Kosta Koufos or Greg Greg Oden Who is better

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Post by buckeyeshots »

Why is this even a thread? If you think that Koufos is even on the same level, you must not watch basketball.

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As i said afer editing my post I was mainly speaking/asking about the offensive side of things.

On the defsive side of things it is like night and day. Oden is a man while Koufos is as soft as a cotton ball.

Mercerville Monster
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Post by Mercerville Monster »

If I was a coach, I rather play against Kufos anyday. Why?

1. Kufos spends alot of time away from the basket, thats the biggest body on the court and you dont hve to worry about him eating up the boards on Offense and things like that.

2. Oden was a beast on BOTH ends of the court. Kufos still has to learn how to do that.

3. Players were just plain out SCARED to go inside when Oden was around. I think Kufos is lacking that respect at this time.

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Post by farmer »

Oden when he walked on the court he changed how the other team played the game. Even when Oden was not feeling well he did whatever he could for the team. He was a team player where his personal stats didn't mean as much as team success. That is why a lot of people have compared his style of play to that of Bill Russell. Oden's health will be the only thing keeping him from showing how close he can come to playing like Russell.
I am sure if you asked college coaches who they would rather play against the answer would be Kufos.

sports junkie
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Post by sports junkie »

Is this a joke or are you serios.

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