Gee: B1G will expand to 16-20 schools

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Re: Gee: B1G will expand to 16-20 schools


but with that said , glad to have nebraska, could care less about rutgers/maryland

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Re: Gee: B1G will expand to 16-20 schools

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I understand the reasoning behind adding Rutgers and Maryland. AAU schools. Locations in states that border a Big Ten state. Increased revenue. Large media markets. Adding schools where thousands and thousands of Big Ten alumni live. That part isn't the big gamble. The big gamble is finding out how successful Rutgers and Maryland can become with Big Ten resources. Penn State was not a gamble. Nebraska was not a gamble. Maryland and Rutgers are both gambles in terms of atheletic competition in football.

What I think will happen:

Maryland and Rutgers will both experience sellout crowds for all Big Ten games. In an ideal world, they would be natural sellouts with their own fans. However, given how well Big Ten fans travel AND the fact that both schools are in metro areas with thousands of Big Ten alumni, those stadiums will be packed one way or another.

The general excitement of being in the Big Ten will help convince some local talent to remain at home that might otherwise have went elsewhere. New Jersey football players are especially known to leave the state to play college football. Rutgers can better convence a 4 or 5 star recruit to stay at home and play for Rutgers if they know they will have the chance to play the likes of Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, and Nebraska. The Big East never offered that type of brand-excitement and competition. Same situation for Maryland - other than Florida State and maybe Virginia Tech and Clemson, what brand excitement exists in football in the ACC? Only Florida State would be at the same level of excitement as the top 4 in the Big Ten. If Maryland can convence a few more 4 or 5 star MD/DC/NOVA kids to stay home and play at MD, their recruiting will go up. Better recruiting means better competition.

The wildcard: How big of an impact will Big Ten money have on Rutgers and Maryland? This is especially true for Rutgers because its annual budget in the Big East was always less than Maryland in the ACC. With vast financial resources in the Big Ten, can this be a game changer for either program? There is potential here that the Big Ten could be "creating a monster" and one of those schools could play its cards right and over the next decade turn into one of the top football programs in the country as they will now have access to resources unknown to the conferences they left behind. On the flip side, they could make bad choices and end up being at the bottom of the conference. That is the big gamble.

Even if both schools finish near the bottom of the standing each year, perhaps the increased revenue for all of the Big Ten will assist other Big Ten schools with resources to improve their teams. Maybe the added revenue will help Wisconsin, Michigan State, Iowa or anyone else rise to the level of Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State and Nebraska. Maybe the added revenue will help Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State and Nebraska compete with the SEC for coaches and southern recruits and national championships year in and year out.

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Slim Jim
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Re: Gee: B1G will expand to 16-20 schools

Post by Slim Jim »

You're Tiger Bait wrote:HEY I'M JUST A FAN HOSS.
Wasn't talking directly to you.Sorry if it came off that way.

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Re: Gee: B1G will expand to 16-20 schools


no worries mate.

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