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Marietta Basketball

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:50 pm
by mc40
Ok I think I am going to quit my team because I was talkin to a friend that goes to Marietta on the 7 grade team and due to budget cuts marietta is goin to size down to one team... Can you imagine Marietta vrs Warren and having Chwalek, Chalfant and Satterfield all together with a little help..

I give up

Re: Marietta Basketball

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:42 pm
by mtiger24
There are so many rumors going around Marietta, no one knows for sure what cuts are going to be made. The 8th graders for Marietta went undfeated. The 7th graders arent as good as the 8th graders. B-V 7th could easily beat a combined Marietta team.

Re: Marietta Basketball

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:06 pm
by mc40
Ok but according to a few coaches this one will prolly be the once since they are finally cutting out a few class's

Now a combined Marietta team on a NEUTRAL court would be a good game. Marietta 7 grade is way better than people give them credit for. People don't think enough Marietta's4 best player is equal to B-V's 12

Yeah that 7 grade team is not as good as the 8 grade team but there is some talent their that really would be hard to match up agaisnt no matter who you are.

I know from watching B-V this year when they came and played at Marietta that B-V, 7 grade team has a good lineup and about 1 decent bench players then they are lacking for some talent