Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by wemufans »

sportsfan43 wrote:
ccw wrote:The kid who didn't get to bat in the bottom of the 6th is a great player. He hit .408 during the regular season and was very consistent in helping his team win the regular season. The kid who he replaced had a lower regular season batting average and if you watched the game you would know he struggled during the game. It was to SPs advantage to have the sub in to bat. When the coach put him in in the top of the 4th inning, he could not have known that the Burg would have played so well that his team would take two innings to bat around in the line up. Besides, I am sure that the Pointers would have happily played the bottom of the 6th inning to allow this kid to bat. He would have hit, the number 2 batter would have hit and then the big sticks that followed would have batted and possibly hit more HRs (these were the same 3 who hit homeruns during the game). I noticed that the Burg players were the first ones to line up to shake hands at the end of the top of the 6th inning (right after the said kid caught a fly ball in center field

so in other words, the south point coach thought he could beat burg without his best players on the field?

He may have not have known it but the boys showed him that he could!

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

ccw wrote: When the coach put him in in the top of the 4th inning, he could not have known that the Burg would have played so well that his team would take two innings to bat around in the line up.

That makes my point exactly. No one knows what will happen so one must make moves that guarantee a player will be able to complete the minimum requirements and not leave anything to chance.

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Thats not what I am saying.....

Post by ccw »

sportsfan43 wrote:
ccw wrote:The kid who didn't get to bat in the bottom of the 6th is a great player. He hit .408 during the regular season and was very consistent in helping his team win the regular season. The kid who he replaced had a lower regular season batting average and if you watched the game you would know he struggled during the game. It was to SPs advantage to have the sub in to bat. When the coach put him in in the top of the 4th inning, he could not have known that the Burg would have played so well that his team would take two innings to bat around in the line up. Besides, I am sure that the Pointers would have happily played the bottom of the 6th inning to allow this kid to bat. He would have hit, the number 2 batter would have hit and then the big sticks that followed would have batted and possibly hit more HRs (these were the same 3 who hit homeruns during the game). I noticed that the Burg players were the first ones to line up to shake hands at the end of the top of the 6th inning (right after the said kid caught a fly ball in center field).

so in other words, the south point coach thought he could beat burg without his best players on the field?

Thats not what I am saying- we all know that it is tough to beat the burg even when they are having a bad day; I watched them closely last year in the district and state tourney and was impressed with their coach, managers, and players - they are very good....

The SP team has 12 very good players (some stronger than others- but no "weak links"). :122245 This group of boys have played together since they were in 9 y/o all stars. In that, someone has to be a sub and it was his turn. I wanted to just point out that the kid in question was an asset- not someone you would intentionally "forget" to play.
And no, I am not a family member.... just a volunteer who has watched the team play over the last few years. These guys work hard and their coaches are dedicated to the kids and to community based sports in general.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by ccw »

BlindWhiteHat wrote:
ccw wrote: When the coach put him in in the top of the 4th inning, he could not have known that the Burg would have played so well that his team would take two innings to bat around in the line up.

That makes my point exactly. No one knows what will happen so one must make moves that guarantee a player will be able to complete the minimum requirements and not leave anything to chance.

:?: Who says that baseball games end just because the home team is ahead after the top of the 6th? The kid in question would have been the next batter up had the teams played the entire game. I like to watch games just b/c I love baseball - the SP kids love to play baseball and would have batted again. I would have enjoyed watching more action. SP was clearly the better team on this day and the burg just came up a little short. Most importantly, both teams did a fine job on the field and displayed good behavior - I hope they can take what they learn on the baseball diamond back to the areas of their lives that will be important in the long run. LL baseball will end, but the life lessons learned from playing with a team will be valuable for years to come.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

I'm sure it's stated in the rule book that if the home team is leading after 5 1/2 innings, the home team does not bat. Why in the world would anyone want to allow a team to bat again when the outcome is already determined?

Funny statement at the end of that last post hoping the kids take what they see on the field with them into life after baseball. In this case that lesson could be that sometimes the reward is worth breaking the rules when the punishment isn't harsh enough. Bad lesson if you ask me.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by buckeye221 »

Wow, is everyone still complaining about this game?

The coach has taken his punishment so there is nothing else left to argue, nothing is going to change. This is not the first or last time this issue will come up in all-stars. Truth is if the kid would have gotten his at bat Wheelersburg would have still lost the game, so why all the complaining? It was not on purpose that the kid did not get his at bat. I don't see why burg would feel good about trying to take credit for a win based on a technicality. People can spin it however they want and try to make it sound like SP cheated but that is ridiculous. The truth is, the coach was probably trying to win the game at the same time as trying to place his subs in at the right times to create the best lineup and his plan didn't work out like he thought...but that is what every coach does, they try to place their subs in at the right time and situation. Unfortunately since SP was the home team they ran out of time and didn't have to use their last at bat. It was not on purpose and that is very obvious and besides the coach is taking the penalty for it.

Congratulations South Point on an awesome win against a great opponent. Goodluck tomorrow and goodluck the rest of the tournament!

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by softball10 »

Well said "buckeye221" !! Burg needs to get over it!! They lost, it's not like it's over. Alot of teams come out of the losers bracket, didn't they do it last year? Just keep playing ball and see what happens. You got beat, get over it and move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

buckeye221 wrote: Truth is if the kid would have gotten his at bat Wheelersburg would have still lost the game,

How can you possibly say that, can you see the future? If so, you should have told the coach before the game was over that it wouldn't have mattered so the kid would have gotten his at bat and you could have avoided this situation.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by buckeye221 »

BlindWhiteHat wrote:
buckeye221 wrote: Truth is if the kid would have gotten his at bat Wheelersburg would have still lost the game,

How can you possibly say that, can you see the future? If so, you should have told the coach before the game was over that it wouldn't have mattered so the kid would have gotten his at bat and you could have avoided this situation.

Yes I can see the future actually....and the future tells me that no matter how much complaining goes on South Point still gets the Win and Wheelersburg gets the Loss. This is all ridiculous, the punishment for the rule breaking has been enforced.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Great, so how about using those powers to make sure all managers are able to get their kids in the game without affecting the outcomes.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by oldtrojan »

Well guys I have to say that I for one have viewed all your arguments as to the SP, Burg game, and have come to this conclusion. SP won, Burg lost, and both are still alive. So good luck to both teams. In particularly the Burg, since as a Portsmouth native I still carry a chip on my shoulder for a loss to a very good SP team way back in 1968. :122248 :lol:
BlindWhiteHat...I have a tremendous amount of respect for 99.9% of your post to include this one. However, rules are rules, and until Williamsport changes them this is the way it will be. No amount of gripping,complaning ect. will change that. Your complaint should be directed in written form to the powers that be in Williamsport. As to continuing to argue it on this forum the point is moot. Let it go.

What I would like to know is could someone please post the results of all the games, and future matchups,times ect. The daily times has terrible coverage, and District 11 does not have its own web site. There for it makes it difficult to follow from afar. I would love to see D11 take a look at some of the other Ohio districts web sites ie. D1, D3, and D4 they do a fine job at posting results, upcoming games ect.
I would love to see a Portsmouth area team make it to Williamsport inso that I would be there to cheer them on as I have attended the LLWS for the last 20 years. I have been to every game of the 1st 5 days of the LLWS during this time as I only live 90 minutes from there during this time. I prefer to watch the finals on TV due to the crowd size ect.
I wish all teams well and would love to see D!! represented on August 21 in W"Port. Maybe with a little luck I will.
Good luck to all teams involved.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by swbaseballfan »

can we get some more game results to put a pause to this pissing match???
i'd like to know who is winning and who is going home

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by osumufan »

Tonight's action has:
in the loser's bracket all at 5:30
Lucasville playing Burg
Chilli vs. Ironton
Ports. playing either West or Coal Grove all winners play the 4th losers are eliiminated

In the winners bracket at 5:30
Tomorrow July 3rd we have Webster vs. South Point and Rock Hill Vs. Ironton . Winners will meet Sat at 10:00 am Losers play the 6th at 5:30

on July 3rd as well in loser's bracket Minford against Green or Fairland

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by Peanut »

Rock Hill will play Chesapeake on Friday. They beat Ironton the last game.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by sportsfan43 »

OK,,im going to take the blind guys side on this matter.


because, even though it "probably" did not make a difference in theui game, it opens up the "oppurtunity" for another team..

lets say a team is down one run, or even tied late in a game,and they have a kid that is supposed to be put in, but he is not that good a fielder,or hitter, couldy they just say "we forgot" or put him in at the last inning,and say we tried?

I know its not the same situation, but close enough they could make an argument to where they would not lose the game I bet?

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by Pepsiman »

BlindWhiteHat wrote:I heard that South Point won but didn't have all their players fulfill the minimum play requirements. Wheelersburg protested but the win was not taken away from South Point. Seems a shame that a team didn't follow the rules of the tournament but were still allowed to keep the win.

Curious if Williamsport or the Central Region office in Indianapolis was contacted immeadiatley after the game? I have never heard of a team that failed to adhere to this simple rule get to keep the win?

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by baseball! »

Pepsiman read the rest of the thread. It was a ruling by the central offices and they went by the punishment as stated in the rule book. Breaking a rule does not result in an automatic forfeiture.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by baseball! »

Fairland and Minford play tomorrow night. I am not sure who won the game between West and Coal Grove but I believe it was Coal Grove.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

This may be hard for some posters on here to believe but I watched a softball game tonight in which the home team scored 8 runs, didn't bat in the bottom of the 6th and STILL played all their players in the field and at the plate.

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Re: Boys 11-12 At Lucasville

Post by biggdowgg »

Portsmouthy beat Ports west tonight, 7 to 6, scoring a run in the bottom of the 6th.

Burg beat Valley 10 to nothing in 4 innings.

I "think Portsmouth will play Burg sat at 10 AM..

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