Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

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Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by West Sider »

Boys grades 3-6 February 21 thru February 27, Girls grades 3-6 February 28 thru March 6 $100 entry fee Please call 740-250-3132 or 740-858-0396

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Pedro »

What teams are entered in each Division?

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by West Sider »


jimmy chipwood
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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Any new information about this tournament? Teams entered? Deadline to enter? Piketon 6th grade might be interested.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments


portsmouth 3/4 is in

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by TIGERS90 »

Who is in the tournament..in the 4th grade

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments


We(Portsmouth are 3/4 combined}

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Falconburger »

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by minford17 »

First of all congratulations to Ironton A for winning the 6th grade tournament. My big complaint is how can an official remove a coach from the bench for simply asking a question. What an ego. While our player was shooting free throws. the opposing team starts yelling at our player while standing along the lane. I simply asked is yelling at a player allowed by the opposing player while lined up for a free throw? This idiot goes off and forces me to sit down. This person should not be allowed to officiate. A coach has every right to ask questions about situations during the game, and to top it all off my players told me after the game that he used poor language in reference to me after the game. Get a life and get over yourself jerk. West you need to not allow this person to officiate your games again

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Westsider1993 »

Might had to do with all the Northwest fans that had to be tossed!!! Northwest..way to represent. You all should be proud of yourselves. And a handful of Burg Women that went crazy and were tossed and then tried to sneak back into the second game and carry on again. What is wrong with people? You get a bad call and the world comes to an end. How much do you think those guys get paid to put up with the crap they hear? It isn't enough. If there is a questionable call sure voice your opinion and let it go. It is the people that go on and on and on about it. And cussing at the refs and the kids c;mon...get a life. I have argued a call or 3 in my life but let it go already. I stood beside the rowdy Northwest crowd and heard them tell this ref that is like 19 years old " Yer dead boy" Really? And everyone says us westsiders are the bad ones.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by minford17 »

I agree with your statement. Heard how bad it got at the other gym. We will be having a deputy on hand for the Minford tourney this week. However, my incident happened at the middle school. I did not curse the ref. I did not argue with the ref. I just politely asked a question, and he gets his panties in a bunch and treats me that way. IF he is licensed, which I doubt he is, his behavior was very unprofessional and for using foual language after the game like some of my players said he should not ref again youth league games again. Mr. Craft was very polite to me when I asked him a question and I appreciate that, but the other guy was way off base.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Falconburger »

Hey truly believe it was a pretty good refing job tonite, they were calling fouls that I have not seen called all season, fouls on jump shots, over the backs,,excellent calling both ways..

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by sportsfan »

Heard a basket scored off the press in the 3rd when the press wasn't allowed was the difference in a two point game with your team Falconburger. Any truth to that? I wasn't there, just heard it after the fact.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Falconburger »

we werent pressing, girl was just lost on the defense rotation back, but that has happened to us all tourny season, it seems the refs are not informed of the rule or as I heard the ref saying somthing about as long as they are in transition after the rebound, but as the game progressed he started calling the reaching and body fouls on our girls, and whether we won or lost I still could not have any complaints about the ref's..like I said before there are times when teams obviously know what they are doing with pressure before halfcourt, cause the players will reach and tip the ball the whole game, and it wasnt the only reason that we won the game..defense on their best player had alot to do with it, and we picked her up at half court unless it was the last two minutes of the halfs. And my rule of coaching is I don't blame the refs, they make bad calls, but as a coach and player you have to adjust and if you reflect back on the game either you as the coach could have made adjustments, or your players could have, or you just played a better team, refs dont cost you the ball game. That is just how I feel, you have never heard me on here on any post bringing up the reason for losing and you never will. Just thought after what happened the previous week a "attaboy" for the West tourny people would be a change of pace for our tourny.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by sportsfan »

It sounds like your girl made an honest mistake, but it also sounds like they could have disallowed the basket. I wasn't there to see it. We have played in two tournaments so far at South Point and Coal Grove and there have been no problems with our crowd, the refs or our coaches.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Falconburger »

The comment wasnt towards your team or fans, they were great..it was to an earlier post on here dont worry about it..Yeah, anyone coaching that level or a parent sees it at times, kids get confused what you are telling them, well the defense before half court has happend to us numerous times at other places, at our tourny I made sure the refs new the rule and the coaches..but like I said there are some that still push that rule and it has cost my team points before. The play was earlier in the third, with us already having the lead, who knows, it was a very good game, 44 scared me for your team..very strong and good player, also you had a few others step up and knock down the shots..turnovers by both teams it what really hurt in the final 2 minutes..but they are 9 yr old kids..

jimmy chipwood
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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Anybody know the girls schedule and results so far?

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by Westsider1993 »

Maybe you can go find a group of refs for next years West tournament that will run up and down a court all day lon g for next to nothing and listen to the crap that the fanatics yell continous. I am sure anyone who puts a tournament together for any sport especially at the pee wee age would like for you to find these people for them. You can't be perfect I don't care how long you have been doing it. The things I heard said were borderline criminal, and that young man wearing the stripes handled it very well not showing much emotion at all. If he didn't make ejections it would have escalated.

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by SSU Grad »

I agree "93".. People need to chill-out and relax. Let the kids play the game and quit whining. The coaches and fans are more immature than the elementary aged students playing the game... I mean really. Who cares? it is a pee wee game that really means nothing....these refs worked several games over the last two weeks and did an excellent job in my opinion. Everyone makes mistakes....

And yes, Northwest fans... you should be ashamed !!!!!

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Re: Portsmouth West Boys and Girls Basketball Tournaments

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Results for the girls tournament? Who won the girls tournament? Anything, anybody?

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