2nd Annual Little Hocking Shootout for 5th Grade Boys

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2nd Annual Little Hocking Shootout for 5th Grade Boys

Post by thap1973 »

[b]Little Hocking will be hosting the 2nd annual Little Hocking Shootout for 5th grade boys on February 12th, 13th and 14th at Little Hocking Elementary School. This tournament will be an 8 team pool play tournament with a single elimination tournament on Sunday. Teams must be school or league teams, no traveling or AAU teams permitted. Entry fee will be $100 per team. Individual awards for top three teams. Contact Tony Hapney at 304-588-6297 or [email protected] or Ryan Dennis at 740-989-0571 or [email protected] for further information. Please make checks payable to LHYBA and send to 121 Cherry Blossom Lane, Little Hocking OH. 45742. Entry deadline is January 31st. Please email for directions.

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