Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

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Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by Bigboy52 »

How many programs have soccer for 3 & 4 year olds? How many have them playing games?

Took my kid to the first practice Wednesday night. Coach said game tomorrow. I said game? (why are they playing games at this age when they don't even know the fundamentals of the sport yet.) Asked how the game would be ran. Told it would be instructional. Didn't see any instruction other than kick the ball and score a goal. Hmmmm? Put my kid at goalie. Never done it before and was not told what to do. You can imagine the rest. Told that probably wouldn't hold practices anymore, just games. That's nice! Can anyone tell me why in the bleep 3 & 4 year olds are having games in the first place, let alone getting uniforms and having their pictures taken? They shouldn't be having games, getting uniforms, or having their pictures taken. They should be PRACTICING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Learning the FUNDAMENTALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They shouldn't have a game until they move up to the 4 & 5 year olds.

Moses Guthrie
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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by Moses Guthrie »

4.) When you stop chasing butterflies, try to kick the ball again. :)

My 4 year old girl is usually singing and dancing in between play..........If you can get them to concentrate on the game for most of it, job well done. Other than that, allow them to run and have fun.

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by osumufan »

In most younger leagues u-6 and under they usually don't even allow goalies that confuses the kids when you are telling the goalie to use your hands and the rest can not. They should at least have one practice a week but should also have a game too. As far as cramming them with fundamentals there aren't much other than what has already been stated. They are too funny to watch just relax and let them have fun! Most leagues are begging for coaches if you can do it better as to volunteer!

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by sticks »

Three and four year olds should not be playing any organized sport. Their attention span is not long enough. I would not put any child into organized sports until age 5. Just my opinion.

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by GreenGrass »

Whether they can pay attention or not, it does one good thing - increases their activity levels and gives them somewhere to be and something to do other than sitting home. I say start them in some type of activity early so they develop interests that are productive and active.

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by Bigboy52 »

I have my kid in it for some social activity. Whether she plays soccer or not doesn't concern me. But, for those who go on to play, they need to learn the basics now so they will have more time later to learn other aspects of the game.

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by Underdog2006 »

As long as we keep it simple and fun, playgound next to the field seems to be a plus.

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Re: Soccer for 3 & 4 Year Olds

Post by pcohio »

Starting them early is great for physical and social development, and has been mentioned...There are not many fundamentals that can be taught at this age. The main things to teach are the "specifics" of the game (i.e. what do you do when: it goes out of bounds, the whistle blows, etc.)
Why wouldn't you let them play at all? If you feel that way, don't let your kid play or be involved in the program! If you don't like the way your child's coach is running things, VOLUNTEER yourself! The worst thing about SPORTS (especially Youth Sports) is the parent who is "full of knowledge of what is right" and has a negative opinion about the way things are being ran, but will NOT help out in any way! When I ref games and a parent/fan tells me how I missed this or that, I ask them if they want the whistle and they invariably say "NO!"

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