Logan Tomahawks

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Orange and Brown
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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by Orange and Brown »

NYBUX wrote:Guess those little un's might mess up the pretty soccer lines on the field :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:

uuhhh Logans high school field is turf.

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by 5nybuckeyes »

Orange and Brown wrote:
1987chieftains wrote:sorry, we where sleeping :lol: :lol:
yourall right about that field! its frigin crappy!! thats the only field we had though. we still practice there but, we now play the games at the middle school. no vistor seating and very little home side seating. but, its better then no seating at all.

I don't understand why they can't play at the High School?? Biddy league games are during the day so they aren't using the lights or anything else for that matter!!! To want to charge these kids for playing on it is just crazy!
I would hate to see what happens if the middle school coaches want there 8th graders to play a game or 2 there. :o :( :oops:

ummm they aren't allowed....7th and 8th grade play all of their games at the middle school.

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by NYBUX »

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Now that's embarrassing

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by Buckeye1234 »

FYI. The Little Bucks won 6-0. One of the Logan kids was taken away in an ambulence. Does anybody know the extent of his injuries?

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by tric118 »

Little Bucks struggled offensively again. The main Tailback Colt Yinger starter as a 2nd and 3rd grader has been out 3+ weeks with a fractured knee cap in game 1 vs Eastern. He begins to practice again this week. Hopefully the offense will get back on track. Heard the little guy from Logan broke his femur. That would be a darn shame if true. I hope not. Best of luck.

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by Buckeye1234 »

They aren't doing too bad. Still undefeated! Glad Colt will be back but good for the other kids to know they can win without him.

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by NYBucksDad »

I was told the Logan boy had a dislocated hip and should only be out for two weeks, I hope this is true I hate to see any kid get hurt. That could have easily been my kid or another and you never want to see one get hurt. Best of luck hope he gets well soon.

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Re: Logan Tomahawks

Post by tric118 »

You guys are exactly right. The little bucks have remained unbeaten. That is due to great parents, coaches and kids who work extremly hard to continue to make the team successful. It has been a good run which I hope continues. I think the 4th grade class can leave with a lot to be proud of. Many good little athletes in all but also great young men.

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