Its Tebow
This kid is one of, if not the most class act kid I have ever saw play any sport! It's great to see him win it! If anyone has anything wrong with him, then you need to do some research on him and you'll find out how really good of a person he really is and also how great of an athlete he is! He had all of his priorities in life straight also, which most college athletes these days have different priorities it seems.
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- bigtimehitter
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Can't believe I'm saying this being a Buckeye fan but I was very happy for Tebow in winning the Heisman. You rarely see athletes or anyone for that matter express their faith as he has these days. As everyone has said he's a class act and I wouldn't be a bit disappointed if he ties Archie in Heisman trophies.
I will give him credit, all that talk of JC will bring the spotlight upon him. If he slips up now in his personal life, lord (thought I would get it in there) help him. These same media members who are currently hanging from his jock, will turn on him like a pack of wolves. I hope for his sake that he stays clean. Really, I do.

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kevbk6222 wrote:BigMcCauley55 wrote:Mcfadden must feel like crap finishing 2nd 2 years in a row
do u think McFadden will come back becasue of this?
well for starters its all about his poin of view on it Do I want to take my place in history as a hesiman or do i want to go on to the nfl make milliions and have a chance or maybe not making history or being a bust (i doubt that myslelf)
and if Mcfadden does comeback well that shoots down the chris wells heisman hype
How does McFadden coming back shoot down Wells' chance for winning? McFadden has had some rather ineffective games this year and the only reasons he even came close to winning this year were:
The LSU game hype
The fact that Arkansas plays better opponents than Hawaii or Missouri
The fact that Tebow was only a Sophomore/Florida's three-loss record (better than Arkansas, but similar)
Just because his name is Darren McFadden (aka last year's hype)
Don't get me wrong, 1,700 + yards is Heisman-Caliber, but Tebow's numbers were record-breaking. I probably would have put Brennan ahead of McFadden because his numbers were amazing, I don't care what their SOS is.
Beanie Wells will go to New York next year. I'm not saying he'll win, but he'll be in New York as one of the candidates.
The LSU game hype
The fact that Arkansas plays better opponents than Hawaii or Missouri
The fact that Tebow was only a Sophomore/Florida's three-loss record (better than Arkansas, but similar)
Just because his name is Darren McFadden (aka last year's hype)
Don't get me wrong, 1,700 + yards is Heisman-Caliber, but Tebow's numbers were record-breaking. I probably would have put Brennan ahead of McFadden because his numbers were amazing, I don't care what their SOS is.
Beanie Wells will go to New York next year. I'm not saying he'll win, but he'll be in New York as one of the candidates.
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it shoots it down the same way it shot down Slatons (bad season) and that guy from UCF (who had amazing numbers)
Mcfadden is Mcfadden and if he is metioned in a group of running backs for which is the best most people will say mcfadden
next year IF he does come back and i dunno tebow and daniels brake a leg and their seasons are shot so its between Mcfadden or Wells most people are going to vote Mcfadden
the rest of the running backs are in his shadow
like Mendhall form Illi who had a better season then Wells and Hart wasnt even metioned in any hesiman talks
like i said hes heisman material but i dont think he will win it especially if Tebow has antoher great season
Mcfadden is Mcfadden and if he is metioned in a group of running backs for which is the best most people will say mcfadden
next year IF he does come back and i dunno tebow and daniels brake a leg and their seasons are shot so its between Mcfadden or Wells most people are going to vote Mcfadden
the rest of the running backs are in his shadow
like Mendhall form Illi who had a better season then Wells and Hart wasnt even metioned in any hesiman talks
like i said hes heisman material but i dont think he will win it especially if Tebow has antoher great season