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ESPN and the Buckeyes

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:25 pm
by Grinder
The NCAA recognizes the Buckeyes have seven National Championships but yet ESPN continues to say they only have five. Why is it that ESPN doesn't want to recognize what the NCAA does? Why don't one of the former Buckeyes working for ESPN set the record straight?

Re: ESPN and the Buckeyes

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:01 am
by noreply66
ESPN only goes by Cen. national Champs started in 1950......where people picking a national champion that counted was AP-UPI-Football Writers-NFF/college FOF and USA today any other poll does not count

Going back through college football history Ohio State has been picked about 14 times for college football champions...this is because they could be called champions if any poll listed them as their champion.........sort of like Boxing and all their belts