Little League District

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Little League District

Post by gaspasser »

We are new in this area and would like some info on how to go about getting in touch with someone that is over it.Up north the rules were not followed and we were wondering how its done down here and are they inforced for all or just a few?Can anyone help me with this and tell me about the system you all go by.

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Re: Little League District

Post by gametime »

Contact Donnie Rawllins not sure what his number is but he is the District Administrator!!!!!!!

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Re: Little League District

Post by oldtrojan »

gaspasser wrote:We are new in this area and would like some info on how to go about getting in touch with someone that is over it.Up north the rules were not followed and we were wondering how its done down here and are they inforced for all or just a few?Can anyone help me with this and tell me about the system you all go by.

Would like to know what rules were not followed!!

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Re: Little League District

Post by gaspasser »

The rules that say how many coaches are allowed and kids playing out of thier boundraies, Coaches outside the dugouts on buckets,warming up pitchers.This was allowed to go on as long as you were friends with the person in charge.Our main concern is the safty of our kids.

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Re: Little League District

Post by Thepeake1 »

The rules in our district are strictly enforced. Donnie Rawlins is strict when it comes to the safety of our children and enforcement of the rules. I think you will be happy with the way things are ran. Welcome to the area!

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Re: Little League District

Post by youthsportsfan »

gaspasser wrote:The rules that say how many coaches are allowed and kids playing out of thier boundraies, Coaches outside the dugouts on buckets,warming up pitchers.This was allowed to go on as long as you were friends with the person in charge.Our main concern is the safty of our kids.

how would your kids get hurt with a coach warming up a kid sitting on a bucket ?

even though this is a rule, i dont understand it and it saves time , alot in between innings, but rules are rules

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Re: Little League District

Post by Peanut »

I agree with the previous post. My daughter is a pitcher and has a certian routine that she goes through. If I know she is pitching then we have to be at the field early to warm up so we don't get in trouble. Now trust me, some leagues you go to the coaches/parents warm them up and others do not. Even in tournament play, we just went to another open field and warmed up. I do not agree that this is a safety hazard for anyone.

alabama mike
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Re: Little League District

Post by alabama mike »

District 11 covers Scioto and Lawrence counties in se Ohio. If you will send me a private message, I will try to put you in touch with someone from your local league boundary.

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Re: Little League District

Post by gaspasser »

I was at the enterleague meeting last night and listened to what was said about the way District 11 will hold each coach accountable for their actions at the games.The DA seem to get his point across that if there is any trouble at any field that they would deal with it not the local leagues.Can the district do this regaurdless of what the local league Boards have to say?

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Re: Little League District

Post by Peanut »

District DA is over interleague. I was told that the DA could recommend that a manager/coach be punished but the local league board would have to do that. Now, saying that, the DA has the right not to let you interleague and so if you choose to let the coach continue the DA can just cancel the rest of your games for that year and not let you interleague the next. The local board still has control of their managers/coaches/and players. Again, it's little league and each manager/coach/parent and kids should be held accountable for their actions. Remember, though, there is two sides to every story!!!

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