Texas or Notre Dame a must for a super Big Ten do you agree?
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:21 am
Interesting article..........do you agree or disagree with the author???
May 13, 2010
Texas or Notre Dame a must for a super Big Ten
The game of Big Ten expansion roulette continues. Every week pops up a new name, a new configuration.
But nothing has changed since the conference first publicly acknowledged in December that it's seriously considering increasing its membership, perhaps by as many as five teams: the conference that gets the state of Texas wins this arms race of collegiate superpowers.
Notre Dame becomes an acceptable consolation prize in the wake of a Lone Star snub.
But should the Big Ten fail in luring either Texas or the Irish, any new 14- or 16-team realignment would stand considerably shy of college sports' first true super conference. An amalgam of Missouri, Nebraska, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, Connecticut, Rutgers or Maryland disappoints more than excites, establishing another missed opportunity for a conference that too often can't flex its muscle without reflexively punching itself in the head.
It's only "super" if it includes the Texas Longhorns or Notre Dame.
Anything less is a joke.
The conference steadfastly denies the conveying of any formal offers to prospective schools. Speculation runs amok in these circumstances, but the Big Ten doesn't mind applying the brakes to rumors. At least it keeps them at the forefront of the inevitable changing landscape of college athletics, and that's its primary strategy right now. The Big Ten willingly takes the first step in the consolidation of the major Bowl Championship Series conferences. Applaud the conference for its foresight, but it must also accept the pressures that come with those seeking radical change.
Blow it and take the hit.
This is a money grab ... period.
The conference's strongest asset is its in-house network. The Big Ten envisions the Big Ten Network becoming a national staple of basic cable comparable to the stable of ESPN networks, but that doesn't simply require more teams. It demands having at least one additional program with true national appeal.
Only Texas and Notre Dame satisfy that criterion among those courted.
As a Big Ten official explained it to me Wednesday, adding more teams strictly for the sake of getting more teams doesn't fully maximize the opportunity staring at the conference right now. If you're going to do this, do it right and don't accept less.
Texas remains the best revenue-production fit, even if it requires the Big Ten swallowing Texas A&M, Texas Tech and Baylor, forming a four-team Lone Star Division of the new conference.
But that dream scenario also creates the perfect environment for a compromise between Notre Dame and the Big Ten, because both stand to lose plenty if they're too stubborn to give a little ground in appeasement. The primary reason Notre Dame even contemplated the possibility of shedding its football independence was concerns that the Big Ten actually might tempt Texas.
Notre Dame needs the protection of a conference for its non-football programs. If the Big East crumbles from this massive consolidation as expected, the Irish must find a home for their other sports, and it's improbable that the surviving BCS conferences would permit Notre Dame to remain independent from the other conference football teams. The Irish also must be concerned with the possibility of condensed BCS conferences freezing it out of major bowl games.
The Big Ten finds itself in an advantageous position, orchestrating the gerrymandering of major college athletics. Succeed and it becomes the principle power broker. Screw it up and it again becomes the laughingstock.