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Re: Holdbacks


osumufan wrote:You could essentially have a kid who is 33-34 months older which is a big difference but this is what is allowed. I don't agree with the holdbacks when a kid is in middle school and being able to play 3 years of middle school but it does happen. No use crying over it. If your kid is small and might get hurt then don't let them play it is the only safe bet. If your kid is huge and people say rude comments get over it people are mean. Lessons learned life is not fair and someone, somewhere will always have something dumb to say. Let it go already!

I agree....everyone goes by the same rules. If you agree or disagree,thats just the way it goes!!!!

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by Pringles105 »

yeah injuries are part of the game

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by derpa »

who is that kid that transfered from piketon to eastern? eighth grade? i heard hes short

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by dawg47 »

Let me explain my situation...
My son was the youngest child in his 8th grade class last year. He was also in the top 3 academically. However, most people didn't see what was going on "at home."
First of all, all of his "friends" were physically years above him.
He was one of hte smallest kids in his class too.He was socially immature compared to his peers. SOme were drinking, having sex, etc. My son was more worried about what video game he wanted to play that night.
He brought up the subject. He got along better with the kids a grade below him. He BEGGEd to be held back.

Although he had friends, he was still acting like a 13 year old. Some of his friends were getting their permits and were getting ready to drive. There is a HUGE difference between 13-15.
I had started him early in school. He had been ready then and was still academically at the top of his class. I only saw the "negatives" when he hit junior high .

Another reason we wanted to hold him back was that he had also been on medication for ADD and I was removing him from the medication.
I asked his school to retain him. They refused. I even told them that it was for medical reasons. They still refused.
I called a neighboring school and they sucked him right up. Here is what has happened:
1) top of his class
2) friends call day and night
3) will play 3 sports this year, instead of the one he would have played as a freshman
4) he was able to be taken off his medication
5) I have an extra year with my son
6) He has started growing and has gained 20 lbs since last May.
7) He is very, very happy.

I could care less what anyone says. One of his coaches last year told us that if he had one more year in jr high that he could be a really good athlete. When I told that coach we were switching schools, he said, "I don't blame you at all. I will miss your son, but you are doing what is best for him." He was an excellent coach and I will miss him.

ANyway, I have NEVER regretted my decision. A few eyebrows went up, but again, I could care less. I get one more year with my son.

I did do a lot of research on this and i found out that he now has an even field athletically, academically, and socially. If you are young parent, DO NOT start your child early. Hold them out.!!! If I had not been broke, I would have never started him early. Daycare was too expensive!

Will my son every receive an athletic scholarship? No. However, I wanted him to be able to participate in sports in school. There is more to school than just the academics. Sports teaches you self-discipline, determination, teamwork, and how to set goals. My son has all of those characteristics. The only extra thing I could give him was time. Time to grow, develop, and gain more self-confidence.

Bash me if you will. My child will be successful someday. Perhaps not on the court, but in life. Afterall, I was All-Ohio many years ago, and what did that get me? I got a plaque, a name on a wall, and a lot of memories. That's it. Success doesn't mean much.Those were my individual awards.
From being on a team I also gained lifelong friends, self-esteem, and many other atributes from being an athlete.

ONe last thing, I just thank God every day that my son is healthy and able to participate. I am a very lucky person. He is now a 14 yr old 8th grader. He is still only 125 lbs, but he is lifting, running, and trying his very best. I am so proud of him. Even if he never steps out on a court again, I will NEVEr regret my decision.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by Flashing Cursor »

Mom - you are a HERO to that boy. Good decision for all the right reasons. I can remember parents doing the same thing when I was in school at Waverly. Waverly refused to hold them back so the would enrole at another district a couple moved back once they got in HS. You got it right for your kid and that is all that matters.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by Lightle04 »

wow! momof1 my kid is an eighth grader who is mybe 5'4 90 lbs your 125er is pretty healthy ! good luck to you and him i hope it works out

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by dawg47 »

Last spring he was 103 lbs. He has gained 23 lbs since we decided to retain him :)

It has worked out really well. It may not be for every kid, but nobody gives you a parenting manual when you have children. Everything is done by trial and error. No matter what you do, some people are going to disagree. For once, I am glad I listened to my gut instinct and not what others said.

Thanks for your support.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by purpleblood1 »

First off was the rule that denied a student to stay back in 7th or 8th grade ever rescended or is it getting the head turn look the other way policy of the OVC? If this rule was not rescended then any player who has stayed back, any wins should be turned into a forfeit and any record that by this individual should be taken off the books. This rule was implimented because of what was going on at Fairland and CG at the time. The rule went into affect in my first year at Fairland and I had the best athlete to ever come through Fairland as my manager (Dean Wilkes). I think that holding a kid back is ok for academic reasons and social reasons, but not athletic reasons. The kid that is good at an early age, will be good later as long as he/she continues to work hard at the sport(s).

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by ManitouDan »

did'nt take the time to read every comment in this rather long thread but I'll throw my 2 cents in --- Here is what I'd love to see implemented in all sports --go to age based participation 8u , 10u,12u, 14u If a kid is over a reasonable age limit at the 8th grade level he can try out for the local HS team. I've seen too many held back kids destroy kids on the football field that either cause injury or discourage the younger athelet from continue playing.

Kids can still be held back for the correct reason ---academics ---and it does'nt have the atheletic advantage in grades 5-8 that the current system allows. MD

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by hotsauce1 »

brisco darlin wrote:I am all for holding kids back,there have been excellent arguments for not doing it as well. Hey if a kid is struggeling with academics I say hold them back not real sure I would let them play sports though grades are more important.Like I said 99.9999% is for sports and I have no problem with that just quit using the cover it is for Grades or Maturity reasons,those excuses are BOGUS.

If a school team wants to compete they have very little choice but to hold back students,right or wrong that's the way it is.

only if they get bad grades if they dont then why let them get held back...just for sports thats wierd b/c they wont get to play their senior year...well it depends on their age!

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by hotsauce1 »

besides that i totally agree with you!

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by lostcause »

my kid is in his right age group makes straight A's and is better in sports than most of the kids that are a year ahead of him. It only takes a minute to work with a child to make them better at anything. I think if you hold your kid back it is cause of lack of parenting. JUST WORK WITH THEM A LITTLE MORE!!!!!!!!it only takes time.

Frank Reagan
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Re: Holdbacks

Post by Frank Reagan »

hotsauce1 wrote:

..just for sports thats wierd b/c they wont get to play their senior year...well it depends on their age!

Nice job contradicting yourself in back to back sentences. Most students held back just once will be eligible for sports their senior year, in Ohio, unless they were started late in school to start with.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by RHGRAD »

momof1, can you tell me which school refused you??

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by jeepchopper »

Well I hate to bust everyones bubble but its not the parents decision as many people believe. In some school systems where they actually want the kid to be more than a junior high flash, its actually up to the superintendent. You have to file for your child to be held back a year, and there must be a qualified reason. Not just because the parent wants them to stay back. It has to be a dynamically rehearsed answer that can woo the sup. Thats how it really works. And ever since this whole education thing has gotten so screwed up, the state has started to look into students being held back and for what reason. Especially if another parent complinas that the child wasnt held back for "uneducational" reasons. So that should pretty end the arguemtn for this post right here.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by crazymidgets »

Jeepchopper if that burst the bubble im not buying. Because if it was like it should be then we wouldnt be having this discussion in the first place, and that is the problem, this is the real world! Its a win win situation the parent and the school get what they want.
Winning programs turn into more revenue for the school system (packed gyms and stadiums) and the parent gets to watch their older kid be more competitive. And that is the reality of it!!!!
We have seen this coming we have watched our college programs go from freshman ineligibility to kids doing the 1 and done to high school sports on espn and this is logicly one of the next steps.
The purity of high school sports is being attacked just take a look around, kids transferring to school after school, high school coaches being suspended for RECRUITING violations, (Wellston is how close it is to us) AAU coaches being kicked out of the system for rules violatations, high school teams traveling all across the country to be on tv, this is turning into big business. Jr. High Games NEXT.
So then we progress to having kids a yr. older and kids graduating in the spring so they can do spring drills with their prospective universities so they are able to play straight out of high school so whats next, wheres the next slash going to be to our morality cause when it comes down to the dollar trust me there will be a next.

rosemount rebel
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Re: Holdbacks

Post by rosemount rebel »

hate to see holding kids back to play sports.two to three years is a big difference in jr high but kids will catch them in high school. see it all the time at burg :122248

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by fbnut »

I believe there is currently a young man at the highschool level at the burg that requested to be held back when he was in jr high and was not allowed to do so by the administration. The young man transfered to another area school where he was able to be held back then after that school yr he came back to the burg.

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by fatback »

fbnut wrote:I believe there is currently a young man at the highschool level at the burg that requested to be held back when he was in jr high and was not allowed to do so by the administration. The young man transfered to another area school where he was able to be held back then after that school yr he came back to the burg.

It is hard to believe 'burg had a problem with holding anyone back...lol

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Re: Holdbacks

Post by fbnut »

I know its difficult when reallity differs from perception.

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