BigMcCauley55 wrote:see i would take your advice but your probaly an angry WVU
or are you at peace with rich?
I am not "an angry WVU" - I like Bill Stewart a lot more than I ever liked Rich on a personal level. Bill's a genuine human's yet to be seen what he'll do as a head coach, but he will be good to the players and is doing great with his hires so far.
I was never really at peace with Rich. I was never all that impressed with his coaching - and definitely not his character. I think his positive legacy will be in the facility upgrades he was able to get done. People seem to forget that WVU played for a national championship in 88 and went undefeated in isn't as if RR "made" WVU - he came in during a declining period at the end of Nehlen's career and righted the ship...but he didn't make WVU. Could he have taken us further if he stayed? I don't know...maybe, but his play calling during the two losses this past year (and a few losses in previous year) makes me wonder if he has it in him.
Why would anyone at WVU be "at peace" with a coach who flirted with another job last year - got the university to commit to a great deal to keep him - claimed "I'll be here as long as you'll have me" - signed a contract in August of 2007 that he almost immediately broke - then acted like a butt while leaving?
Here is some information against Rich's "poor me" campaign - (for fun assume he does all of this in a few years of coaching at Michigan and think about how UM fans would react):
He signed a contract saying that he would pay 4 million to WVU if he left before 8/2008 and that if WVU wasn't living up their end of the contract he had to give them written notice. He did neither. It doesn't take a person with very good vision to see that his contract was being honored by WVU.
He called WVU recruits using WVU resources AFTER accepting the job as head coach at Michigan - which most sensible people have acknowledged is clearly an ethical violation.
He resigned in a completely unprofessional manner (the one sentence note handed to a GA).
He, and his family, have made unsubstantiated claims of abuse (although I am sure he got some after the Pitt loss) - he lives in a guarded/gated'd would be incredibly difficult to vandalize his home as he claimed His neighbors told me that they saw no vandalism to his, maybe they did it but I kind of doubt that anyone in that neighborhood are the vandalizing type. If his kids are being abused, why are they still in school at Cheat Lake (my neighbor has his little girl in his class)? The only "abuse" people have agreed actually happened is some kids at school being mean to other kids for a couple of days. Are we going to villify entire communities because a teenager puts a nasty note on someone's nephew's locker at school?
He implied he wasn't going to pay WVU the money owed in his contract at his first press conference. At that point the only people who'd said anything negative to him were the players he left behind...and that all took place behind closed doors in his meeting to announce his departure.
He claimed he learned of the lawsuit WVU filed by watching ESPN when in fact the paperwork was served to him at his residence. The lawsuit isn't even over the 4 million yet - it was a pre-emptive suit to determine teh enforcability of the contract. That's documented - so who is running the smear campaign?
Have some fans reacted very poorly and gone to silly lengths to come up with conspiracy theories? Yes, they have. Does anyone that actually knows Rich have any doubt that he could have intentionally done things to hamper the program out of anger? No. Of course that is not proof of wrong-doing.
Some WVU people (mostly fans and some press) are not in the right in this thing - but RR is much more in the wrong than most people nationally realize. In fact, the first pot shots fired in this whole mess came from Rich's buddies taking his side of the story to the press (ie., Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)...and if you don't think that was initiated by Rich, you haven't done your homework on Rich at all.
You can claim I am just an angry WVU fan if you'd like, but I have a feeling that it won't be long before you realize that Coach Rod isn't all he is cracked up to be.