Mount Union
Re: Mount Union
Not as easy as you might think.KM had all her teeth pulled at Logan Family Dental in November and they told her they wasn't allowed to prescribe any opiods due to recent legislation.They told her to take Ibuprofen insteadTRENCHFOOT wrote: Today they would prescribe a person Vicodin to tolerate further pain.

Re: Mount Union
Dr. Smith had a great pain killer.......ETHER.....the left hand or the right hand..[three Stooges]
GO LOGAN..The anti-Christ is among us
- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
- Posts: 21260
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:17 pm
- Location: ChieftainCountry
Re: Mount Union
More so than back then Bolt, is what I'm saying. They didn't hardly prescribe anything back then. CK just got a tooth worked on two months ago, prescribed her 6 vicodin after. Some won't and some will, the pill heads have ruined it for the people with real pain, but still will prescribe pain meds. If she had her own family dentist the would have. If you have any history with one dentist he will prescribe pain meds. Some procedures people need it. But remember, I have an aunt and cousin that has worked at the same dentist office for many years. I do hear a few things from time to time. I'm no stranger to dentists or Orthodontist's, I've had a lot of work done on my teeth over the years and always the same office at both places, one in Lancaster and the other here in Logan, and neither offered prescription back then and I even had the slow bone cracking pallet in the roof of my mouth to widen it. Talk about a slow painful process, took months before I got that taken out. They will prescribe today if the procedure will make bad post pain after, but won't prescribe a months worth of pills if that's what you are thinking. It's not like people taking them for a bad back.cbolt wrote:Not as easy as you might think.KM had all her teeth pulled at Logan Family Dental in November and they told her they wasn't allowed to prescribe any opiods due to recent legislation.They told her to take Ibuprofen insteadTRENCHFOOT wrote: Today they would prescribe a person Vicodin to tolerate further pain.I know they are trying to control drug abuse but like so many other things they go overkill and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Re: Mount Union
They wouldn't give her any and she had pain and blood,just telling ya what she went through.They said they don't do it for anybody no matter how well they know them, they are not allowed by law.They have to have a special license or something and they didn't have it.They said she would have to get them through her family doctor and her doctor don't like pain pills so we just said the heck with it. It's ridiculous any dental place won't prescribe them now days.The pill heads have ruined it for everybody.Didn't you say awhile back CK had some pain somewhere and ole DC would only give her ibuprofen the big ones?
- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
- Posts: 21260
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:17 pm
- Location: ChieftainCountry
Re: Mount Union
Was that a dentist clinic like up here at Walmart KM went to. You might as well forget about getting any post pain meds in places like that. They cover their backs in places like that because different dentists comes in and out of them places all the time. An independent established family dentist will prescribe them for pain if you have history with him. Yep, ole DC has prescribed both pain meds for CK, but that's not for dental work. He gave her ibuprofen for a headache along with the her flu she had that time and sore throat along with antibiotics. that's what I told ya awhile back, it wasn't for bad pain, it's hard to hear on them junky cells, getting me a good one before long. They won't give ya vicodin for a sore throat and headache.cbolt wrote:They wouldn't give her any and she had pain and blood,just telling ya what she went through.They said they don't do it for anybody no matter how well they know them, they are not allowed by law.They have to have a special license or something and they didn't have it.They said she would have to get them through her family doctor and her doctor don't like pain pills so we just said the heck with it. It's ridiculous any dental place won't prescribe them now days.The pill heads have ruined it for everybody.Didn't you say awhile back CK had some pain somewhere and ole DC would only give her ibuprofen the big ones?

Re: Mount Union
Don't know but it's called family dental so you would think it would be established in the community.Its out by Krogers in that medical building.I remember what you told me now,I still got the email you sent, you said CK had a tooth infection because one of her molar's had a filling come out and you said she was in so much pain she was crying, so she went to ole dc and all he gave her was antibiotics and big ole ibuprofens,I told you that was the same thing the VA sent me for my bad knee,don't you remember that ? Sounds like ole dc is like km's doc he don't like them pain pills either.If she was crying in pain from it like you said in the email he should have give her some.Thats ridiculous 

- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
- Posts: 21260
- Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:17 pm
- Location: ChieftainCountry
Re: Mount Union
She didn't go in, he prescribed that over the phone. He won't prescribe something like that for a tooth, that's a dentist's deal. But he did help her till she went to the dentist but that was before the flu bug call. She got 6 vic's after that dentist visit and it was only one tooth pulled. Just awhile back I told ya about her flu too. Won't prescribe vic's for a sore throat and headache. Family Dental, they usually take in lots of new patients, that's what the problem was there, not much history there. The dentistry that's on Hunter and Market has been there forever Bolt, about the same patients in and out of there for years. It's hard to get in there. Who is your family dentist Bolt? And how many times have you visited the same dentist over the years? I use to go on a regular basis there until here not to long ago. My whole family has been going down there on market and hunter since I was a young-un from regular check ups to cleanings to teeth being pulled. Mom and KW are in there about every six months for check ups and cleanings. Ole KW has her appointments set up on DS's lunch hour so she don't have to run into her in there.
They are still not talking.
Now back to the MU thread. Done with the dentist debate but certain dentist's if you have any long or some history will prescribe pain meds for painful procedures for post pain. Look on some dental forums they even talk about it but I know they will at my place of dentistry and others.

Re: Mount Union
We don't have a regular dentist,used to go to Leonard many years ago.Last time I was at a dentist was years ago when I had them wisdom teeth infected,man was that ever painful! It was up in Lancaster and they didn't know me, it was my first time there and they still gave me a few Vics until the pain went away.Also KM had to go to an oral surgeon up there after this family dental couldn't get to a tooth under her gum and he gave her a few and didn't know her.That place down here used to be able to do it they said,but they are cracking down now and they can't do it for anybody. It don't have nothing to do with history with the patient or them other guys wouldn't have done it.It's stupid any dental place should not help their patients with pain,it's just a few pills until the pain goes away.My nephew told me today his long time doctor won't prescribe him pain pills for his bad hips,he has to go to a pain specialist to get them.It's getting bad. Yes we are way off topic back to Mt Union now.
Re: Mount Union
Kehres was the AD for years before he retired from coachin football. Then his son took over And he stayed on board. Great tradition!
Re: Mount Union
The thing I like most is he didn't cut anyone,they usually have around 200 players.I don't know if his son still does this or not.