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Practice and Michigan
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:42 pm
by Amen Corner
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:48 pm
by fuzzhead
"We talkin' about practice... We ain't talking about a game - we talkin' about practice."
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:12 pm
by Peake
and? I have already posted about this matter. NCAA has alligations and Michigan has 90 days to respond. Michigan has basically dealt with the problem. I have already made a post and I am not reposting. THis is much to do about nothing.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:29 pm
by Peake
here is what Van Pelt said on his show today
1. 90% of NCAA teams would tend to have same violations. Too many rules, too complicated.
2. Whittled down to this (at UM) - more activities than permissible, more time on practice than allowed. Big deal (sarcasm).
3. Compare to USC - no comparison.
4. With new AD, combustible situation for RR.
5. RR needs to win THIS year.
6. Reiterates that this is not a big deal and most every team would have same violations if investigated.
7. On occasion, NCAA will spotlight somethings that aren't that egregious but turn a blind eye on seriously corrupt practices which makes them a joke.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:56 am
by Malcontent
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:19 am
by 85inside
Typical Rodriguez, not taking the blame himself. Talking about the "staff" messing up. Rich Rod is such an egomaniac. They, like USC will get the slap on the wrist. too much money at stake for the NCAA to do the right thing. Same with UM, they should have fired Rodriguez for this.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:30 am
by Bleeding Red
Ah heck, it really doesnt matter because Rich Rod isnt going to win that many games this year either.
6-6, maybe 7-5 at best. Not good enough IMO for a major school that is a football anchor for the big 10.
Should be Rich Rod's last year.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:25 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
I think they have punishment enough, in that they can reflect on the record
and poor performances that came about even after having more practice time than allotted.
Michigan will get little more than a slap on the wrist, which is what should be expected.
Also, keep in mind when citing articles from the Free press and the detroit news, that they are
out to drive RR out of town as fast as possible. They are biased, and should be counted as about as reliable as Wikipedia.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:57 pm
by Orange and Brown
peake wrote:and? I have already posted about this matter. NCAA has alligations and Michigan has 90 days to respond. Michigan has basically dealt with the problem. I have already made a post and I am not reposting. THis is much to do about nothing.
Here is the problem. It's not the infraction that is bad, it is the fact that Michigan
lied about it the whole time!!!
you had one assistant saying I wasn't even there and he was running the drills!
You got the head coach crying on T.V. about how he follows the rules. ( That don't look guilty does it?!)
If they would have came out and said "oops!! Our bad we didn't mean it!" Then the NCAA would have slapped them on the wrist and said "bad dog no biscuit", but they lied about it so the NCAA will put the on probation for a couple of years and they are going to lose a couple of scholarships.
What makes this all real bad is the fact that Michigan has ran the cleanest program in the country for 100 years.
The NCAA has rules and they are meant to be followed. Just because little Johnny down the street plays in traffic doesn't make it right for little Billy to do it to.
There is only 1 more nail left to put into Rich Rod's coffin and that is the one that will be there after Michigan goes 6-6 and gets a beating by Ohio State.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:10 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
The extra practice time isn't the bad issue, it's the failure to monitor by the coaching staff,
and the failure to monitor the program by the athletic department, that raises NCAA eyebrows.
OSU took a little heat last year for self reporting several violations, but they didn't become an issue
because they were instances of the staff monitoring the rules.
The biggest problem may come based on the failure to monitor alligation on the Athletic department ,
the athletic department was already on probation from the basketball issues, and a held up failure to monitor
issue will be a problem for them.
It's not lack of institutional control, that the AD and RR were so quick to debunk, but its is still a major violation,
and one that could (though thought as not likely) cost the athletic program big because of the previous probation.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:55 pm
by Peake
1. Michigan should never be mentioned in the same breath as USC. Totally different situations.
2. The Free Press alleged that Michigan was going well over the time restriction, they went over 30 minutes because of stretching.
3. They did not fill out CARA forms. That varies school to school. Those forms did not exist at WVU nor do they exist at Marshall. That is not Rich Rods fault, it is compliance. The person was fired and had already been replaced.
4. Quality Control sat in on workouts. How is that Rich Rods fault?
I agree with Dubs, this is a failure by the athletic department to manage correctly. Notice a new sherrif is in town? Out is former AD Bill Martin and in comes new AD David Brandon which is an instant upgrade.
Nothing major will come out of this. Don't tell me the NCAA has rules and they are meant to be followed. That is an awful arguement especially coming from a school the self-reported over 200 infractions. Even if self-reported they are still rules being broken no matter how minor.
The Free Press went on a witch hunt and made themselves look stupid.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:03 pm
by Peake
This is the take of insider Sam Webb
the kids worked 15 minutes a day too long (wow, because stretching wasn't counted), and the staff penalized kids if they skipped class in the summer (my-my, now THAT's what bad guys do, eh? sorry for the sarcasm...) ...
and Quality Control guys sat in coaches meetings which they weren't allowed to do, altho they are to allowed to now.
... whether those things happen at all other schools, or whether they happened at U-M before .... those are interesting speculations, but that's not the point really ... the point is that these things are really, really minor.
the main thing was they didn't fill out the CARA practice forms - and they are firing the guys responsible for that we're told ... RR didn't have the forms at WVA and he wasn't told about them at U-M ... so Coach Rod gets none of the blame there.
*IMO, the only important factor here* is this: U-M is worried because the Fab 5 hoops probation overlapped the beginning of RR's hiring -- and thus the CARA forms thing -- by a few months.
However, it'll be surprising to me if the NCAA penalizes U-M whatsoever.
**BTW, any fan that says, "Geez were were told there'd be no violations and now there ARRRE ... ("lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" ...)
**U-M and Coach Rod have talked about the CARA forms for months now -- and that's the real violation here ... as far as Coach Rod, refrain: he had nothing to do with that. **
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:06 pm
by 85inside
Yea, it could never be Rodriguez's fault. I mean he was a first year coach, with no experience right? Come on.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:18 pm
by Peake
I will take the opinion of someone who is around the program everyday, and this opinion was backed up by David Brandon and Marry Sue Coleman. Not to be a a butt but your outsider view really means little to me or the NCAA. I have heard Herbie, Van Pelt, Terrico, and Mitch Albom all echo the same thing.
I am not a Rich Rod fan and if he struggles again this year should be gone, but I do not see anything worth firing him for.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:42 pm
by Orange and Brown
peake wrote:1. Michigan should never be mentioned in the same breath as USC. Totally different situations.
2. The Free Press alleged that Michigan was going well over the time restriction, they went over 30 minutes because of stretching.
3. They did not fill out CARA forms. That varies school to school. Those forms did not exist at WVU nor do they exist at Marshall. That is not Rich Rods fault, it is compliance. The person was fired and had already been replaced.
4. Quality Control sat in on workouts. How is that Rich Rods fault?
I agree with Dubs, this is a failure by the athletic department to manage correctly. Notice a new sherrif is in town? Out is former AD Bill Martin and in comes new AD David Brandon which is an instant upgrade.
Nothing major will come out of this. Don't tell me the NCAA has rules and they are meant to be followed. That is an awful arguement especially coming from a school the self-reported over 200 infractions. Even if self-reported they are still rules being broken no matter how minor.
The Free Press went on a witch hunt and made themselves look stupid.
I'm not speaking on behalf of Ohio State. This had nothing to do with my like for OSU. In my opinion that needs to be cleaned up and taken care of. If the NCAA decides they want to do something about it they will and they should.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:54 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
peake wrote:I have heard Herbie, Van Pelt, Terrico, and Mitch Albom all echo the same thing.
Not on topic, but Peake, if you're counting on quality from any of these guys, then you're NUTS.
Anyway, doesn't Albom have a crappy book to write?

Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:57 pm
by Peake
Yes everyone who likes Ohio State on this site is not slanted one way or the other on this matter. So far it is pretty obvious that imo Dubs is the most objective.
This is the last thing I am going to say about this because no matter what evidence I bring people who have a bias are not going to be opened minded. Listen to those who have no dog in the fight, they all laught at this.
Quality Control was not supposed to be at voluntary summer workouts and they were. Coaches are not allowed to be at voluntary workouts either. How would they know if they are not there if Quality Control is at practice or watching in? If you have ever been to a voluntary workout or been a part of one then you would know that so many people come in and out of these workouts and where they are being held that you do not know who is and is not around.
Coaches maintained that they did not know because they are not allowed to be there themselves. Since this summer that rule is no longer maintained. Quality Control can be at workouts now but there can be no communication is how it was explained to me. So they broke a rule that is no longer a rule.
Cleaned up? They fired the compliance guy who was in position to make sure Rich knew he needed to fill out the CARA forms, which I remind you is a Michigan protocol, not NCAA protocol. Documentation has to be kept but CARA forms are not used by every university including WVU and Marshall. They went over 30 minutes of practice because stretching is or is not considered to be included in practice time. Should they lose a scholly because they went over 30 minutes? These rules are meant to protect student athletes, that is why they are in place. Stretching too much must be punished harshly right? Riiiiight.
Ohio State self-reported hundreds of violations, Michigan is being held accountable for 5 or 6. TP was not ruled eligible for the first game as a frosh until OSU self-reported (fact). Should Ohio State be cleaned up? Not to mention Michigan has 90 days to respond and will respond with their own evidence and perspective. These are allegations at this point, nothing is anything at this point. Ruling will not come down until after Michigan responds and makes their own case. I do not expect much to happen.
Please do not include Michigan in the same breath as USC either. USC is under investigation for $$$$$, not for failing to fill out some forms or stretching too long.
I will not count on Sam Webb who is very well connected to the program over your opinion Dubs. Thank you for helping me see more clearly

. I liked Alboms last book, I would recommend it if you are open to a good book about faith lost and found.
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:07 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
I didn't say Webb, I said Herbie, Van Pelt, Terico, and Albom.
All of which are blow hards that act as a mouth piece for whatever ESPN agenda needs pushing next.
Next thing you know, you'll be citing Cowherd!!!
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:07 pm
by seofan_via_dublin
We had a rule at Buckeye Corner.
Men don't let men Buy Herbie jerseys!!!
Re: Practice and Michigan
Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:20 pm
by Amen Corner
With all the extra practice, where are the Wins....
Lloyd Carr used to be my favorite Mich. coach no Richie is