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2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:44 pm
by minford17
The 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Boys 2011 Minford All Star Tournament will be held from February 28th through March 6th. These are four separate tournaments. The 3rd and 4th grade tournaments will be held at Minford Primary School, and the 5th and 6th grade tournaments will be held at Minford Middle School. The tournaments are for school based teams ONLY. All kids on a team must attend the same school. No travel teams will be permitted. The format will be pool play with a guarantee of 3 games for each team. We will also have a 3rd place game as well. A limit of 9 teams will be allowed into the tournament. Entry fee will be $100 and must be received by February 17th. If money is not received by then, the next team on the waiting list will be called. We had several teams on a waiting list last year. Please contact David Gullett at 740-285-1753 if interested, and to receive further information.

The dates for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade girls tournament will be finalized in the next couple of days, so keep looking here for further information.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:16 am
by Pedro
I have left a message and want to enter a 6ht grade boys team. Haven't hear back. We wanted to play last year but were to late to get in.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:06 pm
by minford17
The 6th grade boys tournament is now full. We still have plenty of spots open for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:05 am
by minford17
Need 3rd grade teams, have 4 spots open for 4th grade, and 3 spots open for 5th grade.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:06 pm
by tigers1
New boston has a third grade team that want in.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:31 am
by Pedro
What 6th grade teams are playing?

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:37 pm
by minford17
We currently have the following openings:

4 for 3rd grade
1 for 4th grade
1 for 5th grade
6th grade is full

6th grade teams are: Minford, Ironton St. Joe, Wheelersburg, Coal Grove, Jackson, Valley, Waverly, South Webster, Clay, Northwest, Eastern and East

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:50 pm
Who is playing in the 4th grade so far

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:11 pm
by minford17
3rd Grade is now full with 6 tentative teams: Minford, Greenup, Valley, New Boston, Wheelersburg, and West
4th grade needs two teams. Currently 10 tentative teams: Minford, Eastern, Valley, Northwest, Green, Portsmouth, Ironton, Gallipolis, West, Clay. Need Gallipolis and Green to call me.
5th grade is full with 6 teams: Minford, Portsmouth, Northwest, Jackson, Coal Grove, West
6th grade is full with 12 teams: Minford, Ironton St. Joe, East, Wheelersburg, Northwest, Coal Grove, Jackson, Clay, South Webster, Eastern, Valley, Waverly

I do have a waiting list of teams started also in case teams do not send in registration fee by Feb. 18th. I will call those teams who contacted me that did not send money in first, and if they dropped out I will call those on the waiting list.

Thanks to all that have called in so far.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:22 pm
by minford17
I was just notified by Gallipolis that they will be unable to participate in the 4th grade tournament. We can accept one more 3rd or 4th grade team to enter the tournament. Please call 740-285-1753 if interested.

5th and 6th is still full. Thanks to all who have called with interest.

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:03 pm
by minford17
Monday February 28th, 2011
5:00pm Valley 4th vs. Northwest 4th
6:00pm Minford 4th vs. Clay 4th
7:00pm Coal Grove 4th vs. Oak Hill 4th
8:00pm Green 4th vs. Eastern 4th

Tuesday March 1st, 2011
5:00pm Valley 3rd vs. Wheelersburg 3rd
6:00pm Minford 3rd vs. West 3rd
7:00pm West 4th vs. Ironton 4th
8:00pm Minford 4th vs. Portsmouth 4th

Wednesday March 2nd, 2011
5:00pm Northwest 4th vs. Green 4th
6:00pm Minford 3rd vs. McKell 3rd
7:00pm Oak Hill 4th vs. Clay 4th
8:00pm Valley 4th vs. Coal Grove 4th

Thursday March 3rd, 2011
5:00pm Wheelersburg 3rd vs. West 3rd
6:00pm McKell 3rd vs. Valley 3rd
7:00pm Ironton 4th vs. Portsmouth 4th
8:00pm West 4th vs. Eastern 4th

Friday March 4th, 2011 (SEE BRACKETS)
Saturday March 5th, 2011 (SEE BRACKETS

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:37 pm
by minford17
Monday Feb. 28 - Winner
5:00 S. Webster 6th vs Clay 6th- S. Webster
6:00 Jackson 5th vs Coal Grove 5th- Jackson
7:00 Wheelersburg 6th vs Eastern 6th- Eastern
8:00 Minford 5th vs Portsmouth 5th - Portsmouth

Tuesday Mar. 1st
5:00 Jackson 5th vs Northwest 5th - Jackson
6:00 East 6th vs Jackson 6th - East
7:00 Portsmouth 5th vs West 5th - Portsmouth
8:00 Minford 6th vs Ironton St. Joe 6th - Minford

Wednesday Mar. 2nd
5:00 Eastern 6th vs Waverly 6th - Eastern
6:00 Coal Grove 5th vs Northwest 5th - Coal Grove
7:00 coal Grove 6th vs Clay 6th - Coal Grove
8:00 Minford 6th vs Valley 6th - Minford

Thurs. Mar. 3rd
5:00 South Webster 6th vs Coal Grove 6th -S Webster
6:00 Wheelersburg 6th vs Waverly 6th - Waverly
7:00 Jackson 6th vs Northwest 6th - Jackson
8:00 Minford 5th vs West 5th - West

Fri. Mar. 4th
5:00 Northwest 6th vs East 6th -East
6:00 Ironton St. Joe 6th vs Valley 6th -Valley
7:00 5th grade gm 1 6 NW vs 3 West -NW - West eliminated
8:00 5th grade gm 2 5 Minford vs 4 CG -CG - Minford eliminated

Saturday - Bracket games

9:00 6th grade gm 1 #8 Coal Grove vs #9 Ironton St Joe - Coal Grove
10:00 6th grade gm 2 # 5 Jackson vs # 12 Northwest - Jackson
11:00 6th grade gm 3 # 6 Valley vs #11 Clay - Clay
12:00 6th grade gm 4 #7 Waverly vs #10 Wheelersburg - Wheelersburg
1:00 5th grade semis Northwest vs Jackson - Jackson (Northwest to 3rd place game)
2:00 6th grade game 5 #4 South Webster vs winner of game 2 - Jackson ( Bryce Hall with a 3 as clock expired )
3:00 5th grade semis Coal Grove vs Portsmouth - Portsmouth ( Coal Grove to 3rd place game)
4:00 6th grade game 6 #3 East vs game 3 winner - Clay (good comeback by East)
5:00 6th grade game 7 #2 Eastern vs game 4 winner - Eastern
6:00 6th grade game 8 #1 Minford vs game 1 winner - Minford
7:00 6th grade game 9 game 6 winner vs game 7 winner - Eastern
8:00 6th grade game 10 game 5 winner vs game 8 winner - Jackson ( Great game - 45 to 44)
Sunday - Championship and third place games
1:30 5th grade 3rd place game Northwest vs Coal Grove
2:45 6th grade 3rd place game Minford vs Clay
4:00 5th grade championship Jackson vs Portsmouth
5:15 6th grade championship Jackson vs Eastern

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:50 pm
by Tripleplay
Anyone have results from yesterday?

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:08 pm
by minford17
South Webster over Clay
Jackson 5th over Coal Grove 5th
Eastern over Wheelersburg
Portsmouth 5th over Minford 5th

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:10 pm
by Longfellow Deeds
What school in Minford are these games being played at? Does anyone have an address?

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:50 am
by Tripleplay
Updates from games on Tuesday?

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:52 am
Can you include 4th grade also

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:41 pm
by Moses Guthrie

With 5th grade pool play completed, what is the 5th grade tournament schedule?

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:04 pm
by minford17
results and schedule for 5th and 6th in above post

Re: 2011 Minford All Star Boys Tournaments

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:15 pm
by minford17
Sunday - Championship and third place games
1:30 5th grade 3rd place game Northwest vs Coal Grove
2:45 6th grade 3rd place game Minford vs Clay
4:00 5th grade championship Jackson vs Portsmouth
5:15 6th grade championship Jackson vs Eastern