hornetman58 wrote:Starting Monday March 1rst. 5pm. Fairland 4th vs. South Point 4th grade, 6pm. Coal Grove 4th vs. Point Pleasant 4th, 7pm. Rose Hill 6th vs. Point Pleasant 6th ,8pm. Symmes Valley 4th vs. Ironton 4th. Tuesday 5pm. Ironton 5th vs South Point 5th, 6pm. Minford 6th vs. South Point 6th , 7pm. Fairland 5th vs. Wheelersburg 5th, 8pm. Symmes Valley 6th vs. Barboursville 6th. Wed. 5pm Chesapeake 5th vs. St. Lawerence 5th, 6pm Chesapeake 4th vs. Green 4th, 7pm Loser of 1 and 2 play in 5th grade division, 8pm. Ironton 6th vs. Rock Hill 6th. Thurs. 5pm. Coal Grove 5th vs. Symmes Valley 5th, 6pm. Coal Grove 6th vs. winner of 1 6th, 7pm. loser of 1 and 2 4th grade plays, 8pm. loser of 3 and 4 in 4th grade plays.
If that is not confusing.....so who does the winner/ loser of the Minford /SP 6th grade play and when?