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The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:45 am
by seofan_via_dublin
Starting the thread 7 days 5 hours, 18 minutes before kickoff.
Both teams still have games today, and I'll wait to post until after the PSU game, but IT'S BEAT MICHIGAN WEEK!
Should be a great game again.
Looking forward to the week of Chritmas!
Good luck to both teams today.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:46 am
by seofan_via_dublin
See what I did in the poll there?
That's for those Michigan fans that buy into Hoke's naming system!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:54 am
by dazed&confused
I think Michigan might have the horses to catch a distracted and down Ohio St. team this year in AA but I'll be damned if I'll vote in the poll against the Buckeyes. Go Bucks!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:56 pm
by Sawdust
Won't be a contest this year, Meatchicken will roll over Bollmans bums. OSU's D couldn't stop my Grandkids.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:19 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
Did the Brittish go into the war saying they are losing to the Nazis?
Did we fight Japan after Pearl Harbor, with the intent to lose?
Did Rocky train in Russia for Rocky IV with the notion of defeat?
And as God as my witness, I'll never, EVER, enter Beat Michigan week with anything other that hate in my blood for all things Maize and Blue, and a burning desire to BEAT MICHIGAN!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:45 pm
by GoBuckeyes2786
AMEN!!!! Go buckeyes beat that team up north!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:25 pm
by Peake
I witnessed the beat down with my own eyes in the Big House today. with about 4 minutes left the crowd started a 3 minute long chant saying beat Ohio. After the game about 80,000 stayed and chanted beat Ohio for another 5 minutes why the team was in the student section. Things are going to be very different in A2 next week.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:06 am
by Jesco White
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:07 am
by Jesco White
By the way, Peake, I'll go back to respecting you tremedously next week, but this week it just is what it is! 8)

Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:57 am
by seofan_via_dublin
"Things are going to be different"
Maybe this year, UM will actually participate!
Maybe this year, the crowd will have enough pride to not let the O-H-I-O chant encircle their stadium.
Maybe this year UM fans will show up, and there won't be Scarlet all over that crap hole top loading hole in the ground.
But best of all, after the game, I'm hoping to know that The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:24 am
by Peake
I will not disrespect Ohio this year because you've certainly earned my respect over the past 7 years. I will say this and I have said it all along, our defense is good, and it was proven yesterday. You're about to see a defense you haven't seen in a long time and I think it is going to be a great game.
I had this conversation with a Nebraska fan before the game. I said what do you think is going to happen today? He says well we are going to win by 3 td's or UM will win close. I said three td's? On the road? Have you not learned anything about the Big Ten this year? Going on the road is good for at minimum 2 td's this year for the home team. He says no way, we are just that much better then you. So I says, where exactly are you that much better then us? He says everywhere. I said without Crick you all are awful on D. He says did you not see what happened to PSU last week? I said that is PSU, have they scored more then 10 points this year? Anyways, from the beginning the defense smacked Nebraska in the mouth and they had no answer for it. I expect the same next week imo.
One more thing, Nebraska is an excellent addition to the Big 10. Their fans are great, they don't run their mouth, they were buying my wife and I drinks at the bar before the game, big props to them.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:50 am
by seofan_via_dublin
Mattinson has been well worth any money they've paid him.
One thing to remember though, if your not disrespecting "Ohio", make sure to put the State where it goes. Lol
This is the first time in a very long time that there is an ounce of doubt in my belief that OSU wins. I'd have to go back to 2001 maybe to find one.
It's about as excited the Michigan fans have been since Mike Hart came back for his senior year to beat OSU.
This game will put to the test the theory that no matter how bad the season goes, as long as OSU beats Michigan, Buckeye fans will be ok.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:27 am
by cool cucumber
My heart says Ohio State, but my head says.. Ohio State also. lol GO BUCKS! MUCK FICHIGAN!
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:32 am
by frank-n-beans
I can't see the Buckeyes winning this one. UM players believe in their coaching staff and believe they can win and the OSU players know they're in trouble with the group of goobers leading them. You see it in their faces and how they play.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:44 am
by VegasEagle
frank-n-beans wrote:I can't see the Buckeyes winning this one. UM players believe in their coaching staff and believe they can win and the OSU players know they're in trouble with the group of goobers leading them. You see it in their faces and how they play.
I have to agree here I think we are going to get rolled.......After Purdue and Penn St. OSU is down there was no fire on that sideline yesterday. Im going to buy the biggest bottle of Jack Daniels I can find and drink myself into a coma....
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:58 am
by GoBuckeyes2786
For Ohio state to wins this game their going to need a solid performance on both sides of the ball. In order for the defense to be efficient the offense has to be as well to keep the D fresh on the sidelines.
Miller has to get some help. Brewsters has to make clean snaps and the line need to step up and block some people. People complain they don't pass, but hell as soon as the kid gets the snap it's either get rocked or run like hell. Had it not been for miller our offense wouldn't have had any life at all. I know he hasn't been a very efficient passer but has running ability has moved the chains alot, put points on the board and kept them in games. IMO he has shown alot of heart for a true freshman and making plays anyway possible for the team. He's made his young mistakes but his effort has been great. I kinda feel some of the upper classmen (except a few) have dropped the ball on this season and not played they would they should and can.
Granted there isn't many seniors on this team and I understand it's hard to win with freshman and sophomores everywhere. Just seems like those freshman and sophomores have been carrying the load. Makes for a bright future though with all the young talents and the gaining experience from this season.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:54 pm
by Bleeding Red
GoBuckeyes2786 wrote:For Ohio state to wins this game their going to need a solid performance on both sides of the ball. In order for the defense to be efficient the offense has to be as well to keep the D fresh on the sidelines.
Miller has to get some help. Brewsters has to make clean snaps and the line need to step up and block some people. People complain they don't pass, but hell as soon as the kid gets the snap it's either get rocked or run like hell. Had it not been for miller our offense wouldn't have had any life at all. I know he hasn't been a very efficient passer but has running ability has moved the chains alot, put points on the board and kept them in games. IMO he has shown alot of heart for a true freshman and making plays anyway possible for the team. He's made his young mistakes but his effort has been great. I kinda feel some of the upper classmen (except a few) have dropped the ball on this season and not played they would they should and can.
Granted there isn't many seniors on this team and I understand it's hard to win with freshman and sophomores everywhere. Just seems like those freshman and sophomores have been carrying the load. Makes for a bright future though with all the young talents and the gaining experience from this season.
Good post. Cant fault the effort of the younger kids. Adams, Brewster, Shuggarts, etc have all underachieved this year. Borderline pathetic at times. Aside from Stoneburner and Simon, I cant think of an upper classman that has played well this year.
To win The Game, we have to control the line of scrimmage and make some big plays on special teams. I think our defense can contain Denard. I actually think we need to load the box and make him throw the ball. He has been apt to make crucial mistakes in big games when teams slow his feet and make him use his arm.
On a bright note, this OSU team really got up for Wisky and Nebraska (till Bauserman came in) so I dont see why they wont be up for this game. And there is no way UM is better than Wisky.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:14 pm
by Peake
@ Dubs...2003 and 2004 you thought you were going to beat UM? That may the last two times I actually thought no way OSU beats us. I was right on one of those.
I think UM at home is better then Wisky on the road. That imo is the key is playing at home.
The good teams at home this season:
Michigan 7-0
MIchigan State 7-0
Wisconsin 7-0
Nebraska 6-0
It is so difficult to win on the road this season. Point and case Wisconsin at OSU and MSU. Wisconsin imo is still the most talented team in the conference, if those two games were at home, they win both easily imo.
Nebraska at Michigan and Wisconsin got rocked.
Same applies with OSU traveling to UM imo.
Good thing for UM, they have another weapon in the backfield, the past 2 games Fitz has gone for nearly 350 yards on the ground.
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:38 pm
by C-Bolt
If the defense plays like it did in that first half yesterday this will be ugly and over early,,the offense moved the ball and looked good at times against a very good defense, but they have got to quit making the stupid mistakes ie bad snaps, dropped passes,penalties, fumbles,,,,first time in a long time OSU will go into this as the big underdog,,can they shock the world??? Hope so but I don't see it,,Michigan university gets their first win in a long time over a down and beleagured OSU team , better jump on them now while they're down...
Re: The Game! It's OSU/Michigan Week!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:57 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
Peake, yes, after the first two Tressel coached wins and coming off the National title, I didn't fear Michigan as a loss period.
I was wrong once.
While I respect the program's history, and get very excited all week, and am a whirlpool of emotion on game day, I haven't went into a Michigan Week actually fearing Michigan in a decade.