12 and Under AAU tackle football 2009

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12 and Under AAU tackle football 2009

Post by Devilologist »

I am seeking kids who may wish to participate in a 12 under tackle football team. The kids can not be 13 before Aug 1st. So if you are 12 and under and are SERIOOUS about football. Contact me. The AAU tackle football program has started and Paisley, Florida will hold the National Championships. I just got back from this training facility and it ROCKS. The best teams of 12U kids from all across the nation will be there. Good chance at being seen. Great looks for kids. ISSUE!!! This is not defenite and needs to be researched more,, But I know that there are some great talented kids in this age in our area and this could be a showcase ticket for some!!!
The state championships for Kentucky is the weekend of the 21st in November.. The game is in Bowling Green Kentucky and then that qualifies you for the Nationals............Anyone may be interested in doing this let me know.. This will take a group effort to go if we want to do it.

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Re: 12 and Under AAU tackle football 2009

Post by 1987chieftains »

i'm interested. post or im me if you find anything more out. i maybe able to ask the tomahawks board if i can ask the coaches to annouance something also if you find out more.

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