I can tell you that we had my wife's Cadillac to the Caddy dealership close to Easton Mall on several occasions to have warranty work done to it. The first time, they got it all finished up the same day, but they still let us use a new Cadillac for the day as we waited around Columbus. The second time they didnt have it done the same day, and that was on a Saturday. My wife asked the Service Manager what we needed to do since we live 1.5 hrs away.....he told us to drive the "rental" car. My wife explained to him that we work and couldnt get back until the next weekend, he said "No problem, drive it all week!!".peake wrote:Well I find it very interesting that he is getting a loaner car, let alone a loaner car as "nice" as the one's he has been getting. I consider where I live to be in a simi-major metro area (Raleigh-Durham), and I bought our recent car from a GM dealer, who doesn't give us a loaner when our car is in the shop for multiple days. I know our insurance will cover one if we have to, but I have never gotten one in this area. I also ran this idea by my father-in-law who lives in Detroit, and has never heard of this extra perk. Columbus must be a nice place.
What I also find interesting is that a 2006 article in the Columbus Dispatch reported this: "Auditors found that 44 athletes bought parking permits for, received parking tickets in, or were seen driving cars that weren't registered.
Records obtained in May show that football players continue to submit incomplete forms, lacking sales prices, dates of purchases, co-signers and other required information."
What exactly was he protecting his players from? Why not just turn it over to compliance? His players have to play by the same rules as everyone else, no exceptions. Protecting them is doing the responsible thing and teaching them accountability and being responsible for one's own actions. I totally disagree with any this idea he was protecting anything other then his season, his wins, and his contract. You are right, he protected 5 "star" players at the expense of 80 other players. As I previously stated, a 3rd string kicker does this then he does what he is supposed to
I used the ratio example to shed light on the woe is the Head Coach theory of he can't have 125 eyes at once. I get what you are saying but the folks in Tempe, LA, Miami areas for example would be a much more convincing argument. I am not using Marshall as my only example, and I am aware it is more difficult to keep tabs on players in larger markets, but the point remains. If players have to "get lost" in order to have a good time, then those are not kids you want in your program.
Lastly, if it is common practice for anyone to get loaner cars in the Columbus metro area, might I suggest checking current insurance and not loaning out cars to student-athletes that bring attention on them. I would totally disconnect myself and the program from the current dealership that continues to "bend" the rules for these players.
On top of their great customer service (Germain) rental vehicles DO exist in Columbus when having warranty/repair work done to your vehicle. It is a perk of doing business with them.
Now I am not saying that TP was really having repair work done or not. But as a Buckeye fanatic, I have come to the realization that TP is a POS who only cares about himself, doesnt have any respect for the football program, his personal achievements, the COACHES or the fans. TP cares about himself, and thats it. NOTHING that could come out in the media about him would surprise me at this point.