Ironton 8th grade

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by curiousgeorge »

I have enjoyed reading all the posts on this topic and I am amazed at how Ironton always seems to be the team that is singled out for cheating! Can it not be possible that they actually do have a really good group of talent for thier age/grades? They have rules to follow and I am sure none were broken. They have refs for a reason at all these games, true? I bet if you ask the Ashland's 7th grade quarter back he could tell you they are all legit. He went to school with all of them!

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by biggdowgg »

I went up to see Portsmouth play Ironton tonight, Ironton is huge but I didnt see anything dirty out of any of the players, and the refs that called the game, done a great job,,,there was hardly any flags at all , so they let the kids play.

Ironton won 38 to 14

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Re: Ironton 8th grade


biggdowgg wrote:I went up to see Portsmouth play Ironton tonight, Ironton is huge but I didnt see anything dirty out of any of the players, and the refs that called the game, done a great job,,,there was hardly any flags at all , so they let the kids play.

Ironton won 38 to 14

So there wern't any freshmen or sophmores playing :122246 . Nice post biggdogg. That is a nice bunch in the 8th grade.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by on a mission »


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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by tigerdad »

My Gosh, Let the kid's just play, Is there something we need to condemn a good football team and coach's just because they have kid's that have hit their growth spurt early, I used to think my kids were big for their age until I moved them to Ironton school's about 4 years ago, But they were just average or small compared to the kids in their same grade and age, Yeah if they had more size they could really be more of a threat but until they start growing some more, they will take their lumps and enjoy just getting to play. Sportyfan we have had this conversation before, this was a game over a month ago and we are consentrating on our next game like you should be, If you think you have a ligit complaint by all means you are allowed to voice your opinion on here, But this game is in our past

Verity 7th grade took it to our 7th but not 1 ironton poster on here making a complaint

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by sballfan2010 »

I've known most of the boys on the 8th grade team (one grade up from my daughter) since they were in first grade and I had them in elementary school library and yes I’m talking about the big boys, they are the age and grade they say they are. Did they grow? Yes, just like all kids do. Are you going to complain about our 7th grade boys who are also big for their age, one over 6 foot? No, why becuase you won that game. Let the kids play accusing a team of cheating without proof is ridiculous and childish. Ironton has a rich history in football they don't need to cheat to make themselves look good, they are good :roll:
Last edited by sballfan2010 on Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by tigers2013 »

momcat wrote:I watched the Verity/Ironton 8th grade game this past Thursday. As impressed as I am with Ironton's team, I have to wonder what the ages of these boys are. I have a very hard time believing that the boys that took the field this week at Putnam Stadium were all legitimate 8th graders or appropriate 8th grade age. This team did not even resemble last year's team. Are there any repeat key players from last year except Dion Brown?

In addition to looking suspiciously older than our boys, the Ironton team played shamefully dirty football. There were countless late hits and cheap shots some that were caught by officials and many more that weren't. This not only reflects badly on the players, but on the coach who allows this behavior and the program as a whole.

If the Ironton representatives have nothing to hide they can post their roster with player # and birthdates.

There is no doubt that Ironton has had a long history of successful football. It's a shame that incidents like this cast a shadow on the legitimacy of a win. In any case, the Verity Patriots battled back in one of the most gutsy performances I've ever seen. I can't think of another team down 26-0 in the last 4 minutes of the game that could pull out 3 touchdowns in a row with two of them being forced turnovers. Our boys are true warriors in every sense of the word and the Ironton players and coaches should adopt some of their class the next time they step on the field.

the only reason ashland came back was because players were hurt, sick, and gotten thrown out...
if they all was there they would have never came back!
come watch ironton beat the crap out of portsmouth west on thursday at da tank

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by 85inside »

I will never forget 1987. I was a sophomore in college and i got the call from mark Lewis and Paul Fugitt. They were coaching Ironton's junior high at the time. they needed another player for a junior high game. I answered the call, like countless of other ex Ironton students. It was my pleasure to ensure Ironton would go undefeated again in junior high football.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by Brian Sipe »

I can not believe the accusations on this post. My son is on the 8th grade team, he was on the 7th grade team last year ,he played biddy league with these boys, he goes to school with them. He is 6 foot tall and his birthday is in November of 94 - a real 8th grader, ALL of the boys are of the appropriate age. Do you people have nothing better to do than to accuse people of cheating. I also agree with the suggestion to ask the Verity 7th grade quarterback or his parents, they know us all well. My son played biddy league with him, as did many of our unusually large players. If any of you have a problem with our roster, PLEASE go to whoever you wish. We would welcome the opportunity to prove that we are legitimate.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by ItownHosscat »

Personallt I'd like to see that 7th grade QB come back.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by Brian Sipe »

Amen to that Itownhosscat

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by converterfan »

so if all this is true NOBODY will have to worry about ironton when these boys are JRs. and SRs. cause they will all be moved out on there own with kids that are playin biddy league with wifes a job and mabey some will be drawing retirement :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :aaaaa54 :aaaaa54

take the loss and hush!!!!!!!!! :aaaaa18 :aaaaa18 :aaaaa18 :aaaaa9 :aaaaa9

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by converterfan »

and also if the coaches are producing this kind of play now look what the future will bring.

(when lutz retires for good)

coaches in training??????

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by 85inside »

Actually, i was able to pull off my ruse until i was 24 years old. I officially retired from IJHS football in the fall of 1990. Actually i was a little disappointed that I was not called up to the varsity roster in 1989. Ironton won a state title in 1989, and that would have been real cool winning a state title as a 23 year old 8th grader.

Good luck to this years IJHS squad. They have had a great season. I will tell you the truth, if that big offensive lineman for IJHS was as good at running City National Bank, as he is at blocking and tackling, the financial world wouldnt be on its ear right now. lastly, to the big bruising fullback...the fun is over, see you at the office tomorrow.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by converterfan »

85inside wrote:Actually, i was able to pull off my ruse until i was 24 years old. I officially retired from IJHS football in the fall of 1990. Actually i was a little disappointed that I was not called up to the varsity roster in 1989. Ironton won a state title in 1989, and that would have been real cool winning a state title as a 23 year old 8th grader.

Good luck to this years IJHS squad. They have had a great season. I will tell you the truth, if that big offensive lineman for IJHS was as good at running City National Bank, as he is at blocking and tackling, the financial world wouldnt be on its ear right now. lastly, to the big bruising fullback...the fun is over, see you at the office tomorrow.

NOW!!!!!!!!!! quit cheatin!!!!!!!

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by RiverRatRay »

I went down to the high school last year to take pictures of the Ironton 7th and 8th grade and I thought the 7th grade was the 8th grade. Those kids are huge. This may be the best 8th grade team Ironton has ever had. Here is the picture I took last year when they were in the 7th grade.


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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by curiousgeorge »

Thanks for posting the 7th grade picture from last year! It is fun to see how much they have all grown. The biggest kid in the back row #73 -Culbertson looks like he was maybe able to drive his car to get that picture made. I heard his mom gets questions all the time about his age so she carries his birth certificate with her everywhere she goes!!!! They blasted Ports. West last night and will be getting ready for Gallipolis next Thurs. That will be the last time those boys will get to cheat!

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by Flashing Cursor »

The OHSAA sets the age limit on who can play JH sports. None of the kids (on either team) could have been 15 before 8/1/2008 or they would be playing on the HS team reguardless of their grade. As a HS player you cannot be 19 before 8/1 of your senior year. The rules are very simple.
So... The only way they could be significantly older is if you started your kids in school at too young of an age. Their are no 15 1/2 or 16YO playing JH football. If you know of any have your AD turn them in and they will ineligible. Their team will forfeit the games they played in, and they will only have 3 years of HS eligibility remaining because they will be to old to participate.

as of today 15years 70 days is the max any kid could be.

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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by RiverRatRay »

I do have a picture of this years 8th Ironton 8th Grade thanks to


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Re: Ironton 8th grade

Post by ItownHosscat »

They are a good group of kids.

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