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MEIGS 6th Grade Boys State Runner Up

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:03 am
by MaroonGoldMom
Congratulations to the Meigs Marauder 6th Grade Boys! This talented group of 7 boys and 1 girl won the 6th Grade OYB Ohio State Basketball Championship held this past weekend in Columbus, OH. Defeating Fort Frye, Van Buren, Johnstown, and Nelsonville York before losing to a very good Grandview Heights team. Way to go Bailey Caruthers, Lane Cullums, Devon Hawley, Zach Helton, Peyton Humphreys, Christian Mattox, Theodore McElroy, and Brentton Young! Also congrats to Shawn and Heather Hawley for successfully coaching this group to the finals! AWESOME!!!!!