logan Youth Wrestling Tournament

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logan Youth Wrestling Tournament

Post by bookie »

please look into this or send it to your youth coach first place trophy is 59" here are the teams in it i need 3 more teams to fill it up Delta, mason, mt. healthy, desales, vinton co., logan, sheridan, lancaster, bloom carrol, trimble, groveport, nelsonville, new lex.

On Sunday January 06, 2008 Logan will be host a 16 team pool tournament just for the youth wrestlers. The cost for each team is going to be $100.00. If we get 16 teams each team will wrestle at least 4 times and up to 6 times depending if your team wins their pool. We will be having at least 5 mats maybe 6 depending on space. We know we can fit 6 mats but we do not know how much space we will have for each team to sit next to there mat. Here is the weight class, their will be 20 weight classes the first ten weight class will consist of grades 1-3 the second ten will consisted of grades 4-6. Weight Classes for grades 1-3 will be 40, 47, 54, 61, 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, and Heavy Weight 118(max). Weight Classes for grades 4-6 will be 68, 75, 82, 89, 96,103, 110, 117, 124, and Heavy Weight 146(max). You can weigh-in more than 20 kids if you like. And you can substitute them as you like but they still have to follow the guidelines as far as weight classes and grades. We will have a
hospitality room for coach and COACHES ONLY. Also we will be giving out team awards. Awards will consist of one big trophy for the coach and 24 individual awards for your team if your team places in the top 4. But realize we are only going to give out 24 awards no more. If you are interested please send me your contact information so I can get a contract out to you as soon as possible.This is not Limit to our league first comes first serves. Any Questions Contact me by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (740)438-6236
Thank you and Good Luck,
Coach Noah Bookman

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