Luke Fickell

mister b
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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by mister b »

I really think this year will be a meat grinder for Fickell. He is only 37 and thrust into picking up the pieces of one of the nation's top college sports programs in their flagship sport.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by javagt »

He may be ok... But I think this might be too much to ask out of him....

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Re: Luke Fickell


Well, he's never really left Columbus and I think it will take awhile to collect all his thoughts and put everything into perspective as he's just stepped into one of the biggest arena's in the college football world. He's probably still trying to figure out what he'll have to do for that large pay increase he got today. Three quarters of a million dollars means you gotta try to do things right, shake the right hands, rub the right elbows and WIN to keep the alumni and boosters happy. Sadly, I think most of the time nowadays a young, humble man with morals like Luke can get run over very easily by the way the whole system works, good and bad. He'll find out very quickly if he can handle the pressure. If not, there will be one of the " $3 Million Dollar" men waiting in line to take his place. Even if he only lasts one year, he's made enough money to invest in his wife and kids future and should be set for a long time even if he wouldn't ever coach again at OSU. If this would happen I believe he'd probably become a teacher and coach at a decent high school or small college around here and live happily ever after knowing at OSU, as both a player and a coach, he'd done the best he could. You can't ask for any more than that. JMO

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Yossarian »

gahs4ever wrote:Was it just me or did it look like this was the very first press conference Fickell has ever held (and Im not just talking about as head coach of the Buckeyes)?

He seemed uncomfortable or perhaps nervous, and spoke in very broad generalizations using the same rah rah words over and over again regardless of the question or who asked it. His answers appeared very much rehearsed, kinda like an attorney would do in preparing a witness for cross examination in a trial.

I cant wait to see how Tim May writes this in tomorrow's Cols Disptach. In all fairness, I appreciate Fickell for his love of tOSU and for his years as a player and as a coach. I sincerely hope he does well in the gauntlet that is Columbus and Ohio State nation, but the way he carried himself in this first ever press conference left me wondering if he might be in over his head.

Or maybe I am just used to the smooth polished presentations we have heard from Tressel for so many years.

O - H
Kinda like a candidate outside the beltline, may be just what they need. For the record, I believe Jim Tressel did what he did for reasons we do not know. A federal drug investigation is not being talked about at all. Several examples of him doing the right thing have come to light during this process including getting the elite players off the mentioned golf course. I remember being very proud of the way tOSU handled the former running back before he went to prison and after he got out. That person also blamed the players for this situation. There was also the story of the press pass being lifted for one of the memorabilia purchasers. Too many examples of him doing the right thing. I know I am a big homer but there are facts here we do not know. I think history will be kind to Jim Tressel when right now he is vilified.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Tressel coached offense, he followed and instructed the offense. He spent about 5% of his time ever with the defensive staff.

Fickle has been Defense forever, through all the coordinators Fickell has been there.

Notice, basically every name that has come up in violations has been on offense.

I know it sounds weird, but it really has been 2 different teams up here for about 5 years now.
Offense on one side, defense on the other.
Tressel hasn't held his side accountable as a whole, while Fickell has!

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Bleeding Red »

gahs4ever wrote:This morning on the Dan Patrick Show they were speculating how a man (Fickell) could have been on Tressel's staff for his entire tenure at tOSU and never be made aware of any indiscretions or rules violations in all that time.

It is a good point. But they really have not other options for this year. Nobody is going to touch the head coaching position with a 10 foot pole until the NCAA makes it clear as to what is in store for the program and their punishments.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Bleeding Red »

seofan_via_dublin wrote:Tressel coached offense, he followed and instructed the offense. He spent about 5% of his time ever with the defensive staff.

Fickle has been Defense forever, through all the coordinators Fickell has been there.

Notice, basically every name that has come up in violations has been on offense.

I know it sounds weird, but it really has been 2 different teams up here for about 5 years now.
Offense on one side, defense on the other.
Tressel hasn't held his side accountable as a whole, while Fickell has!

Another good point! I dont remember seeing any current defensive players named in the allegations. But on the other hand, I would find it hard to believe that Pryor wasnt telling even teammates on the other side of the ball about the possibility to make some extra cash and tats by signing a few items. And even more surprised if some of them didnt get involved. I still think we are in for a shocker when the NCAA gets done with their investigations in August.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I understand.
I definately thought he was unpolished. But I also think he spoke with purpose, and knowing how crazy Fick is, he may have been better presented if he was giving a fire and brimstone locker room speech!

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Anyone think Fickell is around for the long-term as head coach? Or is he just a transitional coach for one year only?

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by noreply66 »

I think Fickell will be able to put teams away.
I the last several years OSU has had too many teams come back on them.
Not saying they will win them all, just when the Buckeyes get a good lead they will hold it under this guy

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I think Fick will be given a chance, and that's all he asks.

I think it will be an honest chance, and if he handles the season well, and wins games, then he will be the next full time coach.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Raiderball »

seofan_via_dublin wrote:I think Fick will be given a chance, and that's all he asks.

I think it will be an honest chance, and if he handles the season well, and wins games, then he will be the next full time coach.
What are your feelings on that Dubs? Any other Buckeye fan can respond also.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Bleeding Red »

Raiderball wrote:
seofan_via_dublin wrote:I think Fick will be given a chance, and that's all he asks.

I think it will be an honest chance, and if he handles the season well, and wins games, then he will be the next full time coach.
What are your feelings on that Dubs? Any other Buckeye fan can respond also.
Nick Saban, Urban Meyer and all of the other high profile coaches all started out where Fick is right now. The only difference is they werent taking over a high profile program that is basically in compliance shambles.

The chips are stacked against him. I am sure that he is happy to get a shot at this no matter what hand he has been dealt. I think he is also so excited about this opportunity that he is partially blinded of the situation he has actually been throw into, which obviously is a poor one.

On one hand, if he wins 9-10 games, how can they not give him a contract as the head coach. On the other hand, if he does slip up, they have a reason to hire a high profile coach. If OSU gets completely slaughtered by the NCAA, they may have no other choice but to stick with Fick for a few years since no high profile coach is going to come to OSU to be sanctioned and on probation.

Overall I think Fick has every opportunity in front of him. Sadly, I think how the NCAA deals with OSU will determine how well Fickell has to perform to continue as the head coach. The harder they are on OSU, the more leniency Fickell has this year and possibly years to come. But who knows.......they may have the next great OSU coach right now. Time will tell, as will the NCAA! I am sure Buckeye Nation will rally around him, for he will bring passion and enthusiasm to his alma mater.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by oldmo31 »

I hope they give him a real shot.Nobody had heard of Myer ten years ago.I'm still not sure of him as a long term coach.Two years here,two years there,etc.Fickell is alreay locked in with highschool coaches in the state.I want a football coach intead of a politician anyway.Yes he seemed out of his element at the press conference,but who wouldn't with what has been thrown at him.With everyone looking for one word that's out of line anybody would be nervous.I say good luck coach Fickell and down with espn and the talking heads.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I want Fickell as the next full time coach.
He is my option #1.
He has long been one of my favorite Buckeyes, for his 50 starts, his 11 years as a coach, and his off field contributions.

I think he needs to win 9 games to get a legit look.
I think if he wins 10 then he becomes the front runner.
If we are allowed to play in the B10 title game, and win it, he is a lock.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

As for my above post.
I wanted Fickell to be the next guy after Tress retired.
I know Meyer has had a lot of talk, but it had also been discussed in small circles that Tressel only had plans to coach for about 5 more years, and there was a strong possibility that with two years left, Luke would have been named the coach in waiting.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by purpleblood1 »

Some of you on here keep talking about high profile coaches not wanting the sanctions and probation on OSU. haha!!! Coaches are standing in line waiting for the job to be posted next year. Yes it will be. Hell even with Tressell there OSU was looking at maybe winning 8 or 9 games. Now with all the crap that has gone down this year, look for maybe 6 to 7 wins, lucky 8.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Bleeding Red »

PurpleBlood1 wrote:Some of you on here keep talking about high profile coaches not wanting the sanctions and probation on OSU. haha!!! Coaches are standing in line waiting for the job to be posted next year. Yes it will be. Hell even with Tressell there OSU was looking at maybe winning 8 or 9 games. Now with all the crap that has gone down this year, look for maybe 6 to 7 wins, lucky 8.

6-7 wins? Better check yourself into rehab before its too late!

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

That explains why team goals are win the division, win the conference title, get a BCS bid, best Michigan.

If your looking at 6 wins, then tell me who the 6 teams are that are beating the Buckeyes.

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Re: Luke Fickell

Post by Orange and Brown »

Everyone in the OSU athletic department knows and knew what was going on.

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