Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

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Freshman Team
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Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

The Western Indians Varsity Boys Basketball team and the Western Indian Roundball Club will be hosting a Junior High Boys Shootout on Saturday June 5th at Western High School.

There will be a 4 game guarentee.

Entry fee will be $125 for one team or $200 for two teams. Example: If you only bring your 8th grade team you would pay $125. If you bring both your 7th grade and your 8th grade teams, then you would pay $200.

If there are enough interested teams for a 7th grade pool and an 8th grade pool, we will do that. If not there may be some games where a 7th grade team will play an 8th grade team.

We are looking for a minimum of 8 teams with a maximum of 10 teams.

Makes Checks Payable to: Western Roundball Club

Send Checks to: Western High School
Attention: David Kight
7959 State Route 124
Latham, OH 45646

You can also bring the check the day of the shootout, but you must pay before you are allowed to compete.

If you are interested please contact Varsity Boys Head Coach David Kight by e-mail at [email protected] or at school (740) 493-2514. You can also contact Boys JV Coach Jason Claytor by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (740) 970-0840.

Deadline for notification of entry is May 28. We will take the first 8 to 10 teams who express interest.

The shoot-out will being at 9:00 am on that Saturday.

Please contact one of us if you are interested or have any questions.
Last edited by CoachClaytor on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

blue devil
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by blue devil »

Is there tournament play after the 4 games? Also are you all using full courts or side courts?

Freshman Team
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

We will be playing the games on Full Courts. We will be using out High School Gym and our Junior High Gym. 2 games going on at once. Everygame on a full sized court.

There is no plan to go a tournament afterwards simply do to time restraints. With only have two courts it could be difficult to get everything in a timely manner.

Freshman Team
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

Current Teams in

Western 7th
Western 8th
Eastern 7th
Eastern 8th
Fairfield 7th
Fairfield 8th

Possibly 2 teams from Vinton County, we are waiting on confirmation on those two teams.

If Vinton is in, then we will need 2 more teams to fill out the Shootout.

Freshman Team
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

Wheelersburh 8th grade has committed.

Current Line-up

Western 8th
Western 7th
Eastern 7th
Eastern 8th
Fairfield 7th
Fairfield 8th
Wheelersburg 8th
Vinton County 8th?
Vinton County 7th?

We are still not sure if Vinton is bringing one team or two. If they are bringing two that will put as at 9 teams. That only leaves 1 spot open, which ideally we would like to use for a 7th grade team so we can have even pools. If a team stills wants to bring both teams, we here at Western are willing to combine into 1 team so that another school can bring both teams

Freshman Team
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

Vinton County has confirmed that they are bringing both teams and Western has currently downgraded to only 1 team.

This leaves the current line up as follows:

Western 8th
Eastern 7th
Eastern 8th
Fairfield 7th
Fairfield 8th
Wheelersburg 8th
Vinton County 7th
Vinton County 8th

This gives us 8 teams. We can take 2 more teams. First 2 that contact either Coach Kight or myself will be in.

Freshman Team
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Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

Saturdays shootout will being at 9 o clock. I will post the schedule tomorrow.

Games will be 15 minute running clock halves. Clock will stop in the final minute of each half. Coaches will be given 1 timeout each half.

Considering we are in an area where there is no place to really go out and eat during the day, we will have a fully stocked concession stand.

The final team line up is:

Wheelersburg 8th
Notre Dame 8th
Eastern 7th
Eastern 8th
Vinton County 8th
Vinton County 7th A
Vinton County 7th B
Minford 8th
Minford 7th
Western 8th
Fairfield 8th
Fairfield 7th

Freshman Team
Posts: 239
Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:04 pm

Re: Western Indians Junior High Boys Shootout, Saturday June 5th

Post by CoachClaytor »

HS Gym 1 HS Gym 2 JH Gym
9:00 Eastern 8th v Western 8th Minford 8 vs VC 8 FF 8 v ND 8
9:50 VC 7 A vs Minford 7 Eastern 7 vs FF 7 Burg 8 vs Western 8
10:40 FF 8 vs Eastern 8 Burg 8 vs VC 8 VC 7 B vs Minford 7
11:30 Eastern 7 vs VC 7 A ND 8 vs Minford 8 VC 7 B vs FF 7
12:20 Eastern 8 vs ND 8 Burg 8 vs FF 8 Western 8 vs VC 8
1:10 Minford 7 vs FF 7 Western 8 vs VC 7 A Eastern 7 vs VC 7 B
2:00 FF 8 vs Minford 8 Burg 8 vs ND 8 Eastern 8 vs VC 8
2:50 Eastern 7 vs Minford 7 FF 7 vs VC 7 A
3:40 Minford 7 vs VC 7 B

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