Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

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Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by dazed&confused »

Posted by John Taylor on March 7, 2011, 8:04 PM EST
If you are an Ohio State fan and thought, with the exception of serving the five-game suspensions, the imbroglio involving multiple Buckeyes receiving impermissible benefits was over, you may be very, very wrong.

And the school’s head coach may have bought himself a world of NCAA hurt. Allegedly.

According to a report by Dan Wetzel of Yahoo! Sports, “coach Jim Tressel was informed that several Buckeyes players were selling memorabilia more than eight months before the school claims it was made aware of the scheme.” That startling accusation stems from a two-month investigation by the website, and also comes on the heels of rumors that .

Sources told the website that Tressel was informed in April of 2010 that some of his players were selling/bartering Buckeyes memorabilia and mementos to the owner of Columbus tattoo parlor. At a December press conference announcing the suspensions for “The Buckeye Five” — quarterback Terrelle Pryor, offensive lineman Mike Adams, running back Boom Herron, wide receiver DeVier Posey and defensive lineman Solomon Thomas – athletic director Gene Smith stated that the school did not become aware of the violations until Dec. 7, a full eight months after Tressel allegedly learned of potential violations committed by members of the football program.

If in fact Tressel knew of what his players were doing and did not inform the athletic department, the football program in general and Tressel specifically could be in for significant repercussions from the NCAA and the school itself — up to and including Tressel being dismissed for cause by the university.

If Tressel failed to inform Smith or the Ohio State compliance department about the players’ dealings with Rife, he could be charged with multiple NCAA violations including unethical conduct, failure to monitor and a failure to promote an atmosphere of compliance. In general, a coach is required to act on, or pass along reasonable information about possible rule violations for further investigation.

Section 4.1(d) of Tressel’s contract with Ohio State stipulates that he “supervise and take appropriate steps to ensure … members of the Team know, recognize and comply with any such laws, University Rules and Governing Athletic Rules and immediately report to the (Athletic) Director and to the (Athletic) Department’s Office of Compliance Services in writing if any person or entity, including without limitation, representatives of Ohio State’s athletic interests, has violated or is likely to violate any such laws, University Rules and Governing Athletic Rules.”

Section 5.1 (m) of his contract also states that failure to promptly report “any violations” could lead to “termination by Ohio State for cause.”

Ohio State itself could be cited with playing ineligible players and forced to vacate its 2010 season, when it won a share of the Big Ten championship and finished 12-1. It could also face further sanctions for major infractions.

Obviously, if it can be proved that Tressel had prior knowledge of the violations and did not report it — or that it was reported to the athletic department but they did not act on it — the ramifications could be monumental for both the coach and the program.

Given what’s known publicly about Tressel and the kind of man he is, it’s hard to believe he would have this type of information on his players and just squat on it. However, Wetzel & Company have a tremendous track record of nailing stories such as this, so it’s highly doubtful they would run with something as major as this has the potential to become without having every “i” dotted and “t” crossed.

And that should be very, very sobering news for both the head coach and fans of the football program.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by fightingtigers45 »

Major major major news.

If true, BIG time violations and repriscussions. Failure to monitor is the kiss of death, in my opinion, for a coach.

The good news: SEC is still 8-0 in Bowl games vs the Buckeyes :122249

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water


The "Vest" is too clean, "say it ain't so Joe - say it ain't so, tell us what they're sayin about ya in the papers ain't true Joe, tell us it ain't true ".............(We all know how that turned out don't we ?) :122246

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by fightingtigers45 »

gahs4ever wrote:Pne thing I love (dripping sarcasm) about the paparazzi mentality in today's news agnecies is being able to write anything they want as long as they covers their arses by using the word "alledgedly."

They dont have to be able to prove anything and in fact can even report rumors as long as they protect themselves that way.

Of course, the USA is now the most litigious society on the face of the earth, and so the old cliche "where there's smoke there's fire" mentality takes over as well.

EXAMPLE: I was called to serve jury duty, and the first trial I was in the pool on was a drug case where the defendant was caught with the drugs in possession. As prospective jurors were called one at a time to be interviewed by both the prosecution and the defense, one was asked if the state could not prove their case would the propective juror have any reservations returning a not guilty verdict. The woman responded, "Why would I do that? She was caught with the drugs in her possession, wasnt she?"

She was dismissed.

Whether there was any improprieties or not by Tressel or tOSU is beside the point. It is the job of the NCAA to investigate (assuming the charges are provable) and render a verdict without the case (when it becomes one) being tried in the court of public opinion.

Let me put it another way. Lets say you have been arrested and charged with a crime. Lets just say. Do you want your case tried in the papers, TV, radio, and internet and people's minds made up about your guilt or innocence before you even go to trial?

Now, even if Tressel is not charged by the NCAA, there will always be doubt and suspicions in the minds of many because of irresponsible journalism.

While I agree it is the job of the NCAA, let's not act like its you, I, or some random blog is reporting this. Yahoo! Sports is extremely credible. Wetzel and his crew have been doing research on this for months. Yahoo! does incredible investigative reporting.

The key in all of this will be if someone can provide documentation of the allegations. A text message, an email, something. If not, Tress's "good ol' boy" image can save him.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water


It is alleged the rr started this rumor, hoping to have one last chance at beating TRESS

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by all-time athlete »

Yahoo! Sports is extremely credible. Wetzel and his crew have been doing research on this for months. Yahoo! does incredible investigative reporting.

That's a joke right? please oh please tell me that's a joke

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by fightingtigers45 »

all-time athlete wrote:Yahoo! Sports is extremely credible. Wetzel and his crew have been doing research on this for months. Yahoo! does incredible investigative reporting.

That's a joke right? please oh please tell me that's a joke
As far as actual reporting goes, no it is not a joke. Their investigative stuff is FAR better than that of other outlets.

They broke the Reggie Bush story after eight months of investigation. They broke the UNC football story. They are currently breaking the Oregon story.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by froggy48 »

Yahoo Sports is very credible! They broke the Reggie Bush story,OJ Mayo,Kansas ticket scandal,Oregon story. Just because it's OSU doesn't mean it isn't true and should not be considered just a paper printing anything they want crap.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by gunit »

That would stink for Tressel and OSU if the greatest OSU athlete ever, Pryor, was the undoing of Tressel and the OSU program. Pryor is a punk, plain and simple.

By the way, I am a HUGE OSU fan.

The dispatch ran an article today, stating that they are looking into phone records to see if there really was a tipster and if the call took place. It states that Tressel told the tipster that he was concerned and would look into the matter.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

The guys quote one source, they don't need to identify him, and they shouldn't as journalists if he asked not to be identified.

Here's the simple truth:
If it's true and Tressel knew, and after an internal investigation it's verified, then fire him!
No ifs, ands, or buts, Fire Him! And take the punishment that follows.

If it turns out that Yahoo went to press with a misleading story that can not be verified, then bring the two writters involved to The Oval, and have them publicy horse whipped before they write a mandatory retraction and apology!

There will be plenty more unfold in coming weeks, no need to get the panties in a wad quite yet!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by dazed&confused »

I just posted the story because it was breaking last night and seemed worthy of a topic. I've withheld my opinion and will continue to do so. This story is in it's infancy and I'm sure it will be explored to the nines by the NCAA. Only their verdict and findings are worthy of critical discussion.

As for the publicity involved in this, we live in a crazy new world nowdays. Gone are the days when the local newspaper reporter, afraid of being excommunicated by the all-powerful coach, would squelch a story like this. Twitter, Facebook, and any number of outlets allow the public, let alone writers to vent their spleen on any issue. Is it right? Who knows. But it is what it is. As Bo Ryan would say, "Deal with it!"

4ever, what we are all doing on this blog is, in essence, trying public (and some private) individuals in the public opinion court. We all have an opinion and I'm not saying mine is different than yours; it's just that in this day and age, I am not surprised by this type of journalism and the hype that accompanies it. I'll only say if the allegations are proved wrong, Tressel should own Yahoo! Sports. If right, he will be gone.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by CLane »

fightingtigers45 wrote:Major major major news.

The good news: SEC is still 8-0 in Bowl games vs the Buckeyes :122249
What game did this Troll watch two months ago?...LOL.

Absolutely nothing will come out of this story/investigation. There will be zero proof in the form of documentation/paper trail....especially after the national spectacle that occurred in December. I'm not saying "The Vest" did or didn't know, but there is no chance we will ever find out.

Also, Dan Wetzel (along with the rest of Yahoo!Sports) is a hack. Yahoo!Sports' sole concern is negativity/corruption when it comes to amateur and professional athletics. They've developed their niche b/c they can't compete with the talent that ESPN, SI, and others scoop up. I personally avoid their articles/blogs as much as possible.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by Bleeding Red »

CLane wrote:
fightingtigers45 wrote:Major major major news.

The good news: SEC is still 8-0 in Bowl games vs the Buckeyes :122249
What game did this Troll watch two months ago?...LOL.

Absolutely nothing will come out of this story/investigation. There will be zero proof in the form of documentation/paper trail....especially after the national spectacle that occurred in December. I'm not saying "The Vest" did or didn't know, but there is no chance we will ever find out.

Also, Dan Wetzel (along with the rest of Yahoo!Sports) is a hack. Yahoo!Sports' sole concern is negativity/corruption when it comes to amateur and professional athletics. They've developed their niche b/c they can't compete with the talent that ESPN, SI, and others scoop up. I personally avoid their articles/blogs as much as possible.

The NCAA themselves decided to let the players play in the bowl game. There will be no change in the outcome of the bowl game.

There is also no way to prove that JT knew about this before. It is his word against a lame sports reporter from Yahoo.

Yahoo is building all of this up for off season drama.

And I still dont agree with the NCAA sanctions that say players cannot sell what is rightfully under THEIR ownership. Oh, wait....the idiots of the NCAA got mad that players were making a little money from their cash cow. The last I checked I will be damned if someone tells me what I can and cannot sell when I am a law abiding citizen of the good ole USA.

This is what happens to kids when they sell their soul to the NCAA, upon enrolling in a NCAA school.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Fans of USC thought the same thing about Yahoo Sports's reporting. Look at how they got hit.

If it's true, and that's a big if to get proven, then we will forfeit all of last years wins, and Tressel will no longer be our coach.

If it's not true, our name is further dragged through the mud, and Trolls everywhere have more ammo.

Don't hold your breath on a retraction or apology if Tressel wins in the battle of "he said/she said"!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

There will be a press conference at 7:00 pm tonight.
In attendance will be Jim Tressel, Gene Smith, and Gordon Gee.

With the three of them there, only two options hold true:
1) The hold a united front against the report.
2) As of 7:00 pm, we are in a coaching search.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by GoBuckeyes2786 »

I remember reading a report from yahoo sports around December claiming Tressel resigned as coach from the buckeyes. It was obviously false and nothing else was ever made of it. Unless there is full blown proof I don't even think matters like this should be reported. There is constantly rumor or violations, trades and other breaking news flying around on sports websites and shows and half never happen

As others said, if it's true then they deserve the penalties given or jobs taken. I find it hard to believe Tressel would have kept it a secret knowing his players had committed violations. He's suspended players in the past for their off field problems I don't see why he wouldn't have took action in this situation

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by fightingtigers45 »

For those continuing to believe Yahoo! Sports is not credible...

Go to Google. Search "Yahoo! Sports Investigative Reporting" and see what you find. They would not run this story if it were not completely backed up. Thank you DUBS for not being naive as to the ability of Yahoo! Sports.

Additionally, silence speaks volumes. The news broke last night, and the response from OSU is to do NOTHING for 24 hours. Not the best plan, IMO.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Coach Tressel is the best wordsmith the NCAA has seen in the football world. At the press conference tonight I expect him NOT to resign, but to issue a statement that fills the massive wholes in the yahoo story.

A summary of what Tress says will likely be something like this.

"I was informed in April, like the report states. However, I was true to my word of investigation, and after talking to my team and those involved, there was not sufficient evidence in April to say that a possible NCAA violation occurred. Therefore, I did not notify the NCAA, as we believed it was a dead issue and not necessary. As a coach, I take my players at their word. I expect honesty and integrity, and had no reason to think otherwise. Once the US Attorney General, who has the power to prosecute those who lie, got involved, evidence showing that violations had occured were brought forward. Upon discovery of this evidence, we immediately notified the NCAA and they quickly acted and issued a 5 game suspension."

This statement would acknowledge the yahoo report as partially true, would clear JT of the allegation of not investigating, and if deemed truthful by the NCAA would close the book on the story.

I don't expect a resignation, the outsiders will have more ammo, but JT will come out of this crapfest smelling like roses!

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

fightingtigers45 wrote:
Additionally, silence speaks volumes. The news broke last night, and the response from OSU is to do NOTHING for 24 hours. Not the best plan, IMO.
JT told the press through the AP today that OSU has been in constant contact with the NCAA, and that they have reported a possible violation to the NCAA so that the NCAA can start an investigation of JT.

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Re: Uh-oh: Jim Tressel could be in major NCAA hot water

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I don't know anymore.
The more I read, the more I hear, and the more I realize how many times yahoo has reported a college issue as major as this, the more I think that the Tressel era may be over as of 7:00 tonight.

I hope not, but in reality, I think my hope is based more on homerism and a desire to believe that JT is one of the last good guys in sports.

I think he is still a great individual, that may have made a very bad decision.

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