Greenfield 4th, 5th, 6th Boys + Girls tourn.-Mar.1-2

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Greenfield 4th, 5th, 6th Boys + Girls tourn.-Mar.1-2

Post by tiger_1992 »

I was asked to pass this on...

Date; March 1 and 2, 2008

Who; 4th thru 6th Boys (8 teams in each grade - 24 total)
4th thru 6th Girls (8 teams in each grade - 24 total)
* 12 player w/# roster and 2 coaches (sent with payment) *
** These will be only members of team let in for free (no exceptions) **

Costs; $125 per Team (Checks or Money Orders - made out to Rebels Basketball)
* Entry to Games will be everyone $3 a day or 2 day bracelet for $5 *
( This is good for entry into all sites and games )

Awards; 1st Place Sponsor Award for all 6 Divisions and 12 Individuals w/2 Coaches
2nd Place Sponsor Award for all 6 Divisions and 12 Individuals w/2 Coaches
3rd Place Sponsor Award
* Based on 8 Teams in each Division - Subject to change if less *

Where; McClain High School Gym
McClain Junior High School Gym
Rainsboro Elementary Gym

Contact Info; Travis O'Connor (Cell) 740-701-7677 or (Home) 937-981-1931

Mailing Address; Travis O'Connor
767 Jefferson Street
Greenfield, Ohio 45123

* Entry Deadline is Feb. 23, 2008 or when I have filled all 6 Divisions which ever comes first *
** Coaches meeting on Feb. 24, 2008 (Time and Location to be announced at a later time) **
** All Rules, regulations, schedules, and terms of the Tournament will be addressed at Coaches mtg **
*** All entries are non-refundable, but may be Team subbed or exchanged if approved ***
**** All comments, questions, and concerns should be addressed to Contact Person ****
All Proceeds go to the "SOUTH CENTRAL REBELS" AAU Boys Basketball Program

Thank You,

Travis O'Connor
South Central Rebels (Coach and Founder)

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