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Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:18 pm
by WhiteWhiskers
Terrell Pryor wrote the word "Vick" on one of his pieces of eyeblack on Saturday. When questioned about it Pryor sayeth, "Not everybody is a perfect person in the world. Everyone kills people, murders people, steal from you, steals from me, whatever."

Seems to me that Mr. Pryor violated ole Chinese proverb, "May be stupid but don't open mouth and prove it". Young Mr Pryor has much to learn about football and a whole lot more to learn before he becomes a serious philosopher.
No Mr. Pryor "Everyone" don't do those things.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:45 pm
by Peake
If you listen to the entire interview, it is very odd. He goes on and on about nothing for about a minute. It was very strange.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:25 pm
by WhiteWhiskers
I think the boy has done been hit one to many times. After this Saturday it is hard to tell what nonsense he'll be spouting.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:10 pm
by farmer
The response he gave sounded more like a Junior High school student talking about a subject he had no idea about. He should have been smart enough to have a short statement about why he had it then say I am not talking more about it.

He sure supported the stereotype of jocks by his talking. I am sure Coach T and others on the staff have talked to him. This comes the week before playing USC. Maybe the NCAA will ban all messages to prevent players from terrible interviews like this. Pryor needs a public speaking class.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:55 pm
by 3morethan2
what would you guys want him to say in the interview that vick is a perfect person and doesnt do anything wrong

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:13 pm
by buckeyeshots
I don't have a problem about him supporting Vick... but I DO have a problem with him opening his mouth without having anything to say. His comments were embarrassing to this school. If he would have just said, "Michael Vick is a prime example of an athlete who has been through a lot of adversity and has been able to overcome it and I support him for that." I would have been fine with it. BUT, he clearly has a lot of growing up to do.

That being said, he had BETTER do some growing up before the team out west comes into the shoe.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:01 pm
by Orestes

I think we all know where he was going with his comments. He is just not a polished speaker. His fault was not having a better answer prepped for the questions that were sure to come.

I would say the more accurate words to represent his thoughts would be along the lines of "all have sinned and fall short..."

As for the "boy" (?) being hit on the head a few times, I have no idea.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:31 pm
by F-4 Phantom
He has barely been out of High School a year. Cut the kid a break. Someone probably should have schooled him about the Vick thing though, prior to going out on the field. But, as far as the public speaking thing, not many are good at it.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:38 pm
by Orange and Brown
I think people are making to much out of this!

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:37 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
Terrell Pryor supports Michael Vick

So long as he shows remorse, and doesn't beat this gift horse,
then SO DO I!

Afterall, Everybody Kills! :-D :-D :-D :122249

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:06 pm

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:48 pm
by WhiteWhiskers
F-4 Phantom wrote:He has barely been out of High School a year. Cut the kid a break. Someone probably should have schooled him about the Vick thing though, prior to going out on the field. But, as far as the public speaking thing, not many are good at it.

Speech 101 is a college freshman class (even some high schools have public speaking). It's not a question of public speaking anyway. It's a question of knowledge. He didnt know what he was talking about; making that statement the way he did. Should have kept his mouth shut; should have had enought smarts to kept his mouth shut.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:25 pm
by Orange and Brown
Who cares??? Really!!!!! People say stupid crap all the time!!!!!

He was trying to say that every one make mistakes. It didn't come out very well but like I said people say stupid crap all the time.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:08 pm
by Tigercannon71
This way out of line. So the kid supports Vick and maybe he didnt use the correct choice of words so what? Hes a 19 year old kid with a microphone shoved in front of him. Hes going to say stupid things as we all would at that age.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:55 pm
by WitnessProtection
This story has been way overblown and some OSU fans have overreacted badly.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:05 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
An OSU fan, over react, hog wash!!!

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:52 pm
by F-4 Phantom
Who are we to say who a person should support and not support. This is really ridiculous.

Regardless of what Vick did in the past, he paid a huge price for his actions. Should some forget, he spent 18 months in prison and lost over 100 million in wages/endorsements, etc...So, if Pryor feels the man overcame adversity (even adversity of his own doing) and it is an inspiration to him, so be it.

Just because he isn't articulate and voice HIS opinions like we want or the way we THINK he should, doesn't mean he is wrong in his opinions. His life experiences vs mine or others, are probably totally different. I may see black from my experiences and he may see white. Who is wrong and who it right?!

BTW, I despise Vick for what he did. But, he paid his debt to society, by our written laws. He didn't get by with murder like OJ!

I just hope Pryor sees the end zone a lot tomorrow night!

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:48 am
by boilermaker
Tells you alot about his character.IMO :idea:

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:45 pm
by rachelcreek
Pryor might want to think about posting 'Matt' and 'Barkley" on his
sun glare grease. The freshman USC quarterback took Pryor to
school last night. Pryor didn't show much; Barkley grew with
confidence as the game played out. One touchdown drive
vs. a team like USC won't get it done...and it didn't.

Re: Terrell Pryor Supports Michael Vick

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:18 pm
by WhiteWhiskers
F-4 Phantom wrote:
I just hope Pryor sees the end zone a lot tomorrow night!

He did see a lot of "the end zone", the USC end zone, from his side line as he watched Mr. Barkley school him on how it should be done. Pryor hasn't learned anything from last year. Poor decisions and poor executions (Ex. He threw off his back foot half the time.