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Looking for games over the next 2 weeks

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:42 pm
by 1987chieftains
we have a 6th grade boys team in logan looking to play some games through the week and weekend of christmas break. if you have a team please IM me with a phone number or email so we can set something up.

Re: Looking for games over the next 2 weeks

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:26 pm
I have a 5th/6th grade boys team from Wellston and we would be interested in setting up a game with you over the holidays. I also have a friend from Jackson that has a team as well and I think he would be interested also. We are already trying to set something up with them next week. We could possibly arrange something in which all 3 teams could come and play a couple games each. Please contact me at 740-988-8258 and we can try to make it happen. Thanks.