon to far michigan was little too far OSU is a decent drive and Penn state just sucked

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

Memphis gave him a bball offer at the last minute

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by bucknut 23 »


Sounds like you know "NEVADA" too and are a reader on Scout. He is definitely THE MAN in regards to inside information.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Orestes »

bucknut 23 wrote:ORESTES

Sounds like you know "NEVADA" too and are a reader on Scout. He is definitely THE MAN in regards to inside information.

Yes, and yes he is the man. Please don't turn me in for spreading the inside info here. I just couldn't help myself on this one. The people needed to see the truth and not just what TP says to the national media. Nevada never blinked on his info. It's more like an advertisement for Scout anyway. Nevada posts and there are 2,000 views within 5 minutes :-D

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Peake »

I completly understand why he wanted to go to OSU. He loves the buckeyes, so go. His antics of bringing in Batch and all of that is where I am turned off. Batch wanted him to go to UM, if he wasn't going to listen to Batch, why overly pub him being a part of the Pryor company. I wish him the best every game but one. One player will not make a class. Brewster is overhyped, and I can't wait to see him get dominated by big Will Campbell soon. Shot he was dominated by Ricky Barnum in high school. With Booboo, Trent, and Warren on the outside I feel confident that UM will have no problems locking down the wideouts, the problem has been the LB core which I feel will be better than it has been in the last 5 years. DL returns every starter, all special teams are back as well. It will come down to who can run the offense.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Orestes »

Batch was a "friend" to OSU according to the guy who has been spot on about Pryor all along, and he is aware of what Pryor said about Batch at his presser.

And yes, one player will not make a class. However, Michigan was pulling guys out of Ohio that OSU did not offer. Koger was the only one with a Buckeye offer. That means that OSU liked the guys from out of state that they pulled much better than the Ohio guys without offers. I will take OSU's side on talent evaluation, considering that JT and the Bucks have been dominant in the Big Ten and in the NFL Draft.

Urban Meyer wanted Brewster badly. He never gave up on him until the day he moved in at OSU. I'll take his and Tressel's talent evaluation over a Prepster's or a Michigan insider who hates OSU.

Brewster was an early OSU offer. One of the first. JT has never flopped on an early offer. Every single one has turned out great, but maybe it is OSU's coaching and development.

As Nevadabuck has said, and he has been 100% on Pryor (from the horse's mouth as he says), "watch what Pryor does, not what he says."

Head Coach Reitz ======friend of RR and does not like OSU
Batch====== "friend" of OSU
Pryor======Buckeye (has guaranteed it since October and has never worried...not even a little).

And just go ahead and try to lockdown those WRs (that rain and sleet played a good CB last year) while Beanie Wells runs right up and down Michigan's pooper hole :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Peake »

It took VY three years to finally put it all together, so I am not too worried. By that time your stars on D will be gone, Beanie will be long gone, and so will your big OT. Michigan on the other hand will build around a solid nucleus on young talent. Lets not get into the evaluation of talent OSU vs UM. If I am not mistaken the biggest star in all of the game is from UM. Anyways, yes Benie is a beast and ran right through the D, but UM's secondary had little trouble with the OSU subpar wideouts. Trent may be the fastest player on the field every single saturday, warren a stud and future pro in the making, booboo was one of the top corners in the country last season and will contribute right away. OSU will have to run it down the throats of UM, not throw it. BTW, I was at the game last year, there was no sleet.

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Re: Terrelle Pryor to choose (THE OSU) at noon today!!!!

Post by Orestes »

Rewatch the game. OSU has a 3rd and 3 or a 4th and 3 on the first drive and they threw the ball downfield. Brian Hartline was WIDE OPEN, but the ball was way way underthrown by Boeckman. Boeckman could not even do his drop back without falling down, let alone throw the ball. Of course OSU was not going to get the ball to their WRs. I'm not sure if you watched the game, but the throws by Boeckman took OSU's WRs out of it. Jim Tressel even told Bill Greene on Scout that OSU's WRs vs. Michigan's DBs was the biggest mismatch in favor of OSU, but that OSU could not take advantage of it because of the weather (Boeckman) and the eventual flow of the game (knew they would win w/out a turnover).

Every single person watching the game knew that OSU was going to give the ball to Beanie Wells on every single snap. The defense was in control, and Boeckman could not make a throw. Even still, Wells ran all over them. Imagine Wells running the ball if there was a threat of OSU throwing. Everyone knew OSU was going to run every play.

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