peake wrote:Sure thing Marshallman......I would love love love to see you find a single post where I cut and paste. I have no problem with anyone doing that in the first place, much like ballparent does. I forgot to put the link up, I apologized. I will say the same thing I said to ballparent, stop attacking me and add to the site. I seriously doubt either one of you are reading articles pertaining to Michigan in the first place, and the people I know/talk to work for scout, etc. Unless you are paying premium dollars to look at a Michigan recruiting board, you aren't seeing anything. You want links to my articles, PM me.
On Marshall, I told you from the beginning. I have been around the program, I have seen the same thing for four years now. You would have won the bet, I was wrong about UM, but I was right when it came to Marshall and Clemson.
Anytime I put anything on the board that is an article taken from another source, I provide the link, and usually only post a portion of the article along with the link and allow posters to follow through on the reading if they like. If I don't....then the words are mine, including any opinion or reference to a player's performance or game comment. I go to the games, know the players, and I'm very observant. And no peake, I'm not a season ticket holder but have been a guest of Buckeye player's and used their complimentary tickets. At the Michigan game we sat with Beanie Wells' girlfriend and Boom Herron's family. I could share lots of info about specific player's and have plenty of sources that share a multitude of Buckeye info, some that I like to hear and others about player's that I admire and that does nothing but disillusion me and take the luster from the game. The one thing that doesn't stop them from sharing with me is the fact that they know I won't go on a public chat board and reveal anything they have to say. They can vent all they want and that's as far as it will go. That's another reason I have always doubted your "sources" and your "knowledge", if it's valid you wouldn't want to post it here or pm it to anyone, otherwise those "sources" picked a person with a lack of character to share it with.
As for providing links to copied and pasted posts, it's ridiculous to expect members to pm you to get those and should be given willingly with the copied post, especially if the post is not intended to come across as your own words.
As for you feeling attacked or insulted, I guess I could say that's just karma, because that is exactly what you have done to fellow posters for months. You name call, demean, ridicule their statements, and as for me discount any opinion I have because "YOU" feel I do not have the qualifications or experience of the game to make posts that are to be respected and not attacked. "You" do not have the final say so over any member's posts or the right to qualify or disqualify anything anyone has to say just because "you" think you know it all. We've all gotten to see over the past few months how all your knowledge, predictions, and who was going where turned out to be well as the fact that the words that you say are not your own but are often another's or digested info you've sucked from other boards or articles. People on this board simply expect to be treated with respect on what they post whether you feel you have an "all knowing crystal ball" to prove them wrong or not, and not to have to qualify their credentials to you in order to do so. And since you rant consistently on your knowledge and sources expect to have that questioned when it's found that "your" knowledge is coming from someone else's mouth. Here's another thread started by you with no link, even though it was asked for and it was a story that was FOUR years old.....? And the list could go on.... think my favorite post made to you was from ITHC who pretty much summed up how everyone feels:
ITHC quote to peake:
For a Michigan fan to be running his chops about quality wins holds about as much water as Boy George calling someone Queer.
Just because someone disagrees with you,you call them ignorant?
Let me remind you again of how you've talked to other posters .....and you feel insulted??????
peake quotes:
“I know how this worksâ€
“I told everyone sooner or laterâ€
“Doubt all you want, I could care less. I have a soon-to-be brother in law who works in the athletic department, contacts with several insiders (michiganscout). This story has been out there for quite some time. There was a very very very similar story posted on The difference were a few details I was given.Like I have stated before I work freelance for scout, work/worked in media, so it pays to know people. It is what it is. That is why I said take it at face value. Give me more details than I have brought to you and didn't have to, than you can question my accountability.â€
“claim to be? lol. Anyone who knows me knows this is a fact.â€
“85 your posts are ignorant.â€
“You are a typical a-hole fan that has nothing to add to the board except hand out insults about a team that you make no educated statements about.â€
“I say you have no knowledge of what you are saying because you have made statements that were false already.â€
“Yes I do think his comments are ignorant. He said no coach at Michgian has lost ot PSU. That is ignorant. He said that Carr always coached Michgian teams in January bowls, that is wrong, so in my eyes yes that is ignorant.â€
“Ok, whatever. I hold your opinion about as high as I hold a cheeseburgers.â€
“Well, you really didn't say one educated thing. You don't know one person who is in the know at Michigan so you are speculating. You were wrong with your analogies, you were wrong with some of your history. You just one of those people who enjoy hearing themselves talk and thinking they are correct.â€
“I think you need to go back, do a little research, and maybe restructure what you are saying.â€
“you first post and you choose to waste our time with that?!?! Welcome.â€