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Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:29 am
by Black@Orange
We can never be competitive if we can't get in the gym. We are not allowed in the gym if there is no school. My daughter plays for a 2nd thru 4th grade team. We are half way thru the season, and we have had 4 practices. No practice thru the holidays because there is no school. Why? The biddy ball league has insurance. We pay for janitors, but have to clean up on are own. Why? But the High School girls coach can call a tournament to make money during the holidays. And then its ok to be in the gym. Lets give our young kids a chance. The schools belong to the community, not Ciraso, Bazler, or Platzer. If we want any kind of basketball program it starts in biddy ball. Give the kids a chance. Maybe some of the school board members, should come watch a few games, before they cast their votes. I cannot remember the last time I saw Jerry Evans at anything, that had anything to do with the kids. Beside a school board meeting.
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:23 am
by falconfan86
Black@Orange, you are not the only biddy ball program that experiences this problem..Alot of schools do not acknowledge biddy ball programs as part of the school athletics, even though those programs are developing the kids for that school..I have had to go to rent gyms during holidays or to get extra don't feel bad, you guys are basically in the same boat as everyone else..good luck
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:37 am
by claybball
I don't understand WHY schools don't recgonize biddy ball programs. Do these ADs think these kids hit junior high and know how to play?? Support these biddy ball programs!!! They are your FUTURE players!!
Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:15 pm
by 4thgoal
Guess we are very lucky here at the Burg. We have full support from everyone including Barrick, Holden and everyone else involved in the program. We can always get in the school and have 1-2 practices a week.
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:28 pm
by 2ndchance
4th n Goal wrote:Guess we are very lucky here at the Burg. We have full support from everyone including Barrick, Holden and everyone else involved in the program. We can always get in the school and have 1-2 practices a week.
Support what support ? Gym time ?They wouldn't let anyone into use the gyms last year, and for a girls program, I don't remember one for 5 & 6 . So where is the support for the children up to 4th grade ? (None) They have to play somewhere else like in the New Boston league. As I understand it some of the 5 & 6 grade boys don't even play up at the school this year and still no girls teams so how lucky are we at the burg?
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:58 am
by fbnut
The burg 3rd and 4th grade girls that play in the NB league used the gym some last yr and they have used it a few times this yr.
Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:48 pm
by High Plains Drifter
The tournament that the West Girls Coach put together was to raise money for the high school girls and boys program.Last years tournament raised enough money to buy shooting machines for junior high and high school teams. The biddy league has never been affliated with the school . There isn't enough gyms to have practices for 2-12. Thats why if you want extra practices you have to find other sources. When my kids were in biddy ball we had to rent gym time , or find a big garage somewhere if you wanted extra gym time.
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:21 pm
by johndeere
I have a comment to WESTSIDE!!! People who are in charge of running that biddy ball program-especially the girls!!! Why is there no pressing being taught in the program?? Everytime an all star tour. is held, the girls can't break a press-yes, can't break a press??? It needs to be implemented into the biddy program. If not implemented then DON"T play an any all star tournaments-THE GIRLS ARE LOST!!! Just a concerned on- looker!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:00 pm
by westside my pride
There is NOTHING right with west side biddy ball. During All-Stars our girls and boys look like they have never played before. I have a girl and a boy and it's embarassing to watch them against other schools. I really thought that the CHANGES would make our program better however NOTHING has changed! Parents who know nothing about basketball and how to PLAY the game should not COACH and Parents who want their kid to be the star and not play as a team should not be a COACH!
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:12 pm
by fanatic23
westside my pride wrote:There is NOTHING right with west side biddy ball. During All-Stars our girls and boys look like they have never played before. I have a girl and a boy and it's embarassing to watch them against other schools. I really thought that the CHANGES would make our program better however NOTHING has changed! Parents who know nothing about basketball and how to PLAY the game should not COACH and Parents who want their kid to be the star and not play as a team should not be a COACH!
I love how stupid people always want to blame someone other than themselves. Kids don't get better during the season it's the off-season when they get better so instead of letting them play video games all day make them go outside and practice. Another option is to put them on a summer traveling team but I bet your one of those parents who don't want your whole summer tied up. The parents are the ones to blame if you ask me, so step up and practice with your kids instead of wanting a coach to turn them into an NBA player. Parents like yourself is the reason coaches are hard to find because instead a telling your kid they need to practice or play harder you tell them their coach is a moron so look in the mirror before you point fingers.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:20 pm
by fanatic23
johndeere wrote:I have a comment to WESTSIDE!!! People who are in charge of running that biddy ball program-especially the girls!!! Why is there no pressing being taught in the program?? Everytime an all star tour. is held, the girls can't break a press-yes, can't break a press??? It needs to be implemented into the biddy program. If not implemented then DON"T play an any all star tournaments-THE GIRLS ARE LOST!!! Just a concerned on- looker!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have to learn how to dribble and pass first and from what I've seen there's not a girl down there that can do that so once again is that the programs fault or a kid that don't pick up a basketball untill basketball season. TEACH THESE KIDS FUNDAMENTALS AT HOME AND THEN THINGS WILL CHANGE until then nothing will.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:37 pm
by clevelandbrowns#1
I beg to differ, I know of 3 girl's in that biddy program that played AAU basketball this past summer. My daughter learned alot this summer and I feel she has goten better, but I feel she needs more. As a parent you can only teach your kid so much at home. You can't teach them to break a press, that has to be done in a practice or open gym situation. You can't teach them a play or plays on offense, that again has to be TAUGHT in practice or open gym. If you don't practice these things in practice, then how can you expect a 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th grade kid to do it in a real GAME??? If the biddy program doesn't teach how to press or break a press how do you expect these kids to do it in tournaments??? I'm not putting all the blame on coaches, some needs to be on them, some needs to be on the league (board) and some on these kids. Lets face it, the program @ West will not get better until these things are worked on.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:56 pm
by osumufan
West has the athletes, just look at their softball teams in the little league and junior/senior league. I think in the summer the emphasis is on softball and that may be one of the reasons their basketball is so much weaker. Not practicing I am sure is not helping the situation. I know in the SP biddy league the 3/4 and 5/6 do all press for the whole game if that is what the coach wants. But if the team is ahead by 10 or more then there is no press.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:33 pm
by High Plains Drifter
If your kid cannot play defense, shoot, dribble with their head up, catch, or have any ball smarts, I don't
think that is the biddy ball coaches fault. It is yours....give them something to work with. For crying out
loud the coach only gets 2 hours a week until all-stars. Lets be realistic also, even with aau, some kids
have it and some don't.
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:09 pm
by gametime
High Plains Drifter wrote:If your kid cannot play defense, shoot, dribble with their head up, catch, or have any ball smarts, I don't
think that is the biddy ball coaches fault. It is yours....give them something to work with. For crying out
loud the coach only gets 2 hours a week until all-stars. Lets be realistic also, even with aau, some kids
have it and some don't.
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:46 am
by westside my pride
fanatic23 wrote:westside my pride wrote:There is NOTHING right with west side biddy ball. During All-Stars our girls and boys look like they have never played before. I have a girl and a boy and it's embarassing to watch them against other schools. I really thought that the CHANGES would make our program better however NOTHING has changed! Parents who know nothing about basketball and how to PLAY the game should not COACH and Parents who want their kid to be the star and not play as a team should not be a COACH!
I love how stupid people always want to blame someone other than themselves. Kids don't get better during the season it's the off-season when they get better so instead of letting them play video games all day make them go outside and practice. Another option is to put them on a summer traveling team but I bet your one of those parents who don't want your whole summer tied up. The parents are the ones to blame if you ask me, so step up and practice with your kids instead of wanting a coach to turn them into an NBA player. Parents like yourself is the reason coaches are hard to find because instead a telling your kid they need to practice or play harder you tell them their coach is a moron so look in the mirror before you point fingers.
Just wanted to let you know STUPID has very talented kids that do practice all year round....I think I'll just stop there!!!!
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:14 am
by fanatic23
westside my pride wrote:fanatic23 wrote:westside my pride wrote:There is NOTHING right with west side biddy ball. During All-Stars our girls and boys look like they have never played before. I have a girl and a boy and it's embarassing to watch them against other schools. I really thought that the CHANGES would make our program better however NOTHING has changed! Parents who know nothing about basketball and how to PLAY the game should not COACH and Parents who want their kid to be the star and not play as a team should not be a COACH!
I love how stupid people always want to blame someone other than themselves. Kids don't get better during the season it's the off-season when they get better so instead of letting them play video games all day make them go outside and practice. Another option is to put them on a summer traveling team but I bet your one of those parents who don't want your whole summer tied up. The parents are the ones to blame if you ask me, so step up and practice with your kids instead of wanting a coach to turn them into an NBA player. Parents like yourself is the reason coaches are hard to find because instead a telling your kid they need to practice or play harder you tell them their coach is a moron so look in the mirror before you point fingers.
Just wanted to let you know STUPID has very talented kids that do practice all year round....I think I'll just stop there!!!!
If a kid practiced all year round than he or she would stand out and from what I've seen down there this year not one kid seems to stand out. Don't get me wrong there is talented kids in the system but no great basketball players and trust me I have seen them all play.
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:51 am
by Westsider1993
What do you mean no talent in the lower levels? My kid could take on Lebron James. I taught him everything he knows not some overpaid biddy ball coach that knows it all. I hope some one is laughing by now. Cause I sure am. Only major gripe I have is school affiliation with the lower grades. I say why not? They wear the colors of the school ,the school should back them. It's what happens when you live in small town USA and you are a small D4, D5 school. Everyone knows how to do it better, but all they do is complain. Athletics are great for kids. They need to keep busy. Not all kids are cut out for a certain sport but it is good that they can play. Parents need to be able to recognize a kids stregth or weakness in a sport and work on it individually. I am not talking about breaking a press. I mean if your kid dribbles and shoots with 2 hands while jumping off the wrong foot maybe golf is his game. Just because you were an all american back in the day doesn't mean your kid will be good at the same sport.
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:54 pm
by eddiefranklin
west should go back to the way it used to beand have tryouts for each grade level and the rest go home.then u will see how much thay work in off season.
Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:29 pm
by WestFan27
Of all the people complaining how many offered to coach? Probably none, That is the problem everyone wants to criticize, but no one wants to help. Here is what I think should happen. Monday 5:30 to 7:00 all 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade girls practice together like a camp focusing on only fundamental drills (dribbling, passing, defensive slides etc..) . Monday 7:00 to 8:30 all 2nd, 3rd ,and 4th grade boys same thing. Tuesday 5:30 to 7:00 all 5th and 6th girls same fundamental drills. Tuesday 7:00 to 8:30 all 5th and 6th boys same thing. Wednesday all 2nd, 3rd, and 4th girls work on press, press break offensive plays and team defense. Wednesday 7:00 to 8:30 all 2nd, 3rd, and 4th boys same as girls. Thursday 5:30 to 7:00 all 5th and 6th girls work on press, press break, offensive plays and team defense. Thursday 7:00 to 8:30 all 5th and 6th boys same as girls. By this everyone is on the same page and you get 2 practices a week and get to cover every aspect of the game. On Saturday play a game DO NOT KEEP SCORE that way it is not about winning. Run the clock like normal that way they get game situations. Every team must press last 2 minutes of half and end of game. That way when they get to All-Stars they are used to it. But that is just my opinion.