Logan Youth Team Duals 16 Teams

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Logan Youth Team Duals 16 Teams

Post by bookie »

Logan Youth Team Duals is going to be held on January 4, 2009 and like always Sponsored by YOUR HOME PLACE (www.yourhomeplace.net). We are hoping to have all 16 team this year. Last year was our first year holding this tournament and we only had 12 teams involved. Even though we had 12 team everyone received at least 4 or more team duals. We started at 10:00 am and we were done with the tournament by 4:00 pm. We started on time no problems. Last years problems: Only one referee that had multiple complaints on him (which he will not be returning this year). I had a couple of questions about the weight classes how they were set up but then again some of the coaches liked the weight classes. Over all it was a big success. Multiple coaches said “it was the best ran tournament they have been to this year“, “it was a kick butt tournament”. Once again the price for the tournament is $100.00 per team 20 weight classes and at least 5.

1st grade (or under) to 3rd grade- 40, 47, 54, 61, 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, and Heavy Weight 120(max)
4th grade to 6th grade- 68, 75, 82, 89, 96, 103, 110, 117, 124, and Heavy Weight 150(max)

Here were the teams involved in last years tournament:
Logan, Mt. Healthy, Delta, Groveport, Fairfield Union, New Lexington, Lancaster, Bloom Carol, Trimble, Nelsonville, Mason, Loudonville

Awards: 24 medals for teams placing in the top 4. Also a BIG team trophy to the top 4 teams.

Tournament Format: 4 pools with 4 teams in each. Next the winning and the second place in each pool will come out into a bracket set up with pool A 1st place against pool D 2nd place and ect… then the teams that place 3rd and 4th in there pool will be matched up. Example 3rd place in pool A will wrestling 3rd place in pool B and ect…

Rules: There will be 3 periods each period being 1 minute long. We will flip the disc in-between periods. The rest is high school rules. High school rules on the duals 6 points fall 4 points major ect… there will be no advancement points

Mats: will be running 5 mats

Referee’s: are certified

Location: Logan, Ohio 43138 (not sure if it is going to be at the NEW high school or the Middle School. Two very nice faculties

First comes first services - sooner you contact me the sooner I can get a contract out to you and put you on the list as a team coming.

Noah Bookman
[email protected]

Teams that are coming so far: Mason, Bloom Carroll, Lancaster, Midpark(clev), Circleville, Mt. Healthy, Logan, Nelsonville, New Lexingtion

Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:38 pm

Re: Logan Youth Team Duals 16 Teams

Post by bookie »

Teams that have joined so far Mason, Bloom Carroll, Lancaster, Midpark(clev), Circleville, Mt. Healthy, Logan, Nelsonville, New Lexington
and more to come

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