HCA 3rd/4th Grade Boys Tournament
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:00 am
Why do some coaches think they are exempt from playing by the rules? What are they accomplishing or teaching the youth they are coaching? I ask these questions, because a couple coaches put a damper on what was a very well officiated and ran tournament. The tournament rules specifically stated that the players for the teams participating must be on the teams New Boston Leauge Roster (Basically a League Team Tournament) and in the 3rd/4th grade. Clay B chose to ignore this rule and brought an all-star team from their school, combining the best of their two teams. HCA tried to play a 5th grader. HCA was the first team eliminated. However, Clay went on to win the tournament. Protest by the coaches who abided by the rules were acknowledged by the Tournament Director but nothing was done even though Clay stated they had not complied with the rule. I'm confused to what is going through a coaches head to do this but it definitely shows they are not looking at the childrens best interest. It's only a 3/4 grade tournament not the NBA championship. The coaches should let the kids play and take their egos out it.